

Active Member
A 6'4" Mexican!!!

You're right then - stereotypes don't count for much! lol

Hey, we don't get many Mexicans in my part of the world, except for the odd backpacker. All I get is from what I see on TV. Speedy Gonzales being a particularly insensitive case in point.... ;-)

I am working with a Columbian chick right now. Man, I'd like fuck her brains out! She's driving me crazy, and that accent is soooo hot. Plus, she can probably get me some A-grade coke! Ah, shit, I did it again.... Damned stereotypes. lols

Green Inferno

Active Member
this changes everything
a 6 4, 300 lb mex living in the chi you should be getting all the pussy in the world (maybe you're a north halsted guy..LOL)
that not fat bro you jut probly let yourself go
I am out of shape, I exaggerate my fatness. I am not skinny though. I wear 50W x 38L pants. 50" waist is out of shape.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Dude you shouldn't be talking shit...Why in hell would you try fake weed?
relax i'm not shit talking
+(fake weed) that was just something i tried because it made the news paper and i was intrested in it. and real talk that shit is a drug all on it's own, it will get you way higher then weed pluss way longer. it is it's own type of drug. and dont try o get at me before you be the next person starting a feel bad for me thread..LOL

Green Inferno

Active Member
fuck ignorant bitches like that iam a white boy and i grew up in the hood and i have friends of all ethnicitys but of course your going to run into some people that are just ignorant ive seen ignorance in all forms towards me in my life so far and iam only 20 so ya you just gotta knock the dust off your shoulder and tell yourself "mmmmmmmmmmhhhh they probly where droped on their head when they where born so its not there fualt" lol
I was just blocks from Cabrini Green. That was the hood.

Brick Top

New Member
Racism sucks but sadly it is a part of life that at some time or another many have to deal with. I'm a white American so it would be natural to assume I never have to deal with it, but I live in an area that is around 65% to 68% black. A few years ago I went to Wendy's after work to pick up a couple burgers because I did not feel like cooking. I ordered two junior bacon cheeseburgers, along with other things. I waited and I waited and I waited and finally I leaned over the counter to see if I could see what the holdup was.

There was a young black woman standing in front of two partially made burgers. Another young black woman came over and asked what the first one was waiting for and she said bacon. The second one asked; "is this for that white man out there?" (They did not see me watching and listening to them) The first said it was and the second picked up what looked like a stainless steel a container and pulled a metal rack out of the bottom, reached in and pulled out a few pieces of bacon that were dripping in grease and might have been there all day for all I knew and said; "this is good enough for him" and put the bacon on my burgers. When they were given to me I said how I saw and heard it all and that I would not take them and wanted two fresh burgers with fresh bacon on them. There were about four or five other people waiting to place orders or pick up their food and they were all black. They started getting really nasty with me and one told one of the employees, the one who said; "that's good enough for him" to call the cops and they would say I was causing a disturbance. So I just left and ended up going home and cooking after all.

When I was part owner of a car dealership my partner ran an advertisement that said no credit application would be refused. Now that was sneaky in a way because it did not say that the lender would not turn down any application and only that we would take any application and attempt to get it approved. A young black female's credit application was turned down and she screamed at me and called me a racist because I did not approve her loan. She said if she were white her loan would have been approved but we turned her down because she was black.

I attempted to explain to her how we do not approve or deny loans but she would not only not listen, she would not stop talking and would not stop yelling and screaming that I was a racist. I also tried to explain what the advertisement actually meant, that we would not refuse to take/accept any credit application, the advertisement that if my partner had told me about I would have tried my best to talk him out of running, but I was still called a racist. Within about two weeks some Black organization wanted a meeting with my partner and I and basically they tried to strong arm us into creating a new management position, just for someone who would be black, to make up for the wrongly perceived injustice of what happened with the black female customer. We refused because we were a small operation and there was no need for anyone else, regardless of color, and we were not about to create a management position that was not needed and pay someone who was not needed. We were told that they would picket our business and run local advertising campaigns against us and spread the word among the black community to not do business with us because we were racists. My partner at the time, who is anything but a racists but who is also anything but politically correct, finally blew his top and said if you want more blacks working here then buy the f'ing place and you can put in as many as you want. No one picketed, no advertising campaign calling us racists occurred and if any word of mouth campaign was undertaken it didn't hurt our business, so it was basically a hollow strong arm shakedown attempt to try to scare us into giving some form of restitution for an incorrectly perceived racist incident.

When one of my nieces applied for college she was turned down by the college that was her first choice. From third grade on the lowest grade she ever received was an A-. During the summers while attending a private junior high school and private high school she was attending the very same college taking college level courses. Her college entrance scores were the highest of anyone that had ever come from her private school, and it's the best around.

Both of her parents were alumni of the college. She had a stack of recommendations from other alumni of the college, every teacher she ever had that was still alive and in the area or able to be contacted to be able to get one from wrote one for her as did her minister and several charitable organizations she did part time work for.

After repeated meetings, without being accepted, the admissions person she was dealing with told her and my sister and brother in law that what she was going to say next was off the record and if they ever told anyone she said it she would deny ever having said it.

