What kind of weird behavior is this from Obama?


Well-Known Member
When I was in high school 80% of the kids didn't get out of their seats for the pledge of allegiance. I always made sure I did tho. I felt kinda dorky b/c no one else was doing it. But, I was like fuck it I don't want to be a follower.
we didn't really have that option ... you got your ass out of that seat or you could get your ass to the principals office if i recall correctly.

but isn't that the way it always is - if you live in a place cool enough to let you sit - you shouldn't want to
but if you live in a place that doesn't let you sit you should fight for the right to sit


New Member
we didn't really have that option ... you got your ass out of that seat or you could get your ass to the principals office if i recall correctly.

but isn't that the way it always is - if you live in a place cool enough to let you sit - you shouldn't want to
but if you live in a place that doesn't let you sit you should fight for the right to sit
I don't salute the "Flag" and don't disrespect anyone that doesn't. The Flag is just a piece of cloth as far as I'm concerned. All the bullshit that goes with it has been embellished beyond belief anyway, get over it, it's just a piece of friken cloth. I do stand for the national anthem, but actually that pisses me off also. The whole schmear is about allegiance to the corporate world protected by the military, pure unadulterated bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I don't salute the "Flag" and don't disrespect anyone that doesn't. The Flag is just a piece of cloth as far as I'm concerned. All the bullshit that goes with it has been embellished beyond belief anyway, get over it, it's just a piece of friken cloth. I do stand for the national anthem, but actually that pisses me off also. The whole schmear is about allegiance to the corporate world protected by the military, pure unadulterated bullshit.
You are one angry lib.
If you hate your country so much why not go to cuba where you agree with policy? Or some other socialist shitshole?


Well-Known Member
I don't salute the "Flag" and don't disrespect anyone that doesn't. The Flag is just a piece of cloth as far as I'm concerned. All the bullshit that goes with it has been embellished beyond belief anyway, get over it, it's just a piece of friken cloth. I do stand for the national anthem, but actually that pisses me off also. The whole schmear is about allegiance to the corporate world protected by the military, pure unadulterated bullshit.
Yikes! settle down there beavis - i was just telling a story my Mom told me. I don't care if you burn the flag - that is your "unadulterated bullshit" - not mine. I was merely pointing out the irony of liberty.


New Member
You are one angry lib.
If you hate your country so much why not go to cuba where you agree with policy? Or some other socialist shitshole?
I love my country, just not the bullshit the Government tries to foist upon us. If you buy into that crap then maybe you're not the brightest bulb in the box. Have you ever heard of Jingoism. It's a form of gather around the maypole and worship your leaders. I say fuck those leaders that have caused so much death and misery, by waving a flag in my face does not make all that go away. I love America and it's diversity and the will of the people when put to the test, Americans are a great people. It's the leadership that sucks. When I was a child, I worshiped childish things, now that I am a man, those things are silly and don't deserve worship, Capiche?


Well-Known Member
When I was in high school 80% of the kids didn't get out of their seats for the pledge of allegiance. I always made sure I did tho. I felt kinda dorky b/c no one else was doing it. But, I was like fuck it I don't want to be a follower.
you hear the pledge or the greatest anthem ever to be sung, stand up,cap off,hand up without question.Is nobody proud to be an american anymore?

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.

Thats a message to the people, not CEOs or back door dealing government reps,yet who doing the guiding?
How long are we going to let them take control and drive it into the ground?
Ive said it before, are money is used to hold her legs open while she gets raped.we should have never went to iraq and killed god knows how meany people for no just reason-that is a war crime no less then the nazi party and we do nothing.The people need to underground union up and hang these fuckers and start over.
I willing to kill my government for my country,just say when...:mrgreen:


New Member
We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.
The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:
ummmm. i'm pretty cure your distant relatives from Africa where you came from weren't Christians and they didn't believe that Yahweh was the one true god.

christianity was given to you by the white man to keep you civil while you served him dinner.

to all black people: break the last chain of servitude to the white man: HIS religion!


peace :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Watching this video, you might wonder, "How does someone that shows this much disrespect to the country become a Presidential candidate?". There's a few answers. Obama himself has said that his grandfather taught him that you put your hand over your heart during the pledge and you sing during the national anthem. This is actually pretty common belief for a lot of people. U.S. flag code dictates that you stand facing the flag with your hand over your heart during any singing of the national anthem. However, U.S. flag code also refers to men wearing headresses and is a bit outdated.

"Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart", said Anne Garside, director of Communication for the Maryland Historical society and home of the original manuscript for the Star-Spangled Banner. "I think the bottom line is you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder or waist level, is really irrelevant in this day and age."

The truth of the matter is, sometimes he puts his hand over his heart, sometimes he doesn't.

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Barack Obama and the National Anthem
This webpage will show you pictures of Obama with his hand over his heart during the national anthem, video of him sworn in on the bible, video of him saying the Pledge of Allegiance during the opening of Senate sessions, and finally a video of him debunking all these false rumors.

Can we put this to rest now?


Well-Known Member
Watching this video, you might wonder, "How does someone that shows this much disrespect to the country become a Presidential candidate?". There's a few answers. Obama himself has said that his grandfather taught him that you put your hand over your heart during the pledge and you sing during the national anthem. This is actually pretty common belief for a lot of people. U.S. flag code dictates that you stand facing the flag with your hand over your heart during any singing of the national anthem. However, U.S. flag code also refers to men wearing headresses and is a bit outdated.

"Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart", said Anne Garside, director of Communication for the Maryland Historical society and home of the original manuscript for the Star-Spangled Banner. "I think the bottom line is you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder or waist level, is really irrelevant in this day and age."

The truth of the matter is, sometimes he puts his hand over his heart, sometimes he doesn't.

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Barack Obama and the National Anthem
This webpage will show you pictures of Obama with his hand over his heart during the national anthem, video of him sworn in on the bible, video of him saying the Pledge of Allegiance during the opening of Senate sessions, and finally a video of him debunking all these false rumors.

Can we put this to rest now?
Quality Post ^

If your biggest concern is whether or not he puts his hand on his heart, then you'll probably vote Republican.
Poop Post ^
Congratulations, you lose.


Active Member
You are pretty much the personification of everything that's wrong with America.
I couldn't be happier that I live in Canada.
OBAMA '08!!!


Well-Known Member
You are pretty much the personification of everything that's wrong with America.
I couldn't be happier that I live in Canada.
OBAMA '08!!!

Again you leave an absolutely empty and worthless reply...much like the candidate you support...


New Member
Isn't it odd how the Canadians go nutz toward the end of winter? Living in a freezing attic while the party is going on downstairs gets a bit confining I guess. :mrgreen:



Active Member
Isn't it odd how the Canadians go nutz toward the end of winter? Living in a freezing attic while the party is going on downstairs gets a bit confining I guess. :mrgreen:
That's original. A real stinging slap in the face. Except, you don't see too many Canadians going out of their ways to crash your party. I wonder why that is?