Girlfriend question, is this normal

I wanted to know if you all thought if letting your girlfriend (age 20) meet up with a guy whos in her class to cook at his place, go the the movies etc is something normal or if it is something i have the right to say maybe i dont want them to do it. She asks me and i let her because im not worried shell do something stupid.
This also isnt some old friend shes known for a while.

ok in my opinion from this bit of info you've givin i would just be wary of the way your gf is acting, now there is nothing wrong with what she is doing if her and her friends intentions are right. It's all really to do with how much you feel you trust her and how much you are willing to put yourself through if it does turn to shit :neutral: but like i said just be careful and see if you can pick up on anything, if shit starts to go a bit strange then you have a right to ask questions bro :peace:
Ya girl is frontin homie, playin you like a fool ma dude. You need to step your game up if shes goin to chill with other guys. You gotta take charge and let this dude know the deal son, like weezy said the girl might be yours but the pussy is MINE. LOL for real though, dinner and a movie? If this guy isnt a hardcore flamer, Id say hes tryin to get at that.

Heres an update, turns out the guy did like her. Well, just like i told her, she might just be looking for a friend but its only natural for a guy whos single and hangs out with a hot girl would like her more than a friend.
She doesnt do anything with him anymore cuz shes angry at him, she thought she had made it clear she was in relationship and that he understood that.
Also to clear up the type of situation for you all a little, he didnt hit on her or try to make a move. He pretty much just told her that he liked her more than a friend or something like that.
And im not gonna go and beat the shit outta the guy or anything, i dont blame him, my gf is cute as hell. :hump:

I hadnt replied before because although all your comments are interesting it was getting farther and farther away from my situation.
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