Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Moderatrix of Journals
lol! Right after I take my afternoon nap and my Geritol.:lol:
geritol? is that the stuff that makes you hate young whippersnappers and wake up at 5 am to demand a breakfast of turkey bacon and egg whites? need to get me some o dat....


Active Member
Wow, this thread' been jumping! I missed all the fun. Our cable and Internet were out for like 3 hours! Good thing it was nice and we were outside or the kids would have driven me crazy about the t.v. As if they couldn't just watch a DVD. Outside is great, everyone's a happy camper!


Well-Known Member
It's actually not too bad out here in the desert either ;-)
Good temps all around, still a little warm in my room, but the lights go out in an hr or so anyway. I'm finding it hard not to go in there with a flashlight though...I'm used to doing all my work @ night.


Well-Known Member
Wassup Doc??

Not much. How are you doing my friend? :joint:

geritol? is that the stuff that makes you hate young whippersnappers and wake up at 5 am to demand a breakfast of turkey bacon and egg whites? need to get me some o dat....
Yes, that's the stuff, but it has the OPPOSITE effect on me. It makes me LOVE children & It makes me sleep in every day until at least 10 am & reluctantly scarf down a bowl of fruity pebbles or maybe some cookie crisp.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread' been jumping! I missed all the fun. Our cable and Internet were out for like 3 hours! Good thing it was nice and we were outside or the kids would have driven me crazy about the t.v. As if they couldn't just watch a DVD. Outside is great, everyone's a happy camper!
I freak out when the cable goes out (usually some news shit in the background and working on the computer/here). Seriously! I'm worse than the kids! They could give 2 shits if the cable goes out. They just go and get into trouble doing something or other, the little demon spawns!:fire:(J/K! I love 'em to death).:hug:


New Member
Not much. How are you doing my friend? :joint:

Yes, that's the stuff, but it has the OPPOSITE effect on me. It makes me LOVE children & It makes me sleep in every day until at least 10 am & reluctantly scarf down a bowl of fruity pebbles or maybe some cookie crisp.:eyesmoke:

Well better than I was so all is well....wacha smokin?



Well-Known Member
y'all still have frankenberry down there? and cap'n crunch with crunchberries? see how deprived we are in our igloos?
Oh yeah!:hump: I just killed off a box of the Oops Crunchberries. You know, the all crunchberry and no cap'n crunch one? I like Count Chocula too! :mrgreen:


Moderatrix of Journals
Oh yeah!:hump: I just killed off a box of the Oops Crunchberries. You know, the all crunchberry and no cap'n crunch one? I like Count Chocula too! :mrgreen:
you're lucky i'm so fond of you, doc, you just came very close to having a hand reach through your monitor and give you an indignant shaking.... ALL CRUNCHBERRIES??? wth, man, are we not worthy or something? we get chocula but not frankenberry, and isn't there 'ghost' one too? (urban legend up here)

crappy thing is we get all the same ads (mostly), so we know what we're missing.


New Member
thats my fav i eat all the crunchberries first :smile: then ave to eat the other shit thats left :-( and i dont eat cereal with milk i hate milk i eat it dry out of boxes

Oh yeah!:hump: I just killed off a box of the Oops Crunchberries. You know, the all crunchberry and no cap'n crunch one? I like Count Chocula too! :mrgreen: