Girlfriend question, is this normal


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know if you all thought if letting your girlfriend (age 20) meet up with a guy whos in her class to cook at his place, go the the movies etc is something normal or if it is something i have the right to say maybe i dont want them to do it. She asks me and i let her because im not worried shell do something stupid.
This also isnt some old friend shes known for a while.
Well......I sure as hell wouldn't, That sounds too much of a romantic situation that might end up in sexual intercourse. Pound that pussy hard as hell when she gets back to let her know what shes cheating on.
Dude, thats not really normal...i cant say for sure, but some girls can do that and just be friends...but from experience bro, it doesnt sound good....Dinner and movies is something couples do when they first start dating....If she's your girl, you have all the right to say i dont want you to do that. And if she really wants you, her answer will be the one you want to hear....And if it isnt an old friend, sounds much more suspicious...Here is what you can do....Next time she asks to do something with him....
You can ask....
Im kind of hungry can i come have dinner to.....
Or i like that movie can i come with you....
If she acts funny in any way or says something like....
I dont think he would feel comfortable with that...or no...Then somethings up...
If you asked something like that and she knows that she is only friends with this guy....her answer will be...WITHOUT HESITATION....sure or yes....If she hesitates it means she is trying to think of a way around it....
Dont mean to drone on, but gotta help a brother out...
Good luck
as long as you trust that your girl wont doing anything. But it sound like that dude wants to bone your girl. watch him.
fuck the pictures, fuck the trust.That shit is not right. I would personally ask her what the fuck is going through her head to think that it is ok to do that.
Let me put it to you this way: If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it's a duck.
It sounds like a date, it looks like a date, dude, it's a date.

Introduce this friend of hers to the sole of your boot. Then introduce her face to the pimp-hand-of-doom.

No joke man, I've been there. Naive enough to believe the whole "trust her" (sorry mattso) crap, and blind enough to miss what was really happening. Don't fall for the bull-shit.

Put your foot down on this shit quick...thats just my take on it.


Get a date with a hot chick and see what she thinks about it...
Are you welcome to come over there with her for dinner and/or movies? Ask her and if she says no, then shes cheating fasho.
see there you go..Take Jamie up on the offer and see what happens. Maybe do that first before laying the smack-down. Flying off the handle is my gig anyway..:)
Here is what you can do....Next time she asks to do something with him....
You can ask....
Im kind of hungry can i come have dinner to.....
Or i like that movie can i come with you....

Good idea dude. thats the easiest way to find out whats up. plus while you're there you can show that other guy whats up and let him know his place. fucking spot on....get a date or go to the "MOVIES" with a hot chick and see what she says, if she says nothing probably means shes boning....If she freaks out, she is a bitch and introduce THE BOOT BIATCH>... fucking spot on....get a date or go to the "MOVIES" with a hot chick and see what she says, if she says nothing probably means shes boning....If she freaks out, she is a bitch and introduce THE BOOT BIATCH>...

So either way you're telling him to get rid of her? Well take a naked pic of her 1st and show all your friends....rollitup friends.:hump: