How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

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Well-Known Member
excuse my ignorance, but i simply MUST ask....

since when were users allowed to threaten other users for using site features?

...and why is it being tolerated...are we not allowed to use the report button?
why is there then?

i JUST saw a thread with a mod bouncing around giving out spankings like necklaces at mardi gras for ordinary school yard name calling
what the hell's going on around here?



Well-Known Member
Sup guys, At the moment, i have a few weed plants on my balcony, they are only small so my mom has no clue. My dad however spotted them instantly, and he knows that i smoke and grow... My mom gets back from holiday tomorrow, and i want to tell her that i smoke and grow. i want to ask her if i'm allowed to grow inside... stealth growing inside isn't really an option, because i don't have any places large enough.

What should i say to my mum to allow me to grow inside?

You know kid I thought about this all night long and I know what you can do. Tell your mom that you are growing inside like it or not, If she disagrees Blow her fucking brains out with a 357 then you should have no problem. That way she want have to worry about losing every thing she owns for your stupidity.


Well-Known Member

it's okay to have opinions but threats are different matter entirely

LMAO... the whiny baby reported my posts. Watch out everyone!!! We have a snitch.... :finger:

thats alright though... I got your IP # now. I'll get ya back. ;) Hope it was worth it..

You apparently don't fit in around here kid.. so go where you belong.

buh bye kid.
this was a threat....that ain't cool yo
totally out of line...that is NOT in the spirit of this site

i'd report it too, but then he'd just go after me....see? Now this place is permanently just a little less comfortable for me.
Thanks, cannabisguru. My hat's off to you.

keep up the good work.

EDIT: can you look at yourself in a mirror knowing you threaten mere inexperienced children looking for guidance?
all i'm left with is a hazy image of some great brute knocking over strollers in a park while the police turn a blind eye

"you gonna CRY BABY? HAH! wait till you go to sleep tonight" *wink wink*"mahaaaarrrgh!" *kick*


Well-Known Member
LMAO... the whiny baby reported my posts. Watch out everyone!!! We have a snitch.... :finger:

thats alright though... I got your IP # now. I'll get ya back. ;) Hope it was worth it..

You apparently don't fit in around here kid.. so go where you belong.

buh bye kid.

bye. :(



Well-Known Member
funny....for me, threads like this, end up making me feel somehow....smaller...don't know how to put it in words really

just plain sad.....depending how gullible the kid is, another potential grower of our beloved herb has been run off...over nothing
and we allowed it....

plus we lose out a regular forum mate to boot if we say anything....

i donno man...i donno...


Well-Known Member
excuse my ignorance, but i simply MUST ask....

since when were users allowed to threaten other users for using site features? they aren't

...and why is it being tolerated...are we not allowed to use the report button? it is not being tolerated, please, do use the report button.
why is there then? it is not being tolerated, please, do use the report button.

i JUST saw a thread with a mod bouncing around giving out spankings like necklaces at mardi gras for ordinary school yard name calling
what the hell's going on around here? the TOU are being violated.


hope i answered all your questions. :)


Well-Known Member
You know kid I thought about this all night long and I know what you can do. Tell your mom that you are growing inside like it or not, If she disagrees Blow her fucking brains out with a 357 then you should have no problem. That way she want have to worry about losing every thing she owns for your stupidity.
infraction given.


Well-Known Member
LMAO... the whiny baby reported my posts. Watch out everyone!!! We have a snitch.... :finger:

thats alright though... I got your IP # now. I'll get ya back. ;) Hope it was worth it..

You apparently don't fit in around here kid.. so go where you belong.

buh bye kid.
it's almost like you are asking to get banned?


Well-Known Member
Seriously here, isnt this an ADULT forum? Meaning children aren't allowed?
Ban the child, not the adults. The adults are doing the right thing.

FDD, wtf?
I was gonna PM you but in my eyes you no longer deserve that respect.

Clearly the child, the op, struck a nerve with CG and MANY others including myself.
As adults I feel it is our responsibility to keep children off sites like this.
Just think of the repercussions of giving advice to and/or encouraging illegal drug use to a minor on a site like this can cause.
You sir (or madam) need your eyes opened.
VERY very counter productive to legalization one would think..

Could some of the comments been a bit more....... sanitized? Sure.
Isn't Freedom of Speech still EVERYONES right?

Also, to be goaded into giving out infractions is very immature.
Yeah yeah, I dare you.......... Come on now, sheeeeze.....
And to only give them out on this thread? What about all the other threads?


Well-Known Member
hey Op, I think your catching so much flack cause you are trying pesuade//convince(i.e. con, manipulate) your mom to risk her freedom so you can grow some herb..

If she was a down stoner who was cool with it, that would be one thing...

But she obviously ain't feeling it, if you up on here trying to figure out how to manipulate/ guilt trip/ con her into getting your own way.... Some kids just try and bleed their parents dry.


Well-Known Member
hey Op, I think your catching so much flack cause you are trying pesuade//convince(i.e. con, manipulate) your mom to risk her freedom so you can grow some herb..

If she was a down stoner who was cool with it, that would be one thing...

But she obviously ain't feeling it, if you up on here trying to figure out how to manipulate/ guilt trip/ con her into getting your own way.... Some kids just try and bleed their parents dry.
he hasn't even approached her yet. you are blowing this way out of proportion. he is asking for advice BECAUSE he understands the risks.

this has ALL been gone over 5 times now though, so you know this already. ;)

infraction given. sorry, gotta play fair. :(
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