1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
awww its gone all gushy...

lmao pot helps :lol: it does indeed. i was raging on friday night. livid. wont bore you with details but it hit me like lightning, i was drunk and angry. I needed a bong. calmed me right down. my girl was a bit put out i needed drugs to keep me calm but was happy i was none the less... pot is much better than booze but i love it dearly, one day ill find that perfect balance and keep it.

thinking of having another bbq with all the leftovers :) WINNING have a blast peeps.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I found a great deal of my problems went away wen i didnt drink so i dont drink now thats the perfict balance for me. I had a few cans yesterday but it only made my thick headed with a slight hewadache and it made me sleepy too lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I found a gretra deal of my problems went away wen i didnt drink so i dont drink now thats the perict balance for me. I had a few cans yesterday but it only made my thick headed with a slight hewadache and it made me sleepy too lol.
good to see im not the only one with dylsexic fingers :lol: i had just the right balance yesterday, i was on the bottles instead of cans, makes a big difference.
Beer is evil. I can safely say I have never smoked a few j's and turned violent.
dont you talk ill of the amber necter round these parts laddy hahaha just kiddin. as with most things in life moderation is key. now if only i could tell myself that when im mullered.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Bottles instead of cans? Hmmm never thought of that one lol. Cans go down to easy,,couple of good pulls and your ready for another one, or 12! Your genetics are looking pretty sweet man! Got a few of the purple phenos (#4) that I'm going to turn into bushes while there waiting there turn and the good indica pheno is plumping up nicely and has some of the nicest/candylike smells of all my strains! Couple of her clones are vegging nicely. 6 or 7 black sour bubble clones are vegging too. There mums are real interesting looking and if the sour bubble comes through it's going to be some very dank bud. I think that is bog's most potent strain : !)

Saying good morning my friend, have a fun weekend!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey hc, i was just having a gander and that black rose looks mighty purdy.

my genetics? nah man its all heath robinsons work. hope the black bubble is as good!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Your too humble. I know what's Heath work is, I was talking about your Livers x Cherry Cheese. And I have a little suprise that I haven't mentioned. Remember a while back when I said I would breed the keeper LCC pheno and send you back the results? Well guess who has a LCC male?? Yup ; !)


Well-Known Member
Your too humble. I know what's Heath work is, I was talking about your Livers x Cherry Cheese. And I have a little suprise that I haven't mentioned. Remember a while back when I said I would breed the keeper LCC pheno and send you back the results? Well guess who has a LCC male?? Yup ; !)
Oh My that is good news


Well-Known Member
as with most things in life moderation is key...

So true Brother Don, So true!!!
I'm with Mr west tho, it seemed when i stopped the drink my problems seemed to go away...


Well-Known Member
Alright mate, i just noticed the Mag's got done over at the last hurdle ! We messed up more so f**k it man. I bet you'd Pissed , or mabe just a little drunk ;)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey T what's going on. I have 3 l x cc and one is sativa dom but the other two are indica dom...similiar but one is def better. And the sativa girl looks off the charts

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Alright mate, i just noticed the Mag's got done over at the last hurdle ! We messed up more so f**k it man. I bet you'd Pissed , or mabe just a little drunk ;)
nah man we did alright another point over 40 and all the results for below us went in our favour really. fancy letting motherwell claw 3 back tho man. shocker. been the season for it though. few drinks nothin major;) going to get some house work done:( and cut the grass. its not even my garden :(
as with most things in life moderation is key...

So true Brother Don, So true!!!
I'm with Mr west tho, it seemed when i stopped the drink my problems seemed to go away...
im geordie its deep ingrained man ;)
Among all these Kush's (seedlings) my LL x C seems to be the most indica. seemed weird, is it normally indi dom?
no one knows yet really tryna!? mine are mostly sativa leaning
Hey T what's going on. I have 3 l x cc and one is sativa dom but the other two are indica dom...similiar but one is def better. And the sativa girl looks off the charts
you taken any snaps yet fella?
Yo, Ho Chico! just in to say damn, H.C's cc x L, is 'ShhhA-Tiiinggg Tidy' mate!
have i missed the pics or are you guys thinking of the black rose he's just put up? im confused.


Well-Known Member
Alright me old china, This guy DST is something eh? A M.J expert and comidian to boot! lol.

But the cc x l from H.C, I mabe confused but whatever its worth a double take just to see it again! The Colourfull calyxes. Anyhow, Hope you had fun cutting the grass, you must be like the Lawnmore Man. ( trippy film ). The sun doesnt half bring the fun out eh mate! Hope you'r having a Pary doon the toon :)


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
How's it going Don. Hey I have a tric update for you on the Livers x Cherrycheese day 51.... Number 3 is the the pink pheno. Trics are cloudy with a couple still clear and a few amber. All of the lower buds look finished with the calyxs on top of the cola still putting out some white hairs. Should be finished just shy of 8 weeks. Number 2 is the candy smelling indie dom and she looks to be about 4 or 5 days behind Pink in both the trics and pistols dept. The buds on Candy are great big calyxs and pretty hard! She will be done at 8 weeks or so.

Take it easy bro, I'll talk to you tomorrow ; !)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Communal grass cutter....there's a joke in there somewhere! Happy Easter mate, DST
hahah for sure more than likely on me.... ill have to finish the bugger off, hope you had a good one lad, plenty of chocolate and dope preferably together i wonder if anyone made any dope choccy treats this weekend. i should have really...
Alright me old china, This guy DST is something eh? A M.J expert and comidian to boot! lol.
But the cc x l from H.C, I mabe confused but whatever its worth a double take just to see it again! The Colourfull calyxes. Anyhow, Hope you had fun cutting the grass, you must be like the Lawnmore Man. ( trippy film ). The sun doesnt half bring the fun out eh mate! Hope you'r having a Pary doon the toon :)
it is the purp pics hc had up, i didnt see pink like that in any of the original run, must be recessives coming through. mine must have some long finish pheno, its big time lagging behind. :(
How's it going Don. Hey I have a tric update for you on the Livers x Cherrycheese day 51.... Number 3 is the the pink pheno. Trics are cloudy with a couple still clear and a few amber. All of the lower buds look finished with the calyxs on top of the cola still putting out some white hairs. Should be finished just shy of 8 weeks. Number 2 is the candy smelling indie dom and she looks to be about 4 or 5 days behind Pink in both the trics and pistols dept. The buds on Candy are great big calyxs and pretty hard! She will be done at 8 weeks or so.

Take it easy bro, I'll talk to you tomorrow ; !)

sweet, i selected the male that looked closest to the faster finishing( but not as high yielding)pheno. the funny thing is that sweet candy taste is more likely than not the livers coming through. the straight livers is like walking into a sweet shop. but its more the sativa leaning side of things really. what you have could be actually what the cherry cheese seeds i bought were actually meant to be like. :lol:

laters HC. time to punch in...


Well-Known Member
Morning lad, I made some chocolate cupcakes, but used baking power instead of bicarbonate of soda, so didn't quite turn out like the wifes, lol. Nice though, but no weed in them. I got a slab of Hotel Chocolat - choc chip from Londonium, every heard of that Don? Real nice stuff.