Holy Tits My Landlord Just Walked In. My Wife


Well-Known Member
I don't know if my girl Love helping but I know she at least enjoys it! I have shown her how to do everything, so when its time to work she says asks what can I do to help. Some times its mix nutes, some times its trim buds (she butchered the first couple). Honestly at least half my setup is thanks to her! she is the one with a 9to5 job (shes a nurse) and purchased a good amount of the stuff for me to start! If I'm ever low on soil or nutes she will just go grab them while she is out shopping! So while my girl is no master grower there are plenty of reasons its great to have them around the grow! Not in any specific order!
1. my room, tent and closets get much cleaner when she helps!
2. Its spending time together! (if you get her into it enough she will think of it as spending time together, I know a lot of women want more time with their men)
3. My girl doesn't smoke but is worried about the buds being their best so she will help me get anything for my grow! I could say Hey I dont have cash but need another light. if the hydro store is open we would go get it right away! I have no guts I smoke so I can eat, her being a (my) nurse she wants me to have the best meds!
4. If you're on RIU you like talking about your grow or marijuana, I like talking about growing and marijuana to a real person as well!
5. when I want to brag about something I did I can talk to her, and she knows what I mean! You don't want to go brag to everyone else, thats how you get robbed!
6. like others have posted, You cant beat an extra set of eyes! even if she doesn't know exactly what the problem is she might see signs of spotting/bugs/mold first
7. like another person posted, you dont want to piss your woman off! 1st its just wrong 2nd they can F your stuff up or get your ass busted when she leaves you!
8. It save time! two people always get the job done faster than one!
9. When its crappy outside she likes to lay under the lights! I like to see tits and my plants like her breath
Im sure I could think of plenty more reasons why I love having my girl involved! Educate her then It can only be a good thing, you don't her going in during lights off do you?


Pickle Queen
Okay, so you want your grow room all to yourself, I understand. Growing is a peaceful and relaxing hobby and sometimes we like to keep our hobbies all to ourselves. Don't dawg on women like we have limitations that don't allow us to grow or understand what is involved to grow. Most of the men I know are better in the kitchen cooking and preparing meals than their women. We are all multi-talented individuals able to do just about anything we put our minds to, both men and women. At least let the wife stand in the doorway, even hand you a beer, sometimes anyway. Are you afraid she might be better at it than you are?
See men classy is all about the tongue and cheek comments


Well-Known Member
Okay, so you want your grow room all to yourself, I understand. Growing is a peaceful and relaxing hobby and sometimes we like to keep our hobbies all to ourselves. Don't dawg on women like we have limitations that don't allow us to grow or understand what is involved to grow. Most of the men I know are better in the kitchen cooking and preparing meals than their women. We are all multi-talented individuals able to do just about anything we put our minds to, both men and women. At least let the wife stand in the doorway, even hand you a beer, sometimes anyway. Are you afraid she might be better at it than you are?
sometimes this hobby can take up too much time to have it by your self, I live with my girl and we both have our own hobbies but they are outside of the house, the house is a shared space. We like coming home to each other and if the plants need tending its nice to do it together!
You are so right about the cooking! she cant even fry and egg!
he might be afraid she will get better! My girl butchered the first few nugs she trimmed but now is just as fast as I am! Save my fingers a lot of work!


Moderatrix of Journals
get your ass busted when she leaves you!
noguts, you are a *prince. (but some of us already knew that)

i agree 1000% with everything you said except ^^this^^; which i think should fall under your "educate her" point. having been the friendly female that's had to go talk the unfriendly female in from the ledge, i know firsthand that some girls, especially ones not well-versed in the subtleties of the black market, need to be sat down and have it explained to them that "you pissed me off so i'm going to land you in jail" might not bode well for them karmicly (or once he gets out). and most girls i know are rather concerned about their karma points.

a rat is a rat is a rat, no matter what plumbing you carry between your legs. any chick who will still rat you out despite having an understanding of how evil a thing it is, deserves to be with some guy who thinks she's not good enough to be a part of his grow.


