Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too


Well-Known Member
Friday, April 08 2011

BBC news reports 20 shot dead in Syria in protests and in Yemen 4 people shot dead by government troops.

With the worlds eyes off the uprisings murders are more frequent.


Well-Known Member
It has been a bloody 24 hours in Syria.

More that 70,000 have been protesting as what Syrian officials are calling "foreign elements" shoot protesters as the peacefully march.

Also U.S. has been secretly funding Syrian factions.

Middle East
Protesters in Syrian city hold sit-in
Calls made for overthrow of President Assad, a day after 30 demonstrators were reportedly killed by security forces.

Last Modified: 18 Apr 2011 18:02

Thousands marched in Homs on Monday as three group funerals were held for victims killed overnight [Reuters] Tens of thousands of Syrians have gathered in the main square in the central city of Homs, a day after activists said at least 25 people were killed there.
A protester who gave his name as Rami told Al Jazeera that about 50,000 people were staging a sit-in on Monday and would "continue to protest until the regime is overthrown".
There were reports of warnings that security forces were about to disperse the crowds.
Earlier in the day, thousands attended the funerals for protesters killed in Homs, shouting slogans against Bashar al-Assad, the country's president.
Witnesses said mourners chanted "From alleyway to alleyway, from house to house, we want to overthrow you, Bashar," and "Either freedom or death, the people want to topple this regime".
Monday's protests are the largest to hit the strategically important city, Syria's third largest, since protests in the country began one month ago.
Source Al-Jazeera


Well-Known Member
News from Yemen

President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen is rejecting opposition calls for him to resign immediately as at least four people died in anti-government protests.
Mr Saleh has said he will not seek re-election when his term expires in 2013 but he has faced an unprecedented wave of protestors who want him to stand down now.
The BBC reports he has warned of the possibility of civil war of he is forced out and in a speech to female supporters accused his opponents of conspiracies and coups.
In the continuing opposition protests, witnesses say one person was killed in the coastal town of Hudaida and three demonstrators are reported to have died of their injuries in the capital Sanaa.
On Wednesday, United Nations Security Council members called for restraint and dialogue between protesters and authorities in Yemen but the council's first talks on the crisis ended in New York without an agreed public statement, with diplomats saying Russia objected.
This signals there is political support to oppress the people as much as they see fit.'t-resign


Well-Known Member
We will have to fight Iran Iraq syria lebbanon palistine and yamen, I think were trying to let them align and unite so it will make for a better war.


Well-Known Member
Syrian forces fire into the crowd of peaceful protesters 88 are killed.
international attention focused on Syria.


Well-Known Member
Smart people know inflation is coming and they invest in things that tend to hold their value against inflation.
I agree. I purchased a pound of gold back when Peter Schiff told us to at about $800/ounce and 15 pounds of silver around the same time. To say the least I'm pleased with the investment and just like countless times before, this man has been proven correct. I think back to all the simpering liberal idiots on MSNBC that openly mocked him for his advice. I've almost doubled my investment so far in a few years and it certainly looks like it could go higher.

I also listened to him when he said to get your 401k out of stocks right before the collapse and got them back in a month before they rebounded. Made me a couple hundred thousand dollars on his advice so far. As per usual, conservative logic based on reality pays far greater dividends than liberal pipe dreams based on ideology.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I purchased a pound of gold back when Peter Schiff told us to at about $800/ounce and 15 pounds of silver around the same time. To say the least I'm pleased with the investment and just like countless times before, this man has been proven correct. I think back to all the simpering liberal idiots on MSNBC that openly mocked him for his advice. I've almost doubled my investment so far in a few years and it certainly looks like it could go higher.

I also listened to him when he said to get your 401k out of stocks right before the collapse and got them back in a month before they rebounded. Made me a couple hundred thousand dollars on his advice so far. As per usual, conservative logic based on reality pays far greater dividends than liberal pipe dreams based on ideology.

I love Gold Coins. Here are Syrian gold coins. I like these too. Syria_1950_1_P_small.jpg


New Member
now I have a really hard time buying this, so all these places we wanted to go to war with for decades or have a financial interest in are all killing their people who are protesting in the name of democracy....ya fugin right.....what are the odds of that really? I smell another joint Al-Qaeda invasion for "democracy" aka to prop up another damn dictator that will be yet another UN puppet.


Well-Known Member
Excellent.. Thanks for contributing the news.

