Do Guys Like Girls Who Smoke?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I am a girl, and I love to smoke. Nothing better than lighting up, and then comes that tingle and throb... :) but like, here's the truth... I've never had a bf, been kissed, had sex, and I just turned 18 two days ago. Something wrong with that picture. To top it off, I am fat.... so would smoking be like another strike against me? Im not like stoner status, but I am close. :) Like I dont have to smoke, but when I have the money I always make sure I get weed... is that a turn off?
for some it might be.

For me its a plus. I believe there is a fish in the sea for everyone. A ying to your yang type of thing.

Ill smoke with you....and ugh....... you know. :)
Ok, so I am a girl, and I love to smoke. Nothing better than lighting up, and then comes that tingle and throb... :) but like, here's the truth... I've never had a bf, been kissed, had sex, and I just turned 18 two days ago. Something wrong with that picture. To top it off, I am fat.... so would smoking be like another strike against me? Im not like stoner status, but I am close. :) Like I dont have to smoke, but when I have the money I always make sure I get weed... is that a turn off?

I'm fat, and I smoke.
I'm just playing :)
but really don't go judging yourself and doing that mirror image shit.
You are yourself and you will only be truly happy in a relationship if you act like yourself and dont go changing yourself to make someone happy.
ah but its more acceptable to be a fat guy and smoke or drink, not if you're a fat girl though.
hey bbyy, I get what you mean.... i should just stop trying to shape myself into what i think others will like.
depends on who's your crowd. If your presenting yourself to some tight collar idiots then I am sure they will not accept it. Seems like your a black duck in a yellow duck lineup.
ah but its more acceptable to be a fat guy and smoke or drink, not if you're a fat girl though.

Some people probably see it that way.
Be you. If someone doesn't like you for that, for you being you, then you probably wouldn't like them anyways.
I would never change for anyone. Not my weight or my weed smoking anyways...
yeah i get you. I mean, its not like im socially awkward or anything, I have tons of friends and am very outgoing and always cracking dirty jokes. Just when I met a guy who is interested in me, I just tone myself down, on how obnoxious I am, kinder to him. just never works out... lol I make everyone laugh though
hey bbyy, I get what you mean.... i should just stop trying to shape myself into what i think others will like.
Kinda. more or less , be truthful to people.
Dont go walking down the road screaming I SMOKE POT. but if you find yourself on a date with a dude, ask him if he would like to smoke. He says no, then ask if he minds if you do. If he then says he does mind, fuck him and go home and get high. Life is to short to be living in others expectations. Live your life the way you want it to be.
If your priorities are straight, your going to college, your supporting yourself and things are going good. You DESERVE to smoke a bong. its diffrent when others mooch off their parents or dont have nothing going for them and the first thing they do every morning is worry about getting stoned., then they wonder why they are so lonely.
I prefer it if my gf smokes weed.You just need to find a bloke who also likes weed and enjoys your company and isn`t shallow,don`t be so down on yourself and if you`re depressed about your weight just eat healthy munchies instead of junk food as a start.If my gf were to have a problem with me smoking then it would be over..people have to accept you as are and you should`nt try to change yourself into what you think people expect you to be.
yeah i get you. I mean, its not like im socially awkward or anything, I have tons of friends and am very outgoing and always cracking dirty jokes. Just when I met a guy who is interested in me, I just tone myself down, on how obnoxious I am, kinder to him. just never works out... lol I make everyone laugh though
I know what you mean. At your age, alot of shit isnt going to work out. just stay resilient and push on. Things dont stay at rock bottom for long.
i think it seems more acceptable to be a fat male and to smoke and drink

myself being a female and having sum chub my man loves it so why worry about.. if being fit is a basis for gettin laid and becoming a couple its not gonna last long and will end bad 9/10 times.

smoke be yourself and thats really what matters in the end
Not my weight or my weed smoking anyways...
I do have an opinion on weight thou.
If you are un-healhty due to being fat, YOU need to work at helping yourself. Now that is a turn off for a lot of people. if you cant care about yourself enough to WORK at being healthy, how can you care about someone else and WORK on having a healthy relationship.

I do know some people are just big bodied. but there is a fine line between the two.
WTF :?::?::?: Who the hell are you trying to please, you are someone else. Girl you get out and live the way you want too. Damn I don't care what some asshole thinks as long as I am happy. Lifes short live life as if today might be the last. Now you take care of yourself and good luck in all your travels through life.

18:?:18:?: like 20,30,40+ years ago I forgot
I do have an opinion on weight thou.
If you are un-healhty due to being fat, YOU need to work at helping yourself. Now that is a turn off for a lot of people. if you cant care about yourself enough to WORK at being healthy, how can you care about someone else and WORK on having a healthy relationship.

I do know some people are just big bodied. but there is a fine line between the two.

I'm not really fat. But I am not skinny. I lift weights on a regular basis, and do things to try to stay in shape.
My height makes up for my weight a little.