DWC/Soil - 400w HPS - Sexy Avatar!

Silent Running

Active Member
Hey. Sorry I've been kind of scarce. I've started a new business venture and have been meeting with partners and investors. The girls are doing good. I'll try to get some pictures of them today or tomorrow. I shut down my veg box for now and am letting everything in the tent finish before I start a new batch. I think I'm going to order another tent and use my 400w hps in it as a veg tent and get a 600w hps for my flower tent.

Presents? Do tell. :) I hope you get a male with auto trait too Baja! My last two attempts (6 seeds each try) yielding only one male and he had bad genetics so he was chopped and flushed before puberty could hit him.


Well-Known Member
Hey. Sorry I've been kind of scarce. I've started a new business venture and have been meeting with partners and investors. The girls are doing good. I'll try to get some pictures of them today or tomorrow. I shut down my veg box for now and am letting everything in the tent finish before I start a new batch. I think I'm going to order another tent and use my 400w hps in it as a veg tent and get a 600w hps for my flower tent.

Presents? Do tell. :) I hope you get a male with auto trait too Baja! My last two attempts (6 seeds each try) yielding only one male and he had bad genetics so he was chopped and flushed before puberty could hit him.
good to see you back


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the gifts SR. Only 2 of the 3 HALS ended up cracking soil, one is stretching like crazy while the other one seems to be growing at a normal rate. I'm guessing that fast growing one might be a male, as for it being an auto or not, I'll have to wait a few weeks to know for sure. Until then I'll keep them in the veg tent and see if they show any signs of sex.

It'd be cool to get a male auto, I have a friend who really wants to grow autos's but they are too expensive to buy, IMO, so hopefully we can find one and breed it so I can pass on a few seeds to him :leaf:

Silent Running

Active Member
OK. Deep Grapefruit (upper sites), Cali. Haze and Royal Haze all got the chop yesterday/today. I didn't get any pictures of the RH but she is hanging and I'll get some of her dried later next week.

Here is the CH before chop (no after chop pics...sorry):


DG before upper site chop:


Upper site buds after chop:

I still have the lower 1/3rd of the DG finishing. No wet weights as my scales are with "L" on a trip.

Baja, I might have some LRs left. I'll have to dig through to see if I have any this weekend. My experience with HAL thus far...she will stretch like crazy if the light is higher than 12-16" from her. The fat leaves I had are actually more a curse than a cool thing. They over fill the flower area and block all light and air flow. I've been pruning back the leaves...to no avail...within 4-5 days she just replaces them. I'll get a close up of it here when I take pictures of the dried RH/DG/CH.

Time to go kick back with straight up SoCo and some BC bud. Catch y'all later. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Looks great SR. :weed:

Lemme know on those LR's, I'd like to find a male auto and get some seeds going for an outdoor grow at my friends house. One of the 2 HALs that cracked is stretching much faster than the other one, I'm going to transfer them into party cups later this afternoon and sex them next week. If I get a female I might enter her in the new party cup contest


Well-Known Member
One of the HALs showed sex today, it's a lady and has the auto pheno. The other one is a runt and isn't growing much, I might have to cancel it