Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]


Well-Known Member
That's disgusting. Absolutely atrocious. It takes me 10 minutes of my day to get a crystal clean bong for all my friends and most importantly myself to enjoy. Clean your shit you lazy ass stoner.

and for the record, I have a 9-5, and a side job (my own business). Neither of which involve weed.
i do clean my shit, every so often. solventing your bong daily so ur friends can marvel at the shine is just retarded.

three thousand six hundred sixty five HOURS!

thats how much life, u waste cleaning bongs!


Well-Known Member
I have a 9-5, and a side job (my own business). Neither of which involve weed.
OH, ya, me too! we allllll got "our own business"

just another cali resident not feeling the effects of the worst economy in the USA, with pounds upon pounds of herb in mason jars, and every last one of em gets smoked by me or my friends and absolutely not sold x D


Well-Known Member
i do clean my shit, every so often. solventing your bong daily so ur friends can marvel at the shine is just retarded.

three thousand six hundred sixty five HOURS!

thats how much life, u waste cleaning bongs!
OH, ya, me too! we allllll got "our own business"

just another cali resident not feeling the effects of the worst economy in the USA, with pounds upon pounds of herb in mason jars, and every last one of em gets smoked by me or my friends and absolutely not sold x D
How do you live being this stupid? Seriously... does it hurt?


Well-Known Member
OH, ya, me too! we allllll got "our own business"

just another cali resident not feeling the effects of the worst economy in the USA, with pounds upon pounds of herb in mason jars, and every last one of em gets smoked by me or my friends and absolutely not sold x D
you really want to talk about this dont you... ok first off i dont sell, i dont even grow, i get free weed, which leaves me extra money for "decent" glass. i clean my pieces once or twice a week... i think it doesnt taste nearly as gross, and mostly everyone else i know who smokes agrees with me. my first bong i had for 2 years, i think i cleaned it twice. then i discovered how cheap salt and alcohol was. if you hate cleaning, and ever decide to not chug that disgusting air down your throat, get an a/c. itll keep your bong plently clean, and they are hella easy to clean themselves. not telling you to change your ways, just throwin it out there ;) you were complaining at me for being one sided. have you read your comments? you left a comment in a nice glass thread to argue about how a dirty bong is better than a clean one... not to hear anyones opinion...


Well-Known Member
you really want to talk about this dont you... ok first off i dont sell, i dont even grow, i get free weed, which leaves me extra money for "decent" glass. i clean my pieces once or twice a week... i think it doesnt taste nearly as gross, and mostly everyone else i know who smokes agrees with me. my first bong i had for 2 years, i think i cleaned it twice. then i discovered how cheap salt and alcohol was. if you hate cleaning, and ever decide to not chug that disgusting air down your throat, get an a/c. itll keep your bong plently clean, and they are hella easy to clean themselves. not telling you to change your ways, just throwin it out there ;) you were complaining at me for being one sided. have you read your comments? you left a comment in a nice glass thread to argue about how a dirty bong is better than a clean one... not to hear anyones opinion...
WOA troll went from starving to fuckin thanksgiving. damn stoners forget who they hate!


Well-Known Member
WOA troll went from starving to fuckin thanksgiving. damn stoners forget who they hate!
i gave you my honest opinion on the subject and i don't expect your's to change. take from it what you will. i dont hate you dude... it's the internet... do you think i care if you dont clean your bong?


Well-Known Member
i rock my bling around my neck while taken dabs worth more than ur tube! haters gunna hate! :D

btw guys i got my ti stuff,and 14m dome in..still waiting on my dishes,pics soon!


Active Member
heh guess i kinda fucked up the thread here. sorry

u guys shouldnt be such fags about bong care though
When I spend the cash on a nice piece, I'm going to also keep it clean and looking new, I don't clean my pieces daily, but I also don't let them build up too much resin. People are disgusted by the slightest amount of res in build up when they come by my place to rip, I couldn't imagine the amount of bitching I'd get if I'd let them build up with res. Also, dirty bongs taste nasty, and since I've also bought a herb iron to get the best taste out of my bud I feel like I'm wasting money when I hit a dirty piece.


Well-Known Member
heh guess i kinda fucked up the thread here. sorry

u guys shouldn't be such fags about bong care though
i stopped in here to post pics of my new tube and i'm met with all these insults and name calling.

is there not a single peaceful thread left?

i'm sure somehow it's all my fault.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i stopped in here to post pics of my new tube and i'm met with all these insults and name calling.

is there not a single peaceful thread left?

i'm sure somehow it's all my fault.

Yeah it was going good for a while there :lol:

feel free to clean up fdd :eyesmoke:


i stopped in here to post pics of my new tube and i'm met with all these insults and name calling.

is there not a single peaceful thread left?

i'm sure somehow it's all my fault.
New tube??!!!?!?! We can sees!? :D :D

All the hate is kinda depressing, but I just stopped reading it. Scroll wheel is workin real nice now ;)



Well-Known Member
New tube??!!!?!?! We can sees!? :D :D

All the hate is kinda depressing, but I just stopped reading it. Scroll wheel is workin real nice now ;)

So does the ignore button. When trolls posts aren't seen, that means he isn't heard. Which means he will eventually have to go back to being under that bridge that he came from. If every single person in this thread that just read this dumbasses posts put him on ignore, he would be invisible soon enough.

I don't see why this argument carried on for pages. Let this fucking fool smoke up dirty reggies out of his never been cleaned china glass. I love when people try to justify pure pathetic laziness, Cause that's all thats happening here. This doesn't affect us in any way, shape, and or form. so by all means, toke up with that gnarly ass piece. Just curious though before i go, How many of your friends flat out refuse bong hits from that thing due to how shitty it looks? Ah wait never mind you have to have friends befor...ah forget it.

"you can lead the horse to the water, but you can't make them drink it."

Oh and to the ignorant comment about not being able to taste the resin on the walls of the bong...Go rub some dog shit on the side of a plastic bag and then proceede to inhale the air from inside that bag, go ahead and tell me what nice taste and aroma just fills your mouth.


I'm gonna clean up my pieces tonight and snap some pics. Get the thread back on track. I don't care if you have seen em already or not! ;)