Holy Tits My Landlord Just Walked In. My Wife


Well-Known Member

Seriously tho...it works if your only doing organic, but if you want some REAL protection, you godda get the chemical stuff. ;-)
Works on HUSBANDS, and WIFES.
I call it...

Works on all spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, live ins, common law partners, and roommates.
(Not applicable for fiances!)

A proprietary collection of the most potent partner repelling substances known to man!!!
Guaranteed to work or we PAY FOR THE DIVORCE!!!
Damn where was that shit when I needed it a year ago! Lmao


Well-Known Member
me two! my girl gets excited every morning to check the plant and i get to check out the booty when bends to check the roots! i tell her good job with enthusiasm every time!!!!


Well-Known Member
You have to show enthusiasm, otherwise, they don't know they've done a good job. ;-) It's ALL in the tone of the voice!


Active Member
My wife thinks she can hang out in my green room.wtf

Ofcourse she is, The poor woman has to watch you make mistake after mistake, and then she goes in after you leave to fix it all.

It really irks the shit out of me, that so many men out there think woman have no business in a grow room. Women are alot more nurturing in nature than men, so if anything I would think women would be better growers.


Well-Known Member
Seriously though, I love how this thread started as one thing and has turned into something for us to have fun with!


Moderatrix of Journals
Seriously though, I love how this thread started as one thing and has turned into something for us to have fun with!
see what a woman's touch (or a few) can do? we can even make threadjacking seem like a pleasant caress that you wish would never end..... ;)


Active Member
Highlarious thread! Still chucklin' about my new vocab word, "mantrum!" Can not wait to use that on my husband of 26, almost 27 years! He will be mid-mantrum when I whip it out... he will bust a gut!! And who was it who said RIU members get no "vaginal play?" Sounds like there are a few of us who get it whenever we want... am I right ladies?
Seriously though, I just had my youngest leave the nest. After seeing my babies through their younger years, from homeschool to college, it is my turn now! If I didn't have this, I think I would go bat-shit crazy! My husband supports whatever makes me happy, and this does.