Bygs mites and Dans asking, along with impending spring for most of us, got me thinking. 420 the stoners New Years. What better time to clean our fans.
It doesent matter if it a box fan, dayton blower, vortes, inline, cheap plastic dollar store. They can be the worse(plastic/static/dust)yada, yada, yada. The all have motors and blades, plastic or metal, they all collect crap. Look at the leading edge of you fan blades. It will take a bit more effort with inlines and daytons but I bet you will find some grime. And some of that grime may contain a nit, egg or hoarding whiteflies. Cant forget about those hiding fuckers mold and scale. Bet you get my point. Yet theres more! Clean fans/blades/blowers ect means... More efficiency from your fan. Plus it will run cooler. And you Dayton users dont forget about putting a couple of drops of 20w in the oil holes from time too time...
You hear and I personally talked about fine tuning a garden. Its the 'little things that end up meaning the most'