Done Lots of Research to Get Here! Still Have Questions


Well let's snap to it! Here's the set-up info-

First Grow Ever
2 DWC 5g Buckets- one with 10g air pump (bigger plant) other with ~20g air pump
Last Temp/Humidity/pH reading: 92/41%/5.6
Using a small fan to circulate air
Timer Using 18/6
Random bagseed started germination 21 days ago and here we are

CFL- Fixture one: 2- 42w 2- 55w (bigger plant is under this one)
Fixture two: All 40w

Using GH nutes- Today bigger plant started it's second week of nutes- 1st time using almost full strength.
Smaller plant got it's first nutes 2 days ago- nutes are weak seedling amounts

1. First, how's it looking?
2. Would now be a good time to LST the bigger one- and what would you recommend for my DWC? Since I have to change the water regularly I wouldn't know what to tie the branches down to.
3. See those yellow spots on the leaves? Any guesses?
4. I'm semi-stealth (although you couldn't tell by my closet door)- any ideas how to get rid of this light?
5. I've got another seedling who is needing some nutes really badly but the temp in my space is already 92 degrees- I'm afraid if I put more lights in there the heat will be too much. Any ideas for cooling the space down?

As questions arise I'll post 'em here... Thanks for all your help, critiques, and criticisms in advance. I've learned a metric-shit tonne of information from all you RIUer's and look forward to continuing my growing journey with ya's!



need some fans whats your humidity running ,you can use panda plastic for your light issue but your heat is going to go up what are you doing for vent


need some fans whats your humidity running ,you can use panda plastic for your light issue but your heat is going to go up what are you doing for vent
I've got a fan. Humidity is running 41% last I checked. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by light issue. As for venting, that was one of my questions really. I am renting this apt and can't really cut holes in my door, perhaps in the wall or something. I don't know. What do you suggest?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Remove the door. Use velcro (from walmart sewing sect) to adhere a plastic sheet door. Minimum 6mil plastic. 6in intake hole at bottom, same at top attached to filter/fan combo. Attach 2ft. flex hose to intake on room side, with 2x90 degree bends. Light will not go around a corner. Solves the heat and light leak problem, not real stealthy though. Keep the bedroom door shut maybe? Gonna be difficult to sleep in that room too, unless you're accustomed to sleeping in a sauna.


Remove the door. Use velcro (from walmart sewing sect) to adhere a plastic sheet door. Minimum 6mil plastic. 6in intake hole at bottom, same at top attached to filter/fan combo. Attach 2ft. flex hose to intake on room side, with 2x90 degree bends. Light will not go around a corner. Solves the heat and light leak problem, not real stealthy though. Keep the bedroom door shut maybe? Gonna be difficult to sleep in that room too, unless you're accustomed to sleeping in a sauna.
I really like this solution for light leaks... My bedroom door stays shut and I don't know any time when my roomie has ever come in this wreck of a room... haha I'm thinking about using the plastic sheet to take care of the light leaks, but then I'd still have heat issues. Some people say 90 isn't too bad for them- is that true? As for it being hot in the bedroom- I've already got my air conditioner window unit going- just got it ready today lol. I'm just thinking thru this- rookie, shoulda thought thru it earlier! But what do you think about drilling some small holes for some computer fans and then making a light trapper out of black poster board around the holes since you said light doesn't bend. I'd fix the poster board to the inside of the closet door posts sticking out like 4" (parallel to the door) and then put some light walls on it and the door (perpendicular to the door and door posts)... so with the door closed it makes little walls... kinda hard to envision sorry... i'll see if i can draw it in paint or something then upload it...

Anywhoozle- thanks for your suggestion... it's certainly helping me think through this

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Will probably work. Soon you'll have stank issues, hence the fan/filter combo. Search diy, there are filters you can build for cheap from walmart parts. Need a pretty big comp. fan to scrub the air and cool a closet properly.


since you said light doesn't bend. I'd fix the poster board to the inside of the closet door posts sticking out like 4" (parallel to the door) and then put some light walls on it and the door (perpendicular to the door and door posts)... so with the door closed it makes little walls... kinda hard to envision sorry... i'll see if i can draw it in paint or something then upload it...

Anywhoozle- thanks for your suggestion... it's certainly helping me think through this
This is what I was talking about- does the visual help?



Will probably work. Soon you'll have stank issues, hence the fan/filter combo. Search diy, there are filters you can build for cheap from walmart parts. Need a pretty big comp. fan to scrub the air and cool a closet properly.
You're right about the stank issues! lol I can smell the beautiful sent of plants when I open the door and when I get close it smells like weed! haha who'da thunk it?! I just want to find some sort of small mountable fan that wouldn't require a huge hole and that would still move air. I'd have an intake fan and out fan on opposite corners...


Bump/What do you think they may be? They are from different bags, from different friends, with different dealers, lol. Either way, I think they are looking fantastic- what do you think?