She then said to my sister and brother in law; "your daughter is the wrong color." She said they have to meet government set quotas, which in reality is nothing more than legally legislated discrimination. She said she had a stack of applications, all from minority applicants, and that my niece's qualifications surpassed every single one of them, but the remaining openings had to go to minority applicants. Again, it was a case of legally legislated discrimination.

My niece more than earned her right to attend that college but she was denied simply because she is white. After earning a degree at the college that was her second choice she then got into the one that had first turned her down and she earned a second degree.

So yes, racism sucks but no one should ever believe that only those that are members of groups or races that are officially considered to me 'minorities' are the only victims of racism. Proportionally minorities are victims of racism more often, but it is not by any mean an experience exclusive to them and to them alone.

In every single group there will be some percentage of people who hate people of some other type or group simply because of what they are. All you really can do is pity the ones who have not evolved to a point to where they can only see people rather than instead only seeing color or religion or sexuality etc. and judging someone strictly according to those sort of things.

If it hasn't happened already, at least in some nations, sooner or later the racists will find themselves being a minority and if treated differently because of it I have to wonder how much they will like it and how well they will deal with it and if they will possess the needed level of intelligence to realize how they then feel is how their kind made many others feel for so very long.

Green Inferno

Active Member
Racism sucks but sadly it is a part of life that at some time or another many have to deal with. I'm a white American so it would be natural to assume I never have to deal with it, but I live in an area that is around 65% to 68% black. A few years ago I went to Wendy's after work to pick up a couple burgers because I did not feel like cooking. I ordered two junior bacon cheeseburgers, along with other things. I waited and I waited and I waited and finally I leaned over the counter to see if I could see what the holdup was.

There was a young black woman standing in front of two partially made burgers. Another young black woman came over and asked what the first one was waiting for and she said bacon. The second one asked; "is this for that white man out there?" (They did not see me watching and listening to them) The first said it was and the second picked up what looked like a stainless steel a container and pulled a metal rack out of the bottom, reached in and pulled out a few pieces of bacon that were dripping in grease and might have been there all day for all I knew and said; "this is good enough for him" and put the bacon on my burgers. When they were given to me I said how I saw and heard it all and that I would not take them and wanted two fresh burgers with fresh bacon on them. There were about four or five other people waiting to place orders or pick up their food and they were all black. They started getting really nasty with me and one told one of the employees, the one who said; "that's good enough for him" to call the cops and they would say I was causing a disturbance. So I just left and ended up going home and cooking after all.

When I was part owner of a car dealership my partner ran an advertisement that said no credit application would be refused. Now that was sneaky in a way because it did not say that the lender would not turn down any application and only that we would take any application and attempt to get it approved. A young black female's credit application was turned down and she screamed at me and called me a racist because I did not approve her loan. She said if she were white her loan would have been approved but we turned her down because she was black.

I attempted to explain to her how we do not approve or deny loans but she would not only not listen, she would not stop talking and would not stop yelling and screaming that I was a racist. I also tried to explain what the advertisement actually meant, that we would not refuse to take/accept any credit application, the advertisement that if my partner had told me about I would have tried my best to talk him out of running, but I was still called a racist. Within about two weeks some Black organization wanted a meeting with my partner and I and basically they tried to strong arm us into creating a new management position, just for someone who would be black, to make up for the wrongly perceived injustice of what happened with the black female customer. We refused because we were a small operation and there was no need for anyone else, regardless of color, and we were not about to create a management position that was not needed and pay someone who was not needed. We were told that they would picket our business and run local advertising campaigns against us and spread the word among the black community to not do business with us because we were racists. My partner at the time, who is anything but a racists but who is also anything but politically correct, finally blew his top and said if you want more blacks working here then buy the f'ing place and you can put in as many as you want. No one picketed, no advertising campaign calling us racists occurred and if any word of mouth campaign was undertaken it didn't hurt our business, so it was basically a hollow strong arm shakedown attempt to try to scare us into giving some form of restitution for an incorrectly perceived racist incident.

When one of my nieces applied for college she was turned down by the college that was her first choice. From third grade on the lowest grade she ever received was an A-. During the summers while attending a private junior high school and private high school she was attending the very same college taking college level courses. Her college entrance scores were the highest of anyone that had ever come from her private school, and it's the best around.

Both of her parents were alumni of the college. She had a stack of recommendations from other alumni of the college, every teacher she ever had that was still alive and in the area or able to be contacted to be able to get one from wrote one for her as did her minister and several charitable organizations she did part time work for.

After repeated meetings, without being accepted, the admissions person she was dealing with told her and my sister and brother in law that what she was going to say next was off the record and if they ever told anyone she said it she would deny ever having said it.

She then said to my sister and brother in law; "your daughter is the wrong color." She said they have to meet government set quotas, which in reality is nothing more than legally legislated discrimination. She said she had a stack of applications, all from minority applicants, and that my niece's qualifications surpassed every single one of them, but the remaining openings had to go to minority applicants. Again, it was a case of legally legislated discrimination.

