HELP!!! burnt tips crunchy leafs yellow ahh idfk day20 flowering +REP HDPICS

ok so i have a 400w hps bout 8 babies they wer started in jan and flowering started in april.
at first i had them under 4 t5s the flowering changed to 400w hps. i got bigger pots this is the soil i have miracle grow for flowers and vegetables. i dont think the plants are getting all the food they need but this is first grow so i need help ill do anything this yeild has to make me some meds.... :sad:

im goin crazy help plz ill do ne thing check out pics.

PS IF im doing anything wrong please let me know i need help in all fields kinda.



Well-Known Member
I thinkyou have a nutrient lock-out from your PH being off
I suggest you water only with pure water to flush your soil.
Miracle grow is not the easiest soil to work with.
If you can get it it try Pro Mix. Collect rainwater if you can and use that.


Active Member
I have noticed the less nutrients i use the better the girls look. I started to only give them nutes when something looks wrong. Not every other watering


Well-Known Member
i have never gave them any nutes thats the crazy thing all i do is use regular water?
Then it's your PH being off.
isn't that soil pre-fertilized ?
regular water, as in tap water ?
you might want to dilute the MG soil with a lot of perlite, say 50/50 if that's all you can get.
i dont know much and yeah they are but i changed into bigger pots with cheaper miricle grow idk what to do idk what perlite n shit is i need help like can you guys just tell me what to do please like ill buy w.e add w.e i just havent really picked up on that stuff yet. but there nice i mean they smell good but i need the big yeild and they dont seem to be growing much they do get bigger buds fatter all that good shit but just need some more advice please.
oh yes and regular as in tap but the water here is ok i drink it so my babies probally can i guess? how do i test the ph and stuff fmrmboi i appriciate the help i can use mroe tho lol
Then it's your PH being off.
isn't that soil pre-fertilized ?
regular water, as in tap water ?
you might want to dilute the MG soil with a lot of perlite, say 50/50 if that's all you can get.
are you saying i need to buy perlite and mix it into my MG? like how do i go about doing that with out killing my plans? just buy more mg?
but the mg i used during veg was really fertilized but when it cam flower i bought the cheep stuff cause pots were big i didnt know itd make a huge diffrence? fuck.... on the mg it says like .15

here ill just attach a pic of back of mg i use now



Well-Known Member
You test PH the most accurately with a PH tester (pen like device), you'd measure the runoff after watering.
if your tap water comes from a well it will probably be to high (alkaline)
You'd have to repot all your plants with the perlite blended soil cleanining off as much as you can.
Before going to any expensive remedies just try flushing your soil with water. 3 times the volume of your soil done slowly so waterever is giving you grief can be dissolved into solution and flushed out. I do it every second watering with Pro Mix as it's a peat based soil too.
If that's all the nutrients that soil contains you'll have to buy something like 15-30-15 and feed them. I use a teaspoon per gallon of water and feed after I've watered.
You test PH the most accurately with a PH tester (pen like device), you'd measure the runoff after watering.
if your tap water comes from a well it will probably be to high (alkaline)
You'd have to repot all your plants with the perlite blended soil cleanining off as much as you can.
Before going to any expensive remedies just try flushing your soil with water. 3 times the volume of your soil done slowly so waterever is giving you grief can be dissolved into solution and flushed out. I do it every second watering with Pro Mix as it's a peat based soil too.
If that's all the nutrients that soil contains you'll have to buy something like 15-30-15 and feed them. I use a teaspoon per gallon of water and feed after I've watered.

what is flushing can you just explain that sry 4 inconveinace im just a little slow...


Active Member
good call farmboi ... I think your probally right on the money . I use the mg potting mix and run into the same thing with it . Its very cost effective , but it can be tricky to work with sometimes ... I think its probally mass produced and not very consistant , because it seems like sometimes its trickier than others ... but for the money ...hey - you just got to stay on top of it


Active Member
these proprietory composts like MG are inconsistant in their nutrient levels, i have used composts reccomended by the seed producers only to find it fried my young plants when i potted them on, they were about 3 weeks old. so i scrapped it. months later, i still had a couple of bags left from ages ago and i needed some compost to pot on a couple of mothers that were about 3 months old. i rhought maybe because of their maturity they would be able to handle the compost, no way they still crisped up, grew tight mutant curly growing tips, they looked like they had been exposed to some wierd nuclear death ray shit, this was "westlands mp with added john innes", i recon it had added plutonium. the best compost ive used was B&Q MP in the pink/purple bags. and it was cheap.
your photos look like nutrient imbalance either caused by too much nutes or too much fucking about with special ingredients, and the pH is maybe all over the place.
try and keep it simple, with good compost if you vege for about 4 weeks, use a big enough pot for budding, say 15ltr you should not need feed until about week 3 - 4 of flowering, and then only week stuff about 350 ppm, and then you may only need that one feed until you finish, because you want to give them just water for that last couple of weeks anyway.
washing your soil, as the peat breaks down it leaves a residue of humic acid that you have to flush out.
so i should flush my plants and mix perlite and mg? 50/50 half mg half perlite rite? is there a tut for flushing cause i really cannot fuck up these plants man its important... so just rinse off all the soil off plant roots rite then like flush in a toilet lolnot trying to sound retarded but that would get it off rite?


Well-Known Member
not trying to sound retarded
try a little harder, no, flushing is just watering, for a a soil rinse, 3 times the volume of soil to water should be watered through your soil over a period of hours. ONE gallon of soil you'd need 3 gallons of water (at room temperature or slightly warmer) If your problem continues you'd repot with 50-50 soil, if you want to flush the old soil down the toilet that's your business.
try a little harder, no, flushing is just watering, for a a soil rinse, 3 times the volume of soil to water should be watered through your soil over a period of hours. ONE gallon of soil you'd need 3 gallons of water (at room temperature or slightly warmer) If your problem continues you'd repot with 50-50 soil, if you want to flush the old soil down the toilet that's your business.

LOL alright alright i just dont understand the point of flushing ?
i think i just need to do the 50/50 cause the mg i have now looks like shit its brown and shit... but should i just buy the same mg and mix the perilite into it then pot or get a diffrent kind of soil? and when i transfer my plant get all the old dirt out or do i flush it before. thanks for the help man its a first time learning thing ...