Protesters are not satisfied and keep protesting.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Thats terrible, what should we do about it?
The only answer is to send our troops in there and fight their battles for them. Then we teach them about central banking, progressive income taxes, electronic voting machines, universal healthcare, mandatory ponzi schemes... I mean social security, government run education and cradle to grave nanny state.


Well-Known Member
The only answer is to send our troops in there and fight their battles for them. Then we teach them about central banking, progressive income taxes, electronic voting machines, universal healthcare, mandatory ponzi schemes... I mean social security, government run education and cradle to grave nanny state.
Damn right. And if any of them bastards bring up any ideas resembling fiscal sanity, sick your media attack dogs on them and call them heartless fascists. Don't those silly fools see that the word "progress" is in "progressives"? That means ANY stupid shit we come up with HAS to be brilliant.


Well-Known Member
The only answer is to send our troops in there and fight their battles for them. Then we teach them about central banking, progressive income taxes, electronic voting machines, universal healthcare, mandatory ponzi schemes... I mean social security, government run education and cradle to grave nanny state.
how about a few examples of great nations that have a regressive tax system (or even just a non-progressive tax sysytem) or no public education system? how about a great nation that has a regressive tax AND no public education.

how about a great nation that has regressive taxation, no public education, AND no social safety net?

i'll be waiting.


Well-Known Member
That's easy. America one hundred years ago.
ah, yes. 'twas a great time.

a man could live to the ripe old age of 50.

women couldn't vote. blacks could though! (ha ha, yeah right. thanks jim crowe!)

it felt good to get out of the mine after your 16 hour shift and enjoy your 8 hour weekend.

and grandma ate cat food!

fucking awesome sauce!


ah, yes. 'twas a great time.

a man could live to the ripe old age of 50.

women couldn't vote. blacks could though! (ha ha, yeah right. thanks jim crowe!)

it felt good to get out of the mine after your 16 hour shift and enjoy your 8 hour weekend.

and grandma ate cat food!

fucking awesome sauce!
You seem to have an adverse reaction to anything that resembles hard work, obviously you are liberal. But you also like to blindly hold American history up to the standards of the present day. All the while ignoring the history of leftest leaders from world history, think stalin and hitler. You might want to compare civil rights in America in 1911 to civil rights in the rest of the world. Through that perspective you can start to see what a great nation America truly was before your type turned it into a welfare state.

It's true that some areas of the country were harder then others for blacks, but that was also true for whites and other races as well. Blacks were well on their way to realizing the American dream until your liberal buddies turned an entire generation into wards of the state. The really sad and frustrating thing is that your type will never understand the damage you have done by taking away peoples need to achieve in order to survive. It is a pretty sad and meaningless existence when you never accomplish anything, well maybe that is something you can relate to.


Well-Known Member
how about a few examples of great nations that have a regressive tax system (or even just a non-progressive tax sysytem) or no public education system? how about a great nation that has a regressive tax AND no public education.

how about a great nation that has regressive taxation, no public education, AND no social safety net?

i'll be waiting.
What are the standards to be met to make one a "Great Nation"?


Well-Known Member
how about a few examples of great nations that have a regressive tax system (or even just a non-progressive tax sysytem) or no public education system? how about a great nation that has a regressive tax AND no public education.

how about a great nation that has regressive taxation, no public education, AND no social safety net?

i'll be waiting.
The 5%er Nation?


Well-Known Member
Through that perspective you can start to see what a great nation America truly was before your type turned it into a welfare state.
you mean like that communist teddy roosevelt who championed things like the estate tax?

sorry, bud. he was a republican. and although i am a fan of a lot of his agenda, you can barely call a republican 'my type'.

It's true that some areas of the country were harder then others for blacks, but that was also true for whites and other races as well.
what areas of the country were tough to live in for whites? (discounting the irish, of course. damn immigrants)

Blacks were well on their way to realizing the American dream until your liberal buddies turned an entire generation into wards of the state.
how? by giving them equal right with respect to voting and getting a bank loan and sitting down to eat at the same lunch counter?

simply unforgivable!

The really sad and frustrating thing is that your type will never understand the damage you have done by taking away peoples need to achieve in order to survive. It is a pretty sad and meaningless existence when you never accomplish anything, well maybe that is something you can relate to.
i'll make sure to tell my 82 year old grandma that she needs to start achieving in order to survive, instead of living off the government dole.

too easy.


Well-Known Member
What are the standards to be met to make one a "Great Nation"?
the standard metrics. life expectancy, income levels, etc.

i know 'great nation' might entail wide parameters, but you are a man of intelligence and know what those parameters generally are. don't play dumb here.