Well-Known Member
Lmao hiya doc for you sure thing ;) but personally I love to cook sandwiches just aren't good enough! :D
Ha! You could cook me a sammich then. lmfao!!!!! :lol:

How you doin' girl? :hug:

tell that to your personal geisha!! (oh wait, geishas can't cook, but they can do other stuff.....;))
My wife makes a killer sandwich. Seriously, they always freakin' taste better when she makes them, I don't know why but they just do. She can't grill to save her life but she LOVES steak. I, on the other hand, am a grillin' fool! We compliment each other nicely.:cool:

How are you doin' girl? :hug:

Here's a funny pic for both of ya. I know you'll appreciate the humor. ;-)




Well-Known Member
noguts, you are a *prince. (but some of us already knew that)

i agree 1000% with everything you said except ^^this^^; which i think should fall under your "educate her" point. having been the friendly female that's had to go talk the unfriendly female in from the ledge, i know firsthand that some girls, especially ones not well-versed in the subtleties of the black market, need to be sat down and have it explained to them that "you pissed me off so i'm going to land you in jail" might not bode well for them karmicly (or once he gets out). and most girls i know are rather concerned about their karma points.

a rat is a rat is a rat, no matter what plumbing you carry between your legs. any chick who will still rat you out despite having an understanding of how evil a thing it is, deserves to be with some guy who thinks she's not good enough to be a part of his grow.
LOL your right! I was more so thinking about after they split up! most grows that get busted or robbed are by friends or an ex!


Well-Known Member
Ha! You could cook me a sammich then. lmfao!!!!! :lol:

How you doin' girl? :hug:

My wife makes a killer sandwich. Seriously, they always freakin' taste better when she makes them, I don't know why but they just do. She can't grill to save her life but she LOVES steak. I, on the other hand, am a grillin' fool! We compliment each other nicely.:cool:

How are you doin' girl? :hug:

Here's a funny pic for both of ya. I know you'll appreciate the humor. ;-)

Lmao I'm here side that boat had to just jumped out like the coffee shop did to me! Lol I'm doing well doc nice to see ya its been awhile and well that sammy could be arranged :D


Well-Known Member
LOL your right! I was more so thinking about after they split up! most grows that get busted or robbed are by friends or an ex!
This is true! When I got rid the ex he tried to have me charged with growing as well but didn't work out for him lol they laughed in his face lucky for me a lot of grows get busted because of exs but kitty is right it all depends on the person...


Well-Known Member
This is true! When I got rid the ex he tried to have me charged with growing as well but didn't work out for him lol they laughed in his face lucky for me a lot of grows get busted because of exs but kitty is right it all depends on the person...
Very true it does depend on the person! It's bad because some time you wont really know until it happens! You could really think Oh this person would never do that to me! then it can hit you in the face! Kitty is also right a rat is a rat and deserves to be with some one that doesn't or wont let her in on the grow!


Moderatrix of Journals
LOL your right! I was more so thinking about after they split up! most grows that get busted or robbed are by friends or an ex!
i was thiinking after they split up too....
hypothetically, 2 dudes live and grow togeher. they have a falling out. one moves out, the other stays and continues to grow. if the dude who left rats the guy who stays out, he's still a rat, right? women aren't exempt from that rule. a lot of them just don't know it exists. which i tend to view as an omission on the part of whomever first brought her into the black market.

some of the girls i've had to talk in from the proverbial ledge have been some of my closest non-growing gf's. ("listen up, if you can't grasp this concept, not only are we no longer friends, i'm actually going to have to INJURE you for being a dirty hoodrat.") more often than not, the ones who *threaten to rat you out are actually reasonable girls who just "never really thought of it that way." (i think pro quo stereotypes and hollywood have a LOT to do with that too, how many young girls do you think see girls pulling shit like that in gangsta movies and think "i want to try that sometime"? <- but that can get to be a long-ass digression)

perhaps there's something, idk, -chilling- about the prospect of one of your best friends rearranging your face just out of principle, or maybe it's the fact that that principle carries more gravity than our friendship, ALL of the women i've actually *cared about and had to have this conversation with have walked away with a better understanding of what it means to operate on the outskirts of the law. perhaps if more men took the time to have that conversation with their women it wouldn't be such a social problem.


