Gh Ripen vs Atami Bloombastic?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
so UB, I have learned so much from your threads and posts, I am curious if you p/k spike at all, and if so, what do you use?
being in the hydro business, I can get this stuff wholesale,so,I tried the bloombastic this run, I am noticing harder bigger buds.
There is no need for a p/k spike, at anytime. It's all marketing hype and what you're seeing does not make for a valid argument as there could have been 20 factors at play regarding the "harder bigger buds" thing. There is a need to keep the leaves as productive as possible until harvest. See my avatar? Those were 5" diameter colas, solid, no air spaces using $2.00 Walmart foods.



Active Member
what you're seeing does not make for a valid argument as there could have been 20 factors at play regarding the "harder bigger buds" thing.

See my avatar? Those were 5" diameter colas, solid, no air spaces using $2.00 Walmart foods.

Exactly my friend... there could have been 20 or different factors to why that plant of yours produced those colas... and likely they all interplayed with one another... the sum of the grower is more than his equipment on hand. ;-)

Now, if you ran a side-by-side with both, yourself, then you would have some basis to say one thing did another over another, or what ever. Even a single side-by-side wouldn't really 'prove' anything, but add some evidence that something might be there... or not.

Not knocking that most of this game is hype... not by a long shot. Peace


Active Member
There is no need for a p/k spike, at anytime. It's all marketing hype and what you're seeing does not make for a valid argument as there could have been 20 factors at play regarding the "harder bigger buds" thing. There is a need to keep the leaves as productive as possible until harvest. See my avatar? Those were 5" diameter colas, solid, no air spaces using $2.00 Walmart foods.

That's impressive, just simple wallmart and bob your uncle, or ben.. bad joke? Never the less that's interesting, I guess at my local hydro shop they alway recommend canna its very concentrated stuff and lasts i use a table spoon per litre including additives. Using the full range, terra vega and Cannazyme, Rhizotonic for Veg and i'll be using the terra flores for flower with the cannazyme, rhizotonic, and the pk 13/14 and boost . And you're saying you just use walmart products, i feel a tad stupid now. Everyone talks of the PK boost being that additive that really swells the fruit?


New Member
That's impressive, just simple wallmart and bob your uncle, or ben.. bad joke? Never the less that's interesting, I guess at my local hydro shop they alway recommend canna its very concentrated stuff and lasts i use a table spoon per litre including additives. Using the full range, terra vega and Cannazyme, Rhizotonic for Veg and i'll be using the terra flores for flower with the cannazyme, rhizotonic, and the pk 13/14 and boost . And you're saying you just use walmart products, i feel a tad stupid now. Everyone talks of the PK boost being that additive that really swells the fruit?
EVERYTHING your plant needs and wants

Hope it helps



Well-Known Member
Exactly my friend.... the sum of the grower is more than his equipment on hand. ;-)
That, right there, pretty much, tells it all. My sig says the same thing. Many try, but you cannot 'buy' a good grow without being a good grower and that takes experience and a certain *touch*.

There is no need for a p/k spike, at anytime. It's all marketing hype and what you're seeing does not make for a valid argument as there could have been 20 factors at play regarding the "harder bigger buds" thing. There is a need to keep the leaves as productive as possible until harvest. See my avatar? Those were 5" diameter colas, solid, no air spaces using $2.00 Walmart foods.

People always ask me what I use and i tell them they wouldn't believe me, I use $10 nutes(jack's classic) I have numerous new nute companies that want to put there stuff on my shelf. I tell them, The hardest thing to do is get people to try new nutes, once they have there mind stuck on something, they want that.even If I give them a free sample, they never come back and buy that stuff. I always hand newbies a bottle of dyna-gro and tell them to start at 1/4 strength, then go to riu and start reading.


