tell me you at LEAST got a blowjob for givin up your last to a chick... on 420 no less!!!I woke up started to roll up a blunt some girl called me and begged me for some bud so I gave her my last nugs, I then went to work came home woke up and just got back from court sick 420
lol how teh hell do you get so stoned so many times in the day??? you have a secret method????nothing crazy posted new vid for youtube and got shitface doing it.............then came in here and got shit faced............took a nap........woke shit faced....................ate BIG supper............came in here reading post and got shit faced..........the midnight hit and now its 4/21.............fuck it Im getting shit faced to celebrate
lol how teh hell do you get so stoned so many times in the day??? you have a secret method????
I mean I have a lot of different dank bud and I still don't manage to get that stoned several times a day...
practice practic practice....................dont try this at home..........Im a Professional......................
maybe I'll give the vape a try again in the future... for now I'm scared away from what it did to my lungs... maybe it was the vape I had.. it was a herbalaire... I've heard from my buddy who has tried the herbalaire compared to the volcano that the volcano has higher quality maybe I should try that or something idk.been smokeing for long long time..............and know how to enjoy the ganja.........let it flow grasshopper and you too will be elevated.......................vape always fucks me up worse than smoke.............or should say faster other than gravity bong I have......nothing hits harder than it for putting your ass on the couch and drool in the fetal potition.........hahahahah