[How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

What up fellas, Just got me one of those stainless steel turkey basters. Got a ? though. I already have 8 cans of King brand triple refined butane and want to know if that would be okay to use or should I break down and by the 5X. From what I understand the 5X would be better but how much better would it actually be. I'd just hate to buy more when I already have so much of it on hand.
What up fellas, Just got me one of those stainless steel turkey basters. Got a ? though. I already have 8 cans of King brand triple refined butane and want to know if that would be okay to use or should I break down and by the 5X. From what I understand the 5X would be better but how much better would it actually be. I'd just hate to buy more when I already have so much of it on hand.

It's something you're going to be ingesting... I'd buy the best stuff possible.

But try a mirror test. Spray a bit on a clean mirror, wait for it to evaporate off and if there is anything left except moisture then don't use it.
It's something you're going to be ingesting... I'd buy the best stuff possible.

But try a mirror test. Spray a bit on a clean mirror, wait for it to evaporate off and if there is anything left except moisture then don't use it.

Right on Benassi, that sounds like some sound advice. I'll give that a try and see what happens.

What up fellas, Just got me one of those stainless steel turkey basters. Got a ? though. I already have 8 cans of King brand triple refined butane and want to know if that would be okay to use or should I break down and by the 5X. From what I understand the 5X would be better but how much better would it actually be. I'd just hate to buy more when I already have so much of it on hand.

I'm gonna have to go with Benassi on this one. Honestly BHO can be pretty sketchy and not pleasant when lower quality butane is used. I use 4x lucienne cause no local place has vector, and at first i was even sketched out about using that, but after many rea-ssurances and the mirror test i've determined it's safe too use. I don't think that i'd break down enough to use 3x though.

I do feel you though, pretty shitty having 8 cans and not being able to use it -_-

If it passes the mirror test and If your down for potentially wasting a run, you can buy 1 can of vector and run it. Then do a run with the king and see how it comes out.
Yeah I'm a big fan of torch lighters and I bought a case of the 3X butane around 10 years ago and I still got 8 full cans of it left. If I have to break down and buy another case of the 5X I will. After I do the mirror test and actually get around to making some honey oil I post some pics and let y'all know what I went with.

Thanks for the help.
If you're making BHO...you're gonna need those 3X cans for the torches to heat that nail or pad!!!!!
Someone on here shot me a link from Amazon. on some cheap ass Vector!!!! Hope they see this and chime in ,cause I couldn't find it!!!
Yeah just got done looking on Amazon and that vector is pretty pricey. Earlier I cleaned my bathroom mirror with Windex and then sprayed a good amount of butane on it and then walked out to let it dry. After a couple of hours I went back to check it out and I could just barely see some contaminants that was leftover. To me it seems that it would be perfectly fine to use but hey I'm no expert on the subject and that's why I'm here asking the questions. Does anybody have any final thoughts on my findings?

Thanks in advance guys.

try not to go in a coma on us. I NEED to find something blast worthy around here, and lately it's just been a lost cause. I'm havin withdrawls haha.

Yeah I have like 14g of shake/tiny nuggies... I might just take a half oz of nug and run myself some oil if I get really desperate. :lol: i have like a gram + of oil left

I ran that for my friend. He wanted to give me 4g, but I talked him down to giving me 1 :) so that will also last until I can get some more shake off my sacks
Why are there no picture of this huge run?!?!

I did it at my buddies! No camera, ill take a pic of my next personal run though :)

I just grabbed a gram of some of it... ive got to use up whats left in my worked dish, then im putting it in there, and purging it 2 more times :D
I put mine in a small jar inside a larger jar
then I foil tapped a hose attachment into
the lid ring and hooked it up to the shop vac
for about 5 min....it worked for me.