
i picked up the game but havnt got into the multiplayer, freaking dragon age 2 has me sucked in.. guess i will have to play some homefront tonight!
This actually looks really good, I was discouraged by the reviews but I had initially planned on getting it. Graphics don't look too bad.
This actually looks really good, I was discouraged by the reviews but I had initially planned on getting it. Graphics don't look too bad.

The only reason most of the reviews were bad is because the first month the servers were goin haywire. Nobody could really connect it would let you connect once in like 10 tries and you couldnt play with friends or join games. And most of the reviews were made within the first 2 weeks while most games are goin thru there bugs. Thats why i never go by the reviews espsecially if there from ign, ign does the worst reviews in my opinion there so bias.
hey fdd have you herd of Duke Nukem Forever it took them 15 years to make its should be a great its coming out this summer can't wait Duke Nukem was originally for nintendo 64 LOL sooo old.15 years to make that's insane [video=youtube;_5svP9Wu0nk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5svP9Wu0nk[/video]
i log off at level 37 last night. i log on this morning and i'm a level 4. wtf?? :shock:
all my stats are still there, but i have no upgraded weapons. :neutral:
i'm hoping it's a glitch. i tried logging off and logging on again with no luck.
i may have to go get battlefield 2. :?
PSN is down for the count for a few days. :( burnt since I only have BFBC2 i cant play anything right now.
something awful happened.

i assume the sever reset me. all my stats are still there, but i lost all my weapon upgrades. i've worked myself back up to level 8. i'm torn on what to do here. i fucking LOVE this game, but i'm quite bitter at the moment.

it appears to have happened to others. it kinda did help my game a little though. i may only be at level 8, but i'm a badass level 8. well, kinda. ;)

i'm not stopping until i hit level 75. :cool:
hang back and hide a little bit until you get the hang of it. melee attacks have gotta me outta hella jams. lay down on a roof with the sniper rifle and i'll come knife you in the back. :fire:
Glad you're enjoying yourself, make sure you give me a heads up if you're going to start moderating again.
Glad you're enjoying yourself, make sure you give me a heads up if you're going to start moderating again.

gonna moderate real quick right now, ......

thedoc08 - 04-21-2011 10:57 PM - permalink Edit Report
Aww you seem upset. Was the little faded abused by mommy? Musta been, being a 40 year old professional gamer isn't natural, obvious deep-seeded issues there chief.

Banned for 10 days. :fire:
i'm back up to LEVEL 12.

knifed 7 snipers in a row. hahhaha

when i'm not "gaming", i'm doing this, ..... 006.jpg003.jpg011.jpg

i'd be out in the ski boat or on the seadoo, but the weather here is still hella cold. the lake temp is up to 60 degrees now. we just need the air temp to get into the 70's. it's cloudy today with rain this weekend. spring never showed up. :-(
gonna moderate real quick right now, ......

thedoc08 - 04-21-2011 10:57 PM - permalink Edit Report
Aww you seem upset. Was the little faded abused by mommy? Musta been, being a 40 year old professional gamer isn't natural, obvious deep-seeded issues there chief.

Banned for 10 days. :fire:
^This guy ez to troll, only issue is for some arbitrary reason he has moderatorship, and fears getting into it with doc so he hides behind it.
^This guy ez to troll, only issue is for some arbitrary reason he has moderatorship, and fears getting into it with doc so he hides behind it.

it is against site rules to insult other members. he made several direct insults towards me. just as you have. i am no longer putting up with any of it. he had no reason, nor do you, to post in this thread.

you have received an infraction as well.