Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
Mmm that looks tasty! :weed: and yeah things are a bit crazy in here recently but I think you shall enjoy the ride ;) great people in here!


Weed Modifier
Agreed lime would love to see! Welcome we were just discussing pics lime is gonna be a dear and post for me :) I hate having to use my phone lol anyways lime just choose a few you think are best you have more my pics than I do I deleted them! asked...lmao rene's girls



Weed Modifier


Well-Known Member
Damn lime thank you! Still can't believe ya all keep those pics! Just had to rep you! Haha still got the poems?


Weed Modifier
Damn lime thank you! Still can't believe ya all keep those pics! Just had to rep you! Haha still got the poems?
now your pushing it...and YES i do..haha ;)

You needed me to post so i kept them just in case ....which worked out for you now! Thanks sweetie :) anytime like I've said!


Weed Modifier
i hope i can get buds lookin like your all when mine grow up. im such a noob still
We all where at one time too and yours look beautiful for your first grow man ...feel proud cuz your nugs are going to give me some serious comp soon bro ...I can see it in your bitches! you love em and they will show off for you...You'll see...yah im a bit out there ? my style is more spiritual than most! lol


Well-Known Member
Lmao fab your boys can't handle my life ;) I may get 5hrs if sleep up to work on the girls before work then family stuff ill probably be home close to 10 or so again :(