New Member
right on man, in a previous thread someone mentioned dyna grow! which exact products do you use from them? be interesting to see the effect on your grows
Foliage Pro

And my new grow is all DG fro the most part and has always been part of it

Links in my sig



Active Member
Foliage Pro

And my new grow is all DG fro the most part and has always been part of it

Links in my sig

right on thats it, IM BUYING THE DYNA GROW im going to put my bottle of canna down.. do you use the recommended ammount suggested on the bottle or is it very concentrated?
Considering i've already invested in the canna additives i'll stick to my cannazyme and rhiztonic.. I also ordered monster grow from grotec, dunno if anyones familiar with it.
Namaste? fan of india? I've been dying to go, it's my homeland which i havent been to yet, i originally grew up in middle east, 40% of our population was indian, made some very good friends.. goa, kerrala, cochin ahhhhhhh


New Member
right on thats it, IM BUYING THE DYNA GROW im going to put my bottle of canna down.. do you use the recommended ammount suggested on the bottle or is it very concentrated?
Considering i've already invested in the canna additives i'll stick to my cannazyme and rhiztonic.. I also ordered monster grow from grotec, dunno if anyones familiar with it.
Namaste? fan of india? I've been dying to go, it's my homeland which i havent been to yet, i originally grew up in middle east, 40% of our population was indian, made some very good friends.. goa, kerrala, cochin ahhhhhhh
the divinity lies within us all....been there and enjoyed it...I grow in soiless amended medium and it has done me the best by far



New Member
People always ask me what I use and i tell them they wouldn't believe me, I use $10 nutes(jack's classic) I have numerous new nute companies that want to put there stuff on my shelf. I tell them, The hardest thing to do is get people to try new nutes, once they have there mind stuck on something, they want that.even If I give them a free sample, they never come back and buy that stuff. I always hand newbies a bottle of dyna-gro and tell them to start at 1/4 strength, then go to riu and start reading.


And I remember that thread your sig quote....that summed it all up for me...fdd can be a dick sometimes but for the most part he is cool as hell and quite funny



Active Member
looked at the folliage pro its 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon, thats highly concentrated... damnn.. and its soo cheapp.. cool.. i can use this as a base fert eh?


New Member
looked at the folliage pro its 1/4 teaspoon to a gallon, thats highly concentrated... damnn.. and its soo cheapp.. cool.. i can use this as a base fert eh?
It is what I use in veg and supplement the bloom or magpro with it in is very cost effective and the results are top notch..for real...I can afford anything I want and from experimentation I have found this is the b est fro me


Active Member
It is what I use in veg and supplement the bloom or magpro with it in is very cost effective and the results are top notch..for real...I can afford anything I want and from experimentation I have found this is the b est fro me
You use the foliage and pro together? I know i'm a bit of a noob but this sounds like a high concentration.. do you use half of half the recommended dose for each together? i must look at the results in your grow when i get a chance..


New Member
You use the foliage and pro together? I know i'm a bit of a noob but this sounds like a high concentration.. do you use half of half the recommended dose for each together? i must look at the results in your grow when i get a chance..
yes I use a varied combination of Foliage pro, magpro and Protekt in can attain the desired ratios by varying the amounts of each....rarely use the bloom at all myself

you just have to do a lil math to compute the ratios



Well-Known Member
The best results I've seen thus far are when I'm feeding a 1-3-2 NPK ratio during the last 2/3rds of flower. So if a PK booster 'boosts' you near a 1-3-2 ratio then I'd say it's something you should look into further. Though I know for a fact that there are products out there that give you a 1-3-2 off the bat which in my experience eliminates the need for any extra NPK jazz.


Active Member
grateful for all your advise so far illumination.. i'm not very good with maths! But perhaps i should brush up.. with the dyna gro I'm interested in you technique.. tell me if i'm wrong you maintain high nitrogen levels with the foliage pro but use the magpro to balance it out in flower? You like to keep your plant greener in flower? what kind of yields are you getting?


New Member
grateful for all your advise so far illumination.. i'm not very good with maths! But perhaps i should brush up.. with the dyna gro I'm interested in you technique.. tell me if i'm wrong you maintain high nitrogen levels with the foliage pro but use the magpro to balance it out in flower? You like to keep your plant greener in flower? what kind of yields are you getting?

go to the threads in my sig and all of it is documented there for the past year...yes I do use more nitrogen in flower than any bloom food offers and my goal is green to the end
