I've been reading lately and found something I like in the last issue of Urban Garden. I'm not very computer literate so you'll have to find it yourself if you want.
Long story short the article and the whole issue were about organic gardening, compost tea brewing, composting/vermiposting. One part in particular that I liked was where it stated that a lot of growers simply get in the way of the natural biological processes. That might apply to me because sometimes I feel like I don't even really know what I'm doing here. I mean sure, I read Jorge Cervantes' Medical Growers Bible and I read Ed Rosenthalls' Oaksterdam University course book. I've read a whole stack of Rosebud, Urban Garden, Maximum Yield, and High Times. I've spent hundreds of hours reading forums. But sometimes I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, I mean like I can't recite macro and micro elemental properties required by the plants. I understand the process but not so much the nuts and bolts of exactly how it works.
With that being said, I want to try to go as organic as I can. I kinda see it as I'm less of a grower and more of an environmental controller. If I give the plant the proper environment from the root zone all the way to above the plant, then it will do what it has been evolving and doing for waaay before I came along and produce the best flowers it can so it can try to proliferate its own species existence.
Half the battle with more organic grows seems to be that the best method is in single pots of soiless medium that gets hand watered because you just can't really automate when each plant will use its resources a little different. Since I was already doing all that it seemed to make sense to find some organic nutrients and get away from the mineral salts.
I decided to try Roots Organics. When I went to buy the lineup I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was among the cheapest nutes out there. I also like how they recommend feeding and then watering a few times, that makes it easier to feed them for me. I'm going to start using it on my baby C-99 Hybrid and my baby Bubblegummer. We'll see how it goes.
I'm Also switching from 5 gallon smart pots to 7 gallon smart pots.
I also picked up some Vermiblend soil amendment. Now I will use Sunshine Pro-Mix HP 70% and innoculate it with biology from 15% Vermiblend and 15% Just Right X-tra.
Oh yea, I got some ONA for when we harvest. And I accidentally erased a whole camera of pics that's why no Great White Shark pics.