Curious if you could throw up a pic of how you set up your fan n filter. Im not concerned about smell but heat is my my issue. I have a 6" hood that can be vented from both sides, but I dont know if I should have it suck air out from one end and plug the other side, or have it draw air in from outside and push it threw the hood and out the other end into some other room. Pretty sure the last part is what I do lol now that I look at it instead of saying it aloud haha.
Chocolope - wish I could upload at full resolution.
26w 10.0uvb Reptisun Bulb on same cycle as hps maybe 6-8 inches away from plants
if you have the uvb bulb on ALL the time of your 12/12 cycle, you are going to fry the resin, although it does help build resin, too much uvb for that long will fry it reducing overall production, you should have it on a 30 min on per day, near the end of your light cycle ON.
I don't know anything about UV bulbs, and I figure you probably no most you need to know about them....but just in case I thought I'd throw this post to you that I saw here:
Looks amazing man, yours seem to be changing hair color faster than mine, I hope mine start changing faster, if not oh well the buds grow soo much everyday.
Looking beautiful....getting so close to harvest time!
Better off than me
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That's the reggie we have going around right now....anything better than that costs 25-30 a g ><
I'm the only guy in town with reggie that's not compressed.