My niece more than earned her right to attend that college but she was denied simply because she is white. After earning a degree at the college that was her second choice she then got into the one that had first turned her down and she earned a second degree.

So yes, racism sucks but no one should ever believe that only those that are members of groups or races that are officially considered to me 'minorities' are the only victims of racism. Proportionally minorities are victims of racism more often, but it is not by any mean an experience exclusive to them and to them alone.

In every single group there will be some percentage of people who hate people of some other type or group simply because of what they are. All you really can do is pity the ones who have not evolved to a point to where they can only see people rather than instead only seeing color or religion or sexuality etc. and judging someone strictly according to those sort of things.

If it hasn't happened already, at least in some nations, sooner or later the racists will find themselves being a minority and if treated differently because of it I have to wonder how much they will like it and how well they will deal with it and if they will possess the needed level of intelligence to realize how they then feel is how their kind made many others feel for so very long.
I got into it with people at fast food places that was race related. I generally don't care about race. If you're a good person, and cool to me,
that's all I ask. But when people cause problems with me because, I am Mexican, well, 1/2 Mexican. I appear to be mostly white. My last name
tells otherwise. Whites gave me problems because of my Mexican background, black people gave me problems because they thought I was white.
That urks me.

Fat jokes, okay, I'll laugh. Especially if it's funny. But family jokes, jokes on my dad? No, he killed himself, and I will die preserving his good name. He
was good people. He just couldn't do it any more.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
What does any of this have to do with weed? I've read this guys posts and they all go the same way. Do you know how many times you have informed the group that your dad killed himself? Dozens. Horrible thing...wrong website. I think this group has showed that the racists here are the minority. I'm with the Aussie, grow some balls and harden the fuck up. Life's a bitch...get a helmet. Really. Stop wasting time. Your time. Grab your nuts and get out there.

Green Inferno

Active Member
What does any of this have to do with weed? I've read this guys posts and they all go the same way. Do you know how many times you have informed the group that your dad killed himself? Dozens. Horrible thing...wrong website. I think this group has showed that the racists here are the minority. I'm with the Aussie, grow some balls and harden the fuck up. Life's a bitch...get a helmet. Really. Stop wasting time. Your time. Grab your nuts and get out there.
I moved on from this thread, last night, today is a new day. I guess you didn't move on.

I did post it in the wrong area. I thought I had it in the Toke and Talk area. Anyways, I posted this to see peoples reactions,
I dealt with something that bothered me, racism, on this site, I wanted to talk about it, I posted a thread. And I got to see
a lot of people's true colors.

Was I mad last night? Not outside the world of riu. When I closed my laptop, it was over. I slept great last night.


Well-Known Member
What does any of this have to do with weed? I've read this guys posts and they all go the same way. Do you know how many times you have informed the group that your dad killed himself? Dozens. Horrible thing...wrong website. I think this group has showed that the racists here are the minority. I'm with the Aussie, grow some balls and harden the fuck up. Life's a bitch...get a helmet. Really. Stop wasting time. Your time. Grab your nuts and get out there.
you are funny dude. Have you ever had to deal with racism? I deal with it every day it don't bother me it disgusts me. Especially hearing people who don't have to deal with it say "oh just get over it, it's no big deal" come on man that shit gets old. This thread was started because of an asshole on RIU who talked shit to Green and myself in a thread about weed and dogs.


Rebel From The North
you are funny dude. Have you ever had to deal with racism? I deal with it every day it don't bother me it disgusts me. Especially hearing people who don't have to deal with it say "oh just get over it, it's no big deal" come on man that shit gets old. This thread was started because of an asshole on RIU who talked shit to Green and myself in a thread about weed and dogs.
whats geting old is this racism thread! yes it sucks but the world aint perfect! and yes man up and move on!

Green Inferno

Active Member
whats geting old is this racism thread! yes it sucks but the world aint perfect! and yes man up and move on!
No one told you that you had to participate in this thread. It's like me complaining about what my neighbor is watching on TV.

"Dammit, they're watching Seinfeld again!"......


Rebel From The North
I dont have to be told when I can post on a thread, this is a forum ROFL! and back to the complaining seems you are doing alot of it!


Well-Known Member
whats geting old is this racism thread! yes it sucks but the world aint perfect! and yes man up and move on!
Do you deal with racism everyday? I don't think so I'm sure you've said the N word in anger before and I think you don't understand the whole issue about racism since you haven't had to deal with it for 42 years. Plus I love every color my kids are 1/2 white. My friends colors are like the rainbow their religions are from Christian, Buddhist, Jewish and Muslum. So you can't say man up when I'm already there. Stay up

Green Inferno

Active Member
I dont have to be told when I can post on a thread, this is a forum ROFL! and back to the complaining seems you are doing alot of it!
You said this thread is getting old. Therefor you probably don't like it. And you're still here because?

I can go hang out at the DMV, I don't like it there, but I will complain about it. "Damn this DMV, I hate it here,
I don't need to be here, but, here I am, I could leave and go to a place I rather be, but...."

You can go hang out wherever you want and post whatever you want. Knock yourself out.