The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
I'll stick to the cupcakes thanks lgp, lol. chippy around the corner from me use to do deep fried whatever you like. My mate use to get battered pizza suppers!!!:shock:

EDIT: in case anyone is not sure, that's a pizza, dipped in batter, then deep fried!!!!:wall:

mr west

Well-Known Member
nasty and repulsive and very bad for ya lol. Well of the 3 clones i took for the fairy one has monster roots and the other two dunt seem to want to root atall lol pffftt grr

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey westy how you doing. The princess and lil bump doing good? Nothing going on here, no egg day or nothing jess tending girls and chillaxen on the porch with some kief


Well-Known Member
sometimes just seems to happen bru. Leg of lamb sounds lekker!!!
nasty and repulsive and very bad for ya lol. Well of the 3 clones i took for the fairy one has monster roots and the other two dunt seem to want to root atall lol pffftt grr


Well-Known Member
have you been on the new post section lately...sheesh, it's like the wild west, I think the sun is affecting peoiple, lol. You a bit para about flying Westy?