Truth or Lie?


Well-Known Member
Well kinda what Danny said, Make him pay you, but make him pay you all of it. It doesn't matter what happened. He was responsible for it, should have been smarter with those "cops". He owes you $7000 period. Better handle yer shit man or yer going to get the rep of "Oh he won't do shit about it!"


Well-Known Member
Put that dude on the corner till he gets your money, get him a wig & some heels if you have to but work his ass off till your paid off & paid back for any makeup dresses and shit plus your getting a cut if you got to work his ass...pimping aint easy


bud bootlegger
Put that dude on the corner till he gets your money, get him a wig & some heels if you have to but work his ass off till your paid off & paid back for any makeup dresses and shit plus your getting a cut if you got to work his ass...pimping aint easy
lmao... TRUE......


Well-Known Member
man if you riped someone of $7000 over here is aus, YOU WOULD get so fucked up man, i'd almost cripple him for 1 fuckin grand, man holy fuck i cant believe you havent fucked him up yet...
man i hope you get it back it sucks hearing about a fellow stoner getting riped,


Well-Known Member
Fronting should not be in anyone's vocabulary. If it is, you deserve what comes to you. /thread.


Well-Known Member
Man, This is one of the oldest, most used games in the book. "Dude, I got pulled over by the cops! They took all the weed and confiscated all the money. But I didnt get arrested, I didnt go to jail, they let me go pretty quickly, no charges were filed and I have no proof that any of this happened."


Active Member
I dunno - 7 grand - I'd be following his ass and checking his stories .... sounds like hes living it up on your tab. If I was a betting man - I'd bet A little detective work would uncover the fact that he has got strung out on something playing the bigshot slinging your buds - bet he buzzed the money away or got in over his head and had to use your stuff to save his ass .... This shit happens all the time ... how ever it works out for you , I would surely take a good lesson away from this disaster . Hope you can recover at least something from him ...


bud bootlegger
i'd like to ask the op one question if i may.. did he come to you asking to get fronted that amount of bud, or was it say your idea to give it to him first??
if he came to you asking to be fronted, well, i hate to say it, but he obviously was planning this whole thing out from the get go, which really is a shame.. anyhoo's, however it happened, it would surly be looking into hard and see what you can dig up on it..


Well-Known Member
Fronting should not be in anyone's vocabulary. If it is, you deserve what comes to you. /thread.
Well would you look at THAT! You forgot to tell people to look!!! lol

And am I the only one that has noticed the OP's name? .... Orange hair anyone?


Well-Known Member
Some dude owed me $700. I knocked 3 of his teeth out and told dude he owed $400. Needless to say I got payed within 3 days. 2 of the days he was in the hospital and denist office. You need to break that dudes ankle or knee. Cripple that fuvker a little bit. I guarantee he's out tricking your money off at bars strip clubs clothes hooker and blow. You better get to it fast otherwise you'll only get receipts and stories.


Well-Known Member
how do you get 7,000 from 1 1/2 lb's?
Thats way over priced
You wouldn't let him front you 1 and 1/2 for 7000? Theirs plenty of people who would front from you for that or even way more. Theirs a guy by the liquor store said he would front a pound from you for 7000$


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't let him front you 1 and 1/2 for 7000? Theirs plenty of people who would front from you for that or even way more. Theirs a guy by the liquor store said he would front a pound from you for 7000$
well of course id let the op front me it because I could just tell him I lost it and not pay him.
If someone fronted me that much and said to give them back 7 I'd laugh in there face.I can get a pound of sour d for 3 right now.