1 Common Long Term Side Effect From LSD

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Man 4-get all the negative talk about acid who am i to judge and figure out, trip everyday who cares lol double your dose!! Check out this link http://youtu.be/a4OiL_YXr8M
Area 51 made contact with Aliens now there all common down here and there gonna Nuke every big city the government knows about it and they don't care there are safe areas we can go
Terrence mckenna Believed in Aliens


Well-Known Member
Man 4-get all the negative talk about acid who am i to judge and figure out, trip everyday who cares lol double your dose!! Check out this link http://youtu.be/a4OiL_YXr8M
Area 51 made contact with Aliens now there all common down here and there gonna Nuke every big city the government knows about it and they don't care there are safe areas we can go
Terrence mckenna Believed in Aliens
maybe yOU have just done too many drugs?


Well-Known Member
Man 4-get all the negative talk about acid who am i to judge and figure out, trip everyday who cares lol double your dose!! Check out this link http://youtu.be/a4OiL_YXr8M
Area 51 made contact with Aliens now there all common down here and there gonna Nuke every big city the government knows about it and they don't care there are safe areas we can go
Terrence mckenna Believed in Aliens
Terence Mckenna belived in aliens, but in my opinion he was an excessive user. Even if ones mind benefits from the substance he uses, its a foreign substance to the body. LSD is foreign, Psilocybin is foreign etc.. You can say that DMT wasn`t foreign but even if one said it was there for a near death experience or whatever, I`m sure we werent ment to have 100`s of near death experiences through our life as a specie. Everyones life is there own and if someone wants to trip themselves to la-la land everyday thats cool too. As long as they are a happy and peaceful insane person who doesn`t make sense rather than a angry and violent person who doesn`t make sense at the end of it. I`m sure a lot of people here would agree with that. If your going to blow yourself to la-la land often, I would say that you have to let go of your ego completely and achive a "if you slap me on my right cheek, I will show you my left one" mentality as by going this way, even if your sense of judgement is impaired you won`t be taking any wrong action on other people.

The reason I`m not going to be a serious drug taker is because I want to have an influence on the people around me and do positive contributions on the world. In order to do this, a good sense of judgement is needed and no amount of going to wonderland will help, it will only distract me showing how feeble our reality is :) I`m a serious game player and will play the game seriously even if I get fuck all at the end of it. Thats just me and what I want of my life.

You can stand your ground firmly with the back pain, but I would like to say that back pain isn`t a documented effect of LSD-25. I`m very strict about my posture and do 1-2 hours of yoga a day as I have had neck pain problems. If I go on a night out, booze up and get stoned I tend to forget about my posture and hurt the next day and I can`t say that the drugs cause the pain... Maybe you guys were just a bit tense at the time and had bad posture? Also LSD does cause muscle cramps etc... I felt tense after my LSD trip but thats because my mind was too busy to adjust my posture.

On a side note, Terence McKenna beliving in aliens=A person beliving in god or a vital force. IN MY OPINION!!!!!! The thing that matters is that good old Terence wasn`t a bad person. He was a man of peace, information and enlightnment. Interested in anything from geology to chaos mathematics. A great person.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Terrence McKenna was not an excessive user lol. I loved when he said Mushrooms came from outterspace travelling from another galaxy as spores, and theres a whole new language of communication like seeing sounds instead of just hearing them, advanced alien shit. Some people say they can even touch sounds. Isnt this whole argument acid has no bad effects except for the weak? Terrence was strong Guy i knew dropped a hit in his eye, Now the poor little weakling can't even open his eye more then half way. It stays lazy, Lemmie guess im just telling myths. Terrence was on to something wih the sounds though.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I really need to stop typing so fast on my fon, i know im hard to understand my punctuation is all fucked but please click on that link before u say i have done to many drugs


Well-Known Member
Terrence McKenna was not an excessive user lol. I loved when he said Mushrooms came from outterspace travelling from another galaxy as spores, and theres a whole new language of communication like seeing sounds instead of just hearing them, advanced alien shit. Some people say they can even touch sounds. Isnt this whole argument acid has no bad effects except for the weak? Terrence was strong Guy i knew dropped a hit in his eye, Now the poor little weakling can't even open his eye more then half way. It stays lazy, Lemmie guess im just telling myths. Terrence was on to something wih the sounds though.
Well depends on your definition of excessive use. I would say the great ideas you come up with will drastically decrease the more times you take it. I`m in for the ideas part and some for the medidation and personal psychologic understanding part really. Maybe some LSD at a rave or festival to really let me feel the way the festival is rolling, like the spirit of the festival kinda thing. Some with my brother, here and there you know... oh shit thats excessive hahaha who knows!

I don`t really feel it necessary to comment on the guy dropping LSD in his eye. LSD constricts blood vessels so maybe drop it in your mouth instead?

Detroit, you sound like a sensible guy (which has had non-sensible days :) ) with more experience with drugs and drug takers than me. But I`m still gonna say that LSD myths are just an incorrect way of describing some long term adverse effects of the substance. I`ll try some examples to try explain myself better.

Holes in someones brain sounds convincing because some people go too far into wonderland and lose their logical mind and commonsense.

LSD staying in your spine just points to the flashback part. Its almost like it does stay in your spine but I`m sure moments like the war giving people flashbacks aren`t this case. Its just a psychological mechanism of some sort LSD triggers.

Have I missed any? You get my point and I get yours. The myths point to true things with different causes.

On the other hand, LSD just hits some peoples mental weak spot and some people don`t know when to stop... Acid casualties lol

Okay... L is not a liquid, it's crystalline. To become liquid it is dissolved into alcohol. Dropping any kind of alcohol into your eyes is ill advised.

Also, on bitter blotters. L has no taste, but the alcohol it's dissolved into does. And then there's the taste of the paper and ink if there is any.


Ughh, never mind...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member

Okay... L is not a liquid, it's crystalline. To become liquid it is dissolved into alcohol. Dropping any kind of alcohol into your eyes is ill advised.

Also, on bitter blotters. L has no taste, but the alcohol it's dissolved into does. And then there's the taste of the paper and ink if there is any.


Ughh, never mind...
You should read LSD: My Problem Child. ;)


Well-Known Member

Okay... L is not a liquid, it's crystalline. To become liquid it is dissolved into alcohol. Dropping any kind of alcohol into your eyes is ill advised.

Also, on bitter blotters. L has no taste, but the alcohol it's dissolved into does. And then there's the taste of the paper and ink if there is any.


Ughh, never mind...
But sir that makes no sense to me when I was previously reading about how your not supposed to dissolve lsd in tap water as it contains chlorine!
Touche. But that is 30 minutes after ingestion. I was speaking of immediate taste. And the other effects could be psychological.


Well-Known Member
Man 4-get all the negative talk about acid who am i to judge and figure out, trip everyday who cares lol double your dose!!
Nope. It will work a day or so, after that, your tolerance gets astronomical - believe me, I know what I am talking about here.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about tap water?
Aha! Sniffed it out!

"After tablets came "computer acid" or "blotter paper LSD", typically made by dipping a preprinted sheet of blotting paper into an LSD/water/alcohol solution."

"It is stable for indefinite time if stored as a solid salt or dissolved in water, at low temperature and protected from air and light exposure."

Alcohol does the job too it looks like, learn something everyday :)

And I also saw this part and I think its relevant to this topic in an awesome way.

"The hallucinogenic experience is so striking that many subsequent disturbances may be attributed to it without further justification. The highly suggestible or hysterical individual would tend to focus on his LSD experience to explain subsequent illness. Patients have complained to Abramson that their LSD exposure produced migraine headaches and attacks of influenza up to a year later. One Chinese girl became paraplegic and ascribed that catastrophe to LSD. It so happened that these people were all in the control group and had received nothing but tap water."

Pretty much sums up a lot of stuff people are saying about poor old LSD. To me LSD is just like how they say "cannabis causes schitzophrenia" but has a higher chance in comparison. I think because LSD fucks some people up mentally from step1 and also some peoples "brain chemistry" from step1 and there are plenty of abusers going a bit bonkers taking it too much too, like famous musicians and such it got its reputation that way. Also the damn mass killers with sick minds fuelled on LSD too...

All this to say a strong mind altering substance should be illegal. Its good at altering the mind, full stop!

And in my opinion, when someone takes LSD and mentally can`t handle it they would rather blame the drug than there mind! I`m sure take any situation where 100 blotters are distributed to the street, at least some amount of people would say "there are bad acid" to the same blotters!

And gotta love this table :P


Ooops, looks like LSD beat Nicotine, Marijuana and Caffeine :D Its on average people but still...

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
All and all in the end lsd is spiritual medication just like the father of lsd said, it should be prescribe as spiritual medication. The pineal gland aka spirit chemical or whatever made me aware of God and the Devil, well the devil 1st then God later. Scarred the hell outta me at first and im talken months after use call me crazy but hey thats why i dont use it anymore. Some people even say shrooms is manna in the bible. Wild shit happens on it Terrence McKennas would ask his brother while he was tripping ask me a question i could not possibly know, sometimes he didnt have an answer on other occasions he would. Does that mean were all connected?