My Try at Water Cure

ya i like it so much i have decided to water cure my whole harvest except for an half an ounce. after seeing all the nasty come out of the bud into the water just made me not want to smoke the same bud i grew that has dried and cured in the thanks, at least for this crop will be flushed and taken more care of post harvest.

so i put more bud in a big glass jar and its been soaking for 2 days, 2 more then 1 day to smoke..

people around here seem to like neighbor traded me some nugs of his top shelf stuff, he owns a dispensary in riverside so he hooks me up..
but he said its some good shit that really has a strong pleased


RIU Bulldog

So did you air dry the bud like normal before you stuck them in the water or did you just take it from the plant to the water?
How do the trichs look after the water cure?
After it's done water curing do you dry it slowly or how do you dry it?

Sorry for the ?'s but you've peaked my interest.


Well-Known Member
dont do what I did, I took decent size nugs of my mtanuska. tundra (woulda been 3.5g's or each) and I put them in a ziplock with tap water.

i changed the water for two days, but then i forgot about them and they were left for like 2 weeks, when I moved I found them and was like DAMN!! WTf! shiiiit... lol

they looked really waterlogged and it smelled like bacteria was now also joining the party wagon :(

i have found the perfect way to cure regularly so i think i prefer that, just because of habit

So did you air dry the bud like normal before you stuck them in the water or did you just take it from the plant to the water?
How do the trichs look after the water cure?
After it's done water curing do you dry it slowly or how do you dry it?

Sorry for the ?'s but you've peaked my interest.
hell no i didn't taste the water!! it stunk so nasty and was cloudy yellow. all the nasty green chlorophyll and nutrient buildup leach out of the bud leaving only the resin trichomes and some bud material.

i trimmed and manicured the buds then right after i stuck them into the jar of water and weighed them down so they are completely submerged.

so it was fresh bud straight off the plant into the water then after 4-5 days i take it out and rinse the buds gently then put them in front of a fan and blow dry them for a few hours, overnight usualy and the next morning they are dry and smokable. quick drying water cured bud doesn't not effect it in anyway. the curing is already done by the water so the bud is pretty clean when it comes out after 5 days. i even took a blow dryer and blow dried a bud, it tasted just like the slow dried water cure..

the trichomes look so good. they are still there in all their glory, there is less plant material than air cured bud so u smoke more to get the same effect cuz the water cured bud is shrunken so much its like concentrate resin.

the bud itself looks darker, more earthen in color..but it smells so pleasant and resinous upon grinding it up. i will take some more pics of close macro of the buds trichomes tonight so you can check it out.


RIU Bulldog
hell no i didn't taste the water!! it stunk so nasty and was cloudy yellow. all the nasty green chlorophyll and nutrient buildup leach out of the bud leaving only the resin trichomes and some bud material.

i trimmed and manicured the buds then right after i stuck them into the jar of water and weighed them down so they are completely submerged.

so it was fresh bud straight off the plant into the water then after 4-5 days i take it out and rinse the buds gently then put them in front of a fan and blow dry them for a few hours, overnight usualy and the next morning they are dry and smokable. quick drying water cured bud doesn't not effect it in anyway. the curing is already done by the water so the bud is pretty clean when it comes out after 5 days. i even took a blow dryer and blow dried a bud, it tasted just like the slow dried water cure..

the trichomes look so good. they are still there in all their glory, there is less plant material than air cured bud so u smoke more to get the same effect cuz the water cured bud is shrunken so much its like concentrate resin.

the bud itself looks darker, more earthen in color..but it smells so pleasant and resinous upon grinding it up. i will take some more pics of close macro of the buds trichomes tonight so you can check it out.
Right on man, thanks. I got an auto that's coming down in two days and after watching your success and satisfaction, I gotta try this. It's so easy, I would be stubborn not to try it. I like that as long as you don't forget about it (looking at you intensive...) it fool proof, but I have to admit, it's seems like a lazy man's cure, but whatever works I guess. I'm sure if they sold a cloning machine that guaranteed 100% success and charged $1000 for it, they wouldn't be able to keep it in stock....
Like I said tho, it's worth a try. Thanks again.

Yeah I'd totally taste the water. I'd want to know exactly what was being leeched out of my plants lol.
Did you know you can tell the quality of soil by tasting it? lol
no i did not know that...maybe ill taste it haha..but its like its washing all the nasty out of the bud leaving just the resin..i dont care about taste as long as im
again i am super stoned off this shit..i haven't needed to smoke any of my other strong stuff from the dispensary as this is pretty damn good...
ya its just for my personal pleasure. i have about 3 ounces left of white widow and blue dream im water curing in small batches, but a lot of it is water cured. one more jar is almost done and ready to dry tonight :) more smoke


King Tut
How much can you water-cure in a quart mason jar? I regularly cure between .5 and .75oz in a quart jar after air drying, but It looks like there is only 3-6 g's in the pics I've viewed?