That's the problem with most relationships. All this love to go around and not enough trust. The problem with "love" is that it takes forever to learn the difference between what love is and what lust is.
To me, loving someone is not just about the sex but also about all the other aspects of the relationship. There are so many things you have to put aside when you are truly in "love" with someone. Jealousy and mistrust have to be totally put aside for a relationship to work.
Do you worry about your partner cheating when they leave to go "shopping" or "out with his/her friends"? Do you have pictures in your mind of your partner in bed with someone else every time they leave the house? Well fuck that shit! Because if you experience this crap in your relationships then it's time to get the fuck of of it.
We have enough problems in our lives just living and paying the bills. Who needs to have all this added pressure of a mistrusting relationship and worrying all day if the love of my life is fucking someone else.......................
But on to REAL LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mhuhahahahahhahaha
This is what you do my young friend. I know you "seem" to trust her and all but you got to do what you got to do to find out if she's 100% cum free when she gets home.
1) Check her makeup when she walks in the door. If it's perfect and all her lipstick is just right then she's been swallowing that load all night.
2) See if she smells like a clean shower when she walks in. If she does, then she's been sitting on that cock all night.
3) If the above matters don't answer your questions then you have to get resourceful and get her naked and sniff her coochie.
4) You can just outright ask her and see what she says. If you are satisfied with her answer than stfu and fuggetabutit. But seeing how you came here and asked in the first place I get the feeling you don't exactly trust her.
Then here is my last trusty tool to make sure 100% is she has been faithful.
5) When she walks in the door you grab her real quick and surprise her. Make sure you put on the black ski mask and have a good sharp hunting knife. Girls, you can do this to the guys too. Trust me, it works. Your man will scream like a girl
Then you take them to a nice dark room you have set up and put her/him in a chair you have already set in place. Now get the rope or duct tape and tie them to a chair. Once you are done tying your partner take out the small cassette recorder that you have already pre-recorded your questions on. Off course you were smart enough to disguise your voice and make it sound as similar to the guys voice from the "SAW" movies.
This is kind of what it should sound like.................."Hello "name inserted here". We are going to play a game. If you answer all of my questions correctly you will get out of this alive. If you answer any questions with a wrong answer you will get cut with my sharp knife many times and you will slowly bleed to death. Answer every question carefully and good luck."
By this time your partner should be in a frenzied state and will need to calm down a bit. Wait 10 minutes for the breathing to get more regular and then inject them with a nice mind bending substance which of course you purchased a week earlier.
Once your victim.....ooops, I mean partner, starts to get the drugs effects, then you can start asking your questions.
Oh I almost forgot. Remember to do like Dexter does from the Showtime series and cover the walls and floors with plastic!! You wouldn't want all that icky blood on your nice carpet now would you? Cause you know your gonna be cuttin' that bitch up once the lies start spewing from her dirty mouth!!

But really seriously. All joking aside. You don't trust her 100% or you wouldn't open up to a buncha strangers on the internet and ask what you should do. In your heart you already know what to do but you don't have the balls to do it. Honestly I would do #'s 1 thru 4 up above. Don't hurt anyone cause you just hurt yourself in the end.
Good luck!