Rebel From The North
just wanted to say I have mad respect for all the female growers on this site and elswhere, if it wasnt for the suport and help
of my wife I would never have meds!!


Active Member
This is true! When I got rid the ex he tried to have me charged with growing as well but didn't work out for him lol they laughed in his face lucky for me a lot of grows get busted because of exs but kitty is right it all depends on the person...
Don't I know about this all too well, but not with growing! When my ex and I split up he did any and everything he could to get back at me. I had to buy a set of tires and had so many flat tires repaired. Trying to shame and embarrass me, he dropped off "our" porn collection at my parents, telling them that they were personal items of mine. I'm still laughing at that one! Yeah, it depends on the person and maybe the events that lead up to a situation. If I'm done with you, I'm done, that's it, stay away, I have no need for revenge. My revenge is getting rid of you and not looking back!


Well-Known Member
i was thiinking after they split up too....
hypothetically, 2 dudes live and grow togeher. they have a falling out. one moves out, the other stays and continues to grow. if the dude who left rats the guy who stays out, he's still a rat, right? women aren't exempt from that rule. a lot of them just don't know it exists. which i tend to view as an omission on the part of whomever first brought her into the black market.

some of the girls i've had to talk in from the proverbial ledge have been some of my closest non-growing gf's. ("listen up, if you can't grasp this concept, not only are we no longer friends, i'm actually going to have to INJURE you for being a dirty hoodrat.") more often than not, the ones who *threaten to rat you out are actually reasonable girls who just "never really thought of it that way." (i think pro quo stereotypes and hollywood have a LOT to do with that too, how many young girls do you think see girls pulling shit like that in gangsta movies and think "i want to try that sometime"? <- but that can get to be a long-ass digression)

perhaps there's something, idk, -chilling- about the prospect of one of your best friends rearranging your face just out of principle, or maybe it's the fact that that principle carries more gravity than our friendship, ALL of the women i've actually *cared about and had to have this conversation with have walked away with a better understanding of what it means to operate on the outskirts of the law. perhaps if more men took the time to have that conversation with their women it wouldn't be such a social problem.
Sometime even people that know how it is turn RAT! ask rene! I'm sure her ex knew he shouldn't do it, but people get crazy ideas! he could have thought she screwed him out of a grow and wanted to screw her (even thou I'm sure you the grow was hers by then! I know my girl has payed for at least half the set up)!

I would say that part of the reason people become friends is having the same or similar principals/morals. I don't find it chilling at all to think that a friend could turn enemy over principals! Once a friend has turned enemy who knows what they will do! people kill people that were once their best friends, people kill their own family over a part of town and a color. There are all kinds of principals that people say they stick to, but change when things don't work out for them any more!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought it was funny and I have to say you are right never know till ya split what can happen I was sure my ex wouldn't go there after 4yrs and the 5 possession charges I got him out of by taking the blame but low and behold he did go there always best to be cautious


Moderatrix of Journals
Yeah I thought it was funny and I have to say you are right never know till ya split what can happen I was sure my ex wouldn't go there after 4yrs and the 5 possession charges I got him out of by taking the blame but low and behold he did go there always best to be cautious
damn, that's some cold shit. i guess i lucked out that way. my ex was a second-generation grower, if he'd gone there his own family (esp. mamabear) would've crucified him.

he did somehow get it into his head that half of the grow i started *after we split was also his.... we gave up the house we had together when i moved out, and, having gotten the bigger place, i was storing his gear for him. i guess he figured that i must be using it for the 2 banger i ended up putting in my spare room (i wasn't), and when he came to demand his half, i just told him he was lucky i wasn't charging him for storage and to get his gear the fuck out my place if that's how he was gonna be about it. we're no longer on speaking terms but i'm still on his mom's and sister's xmas lists....