Final Official: 1st Giveaway Contest of 2011~ Starts Right Now~ Entries Only!


Well-Known Member
Theres a ring? Lol anyway i hate paul daily. ..I didnt even know that nate moved to strikeforce....but if he knocked out daily that major rep in my book. (Need to do catching up on my mma)


Well-Known Member
Theres a ring? Lol anyway i hate paul daily. ..I didnt even know that nate moved to strikeforce....but if he knocked out daily that major rep in my book. (Need to do catching up on my mma)
check out
can watch all the fights, even pay per view over there for free:)


Well-Known Member
You could give it a whirl, id like to know if it works for you.

I always have better luck with aero cloners than bubble cloners which is kinda how your aerogarden would be functioning, I believe...

the aero garden doesnt actually mist the plants does it(always thought it was like a small dwc)? I havn't seen one in person.


Well-Known Member
You could give it a whirl, id like to know if it works for you.

I always have better luck with aero cloners than bubble cloners which is kinda how your aerogarden would be functioning, I believe...

the aero garden doesnt actually mist the plants does it(always thought it was like a small dwc)? I havn't seen one in person.

i would say its more of a drip than a mist...but yea constantly runs water threw the pump onto the roots depending on what the timer is set on...i think im gonna try...ive never cloned before and someone is offering clones so im gonna try it out. :-)j


Well-Known Member
yah, I would do that and keep the stems just barley out of the water so the bubbles from the airstones when they hit the surface and pop they mist the stem..
or do half and half(some in the water some just out of the water, and compare your results.)


Well-Known Member
Hey medi how long should the roots develop before I transplant from my Ezclone and do I have to? Count I just leave them in there and grow them like hydro?

Strange that picture gave me a headache I couldn't decide on what to look atthe weed or the girl lol.


Well-Known Member
Dj, off topic but I have found that if you use a cycle timer all aero cloners perform better.

you can pick up the ones that go in 15 min increments (15 on 15 off) for super cheap(like 10 dollar)

Or get the digital progamable ones, I have had the best luck with 1 min on, 5 mins off. (little more expensive, but more versatile).

On root development, this is something I have experminted with quite a bit in hydroponic applications, the larger the root mass when you transfer the clone, the more prolific the overal finall root development will be.


you take 10 clones off a marijuana plant. After 5 days all ten plants have roots, if you were to transfer the 5 of the clones over to hydro clay on day 5, and leave the other 5 clone in the cloner for another 5 days, then transplant into hydroclay.

The root development has Always beensignifigantly better on the plants that had the larger root mass before transplant, even though the plants are all the same age.(iv played around with this for a couple years).

so 3 weeks down the line the plants that were transfered at day 5 will not have as good a root development in the hydroclay(even though they were in the hydroclay longer.

I am retyping my cloner review/tutorial as my personal computer took a dive about a month back, ill post up a link whenever I get around to typing it up again, most my stuff was backed up, but I still lost a lot of info, just havn't felt like fucking with it as of late.

Personaly I would transfer the clones when you notice the roots are getting long enough to be pulled into the pump.

you wondered if you could do a small SOG type grow in the ezclone, honestly I am not to sure.
I think if you wanted to give it a whirl, try picking up a pump bag .


Well-Known Member
Ill put some pictures up in a little bit and edit my post so it makes more sense, need some coffee first:)


Well-Known Member
well if were showin nice ladies I'm in

My two favorite dishes
thats such a cool picture on so many levels, the beautiful girl, the herb, the crazy painting...:)
now you know I don't mind but u might wanna put up one without the nipple showing though, scantity clad girls of RIU generally doesnt get shut down, but when we do the totally nude non RIU girls, pretty much no bueno ;)


Well-Known Member
thats such a cool picture on so many levels, the beautiful girl, the herb, the crazy painting...:)
now you know I don't mind but u might wanna put up one without the nipple showing though, scantity clad girls of RIU generally doesnt get shut down, but when we do the totally nude non RIU girls, pretty much no bueno ;)
its art if it has bud in the pic!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize it was off topic. So what is the topic of this thread since that comp is pretty much ruined.


Well-Known Member
why is the comp ruined? I don't mind answering questions, one of the prizes is a brand new ezcloner so questions about an ezcloner don't really seem off topic:)


Well-Known Member
nope still popping off bongsmilie,

just kinda slow cause my dumbass made the contest way to challenging for stoners.

if we do another contest in the future it will be much much simpler, can;t really change the rules up mid contest as it wouldnt be fair to those who already entered, come on guys lets see some more entries, lets hit the 50 mark then we can do another something if you guys want.


My attempted artistic shot:)



Well-Known Member
nope still popping off bongsmilie,

just kinda slow cause my dumbass made the contest way to challenging for stoners.

if we do another contest in the future it will be much much simpler, can;t really change the rules up mid contest as it wouldnt be fair to those who already entered, come on guys lets see some more entries, lets hit the 50 mark then we can do another something if you guys want.

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I can't believe no one wants a $300 Ezclone for free what the fuck is wrong with these people? Maybe restate the rules one last time and ill spread the word in the other threads.