1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
2 x 600's one straight HPS the others MH crossover the brand i forget now but it has a nicer blue ish tint when they fire up. temps are spot on. just had a look in before and its 26c higher than normal but i have got the dehumidifier venting into the space.

want to make sure everythings nice n low humidity wise. swell the trichs up on my livers too

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
2 x 600's one straight HPS the others MH crossover the brand i forget now but it has a nicer blue ish tint when they fire up. temps are spot on. just had a look in before and its 26c higher than normal but i have got the dehumidifier venting into the space.

want to make sure everythings nice n low humidity wise. swell the trichs up on my livers too
That all sounds really good and the fact that you can keep your temps down is awesome, especially in a...4' x 4' area? My ro is dangerously high the past couple of weeks need to fix that.

Well I'm off to the hydro store and the grocery store...going to make my gal one of her favorites, shepards pie tonight. Watched the local news at noon....oh my fucking god man...massive flooding around the state with dozens of roads closed or destroyed. Last nights rain was a record amount for this month April has been a record rainfall here too. Sun's out so far today but another round later this afternoon into Fri.

Later man

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its all good for now but last week when we had a spot of warm weather it was pushing 29 if we have another heatwave i could be in bother. so far so good tho!

shep pie eh. very comforting food food when its inclement out! batten down the hatches bro sounds like its been rough the last week power outs n such. that affected your op much?

laters chief!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
its all good for now but last week when we had a spot of warm weather it was pushing 29 if we have another heatwave i could be in bother. so far so good tho!

shep pie eh. very comforting food food when its inclement out! batten down the hatches bro sounds like its been rough the last week power outs n such. that affected your op much?

laters chief!
What about an ac hook up or do you have one already? It's 77F out, I have my ac running just to help lower the ro a bit lol. Did not affect my op as the power went out at about the same time they go to sleep, so dodged a little bullet there.

Just put my trimmings in the freezer....they could have dried for another day but oh well, it's rather dry in the cave right now. Got some Ice drying now and the rest of this batch gets chopped in the next day or two, just a day shy of 8 weeks but I think the LCC I'll let go 8.5

Enjoy your eve, thinking I'll be kiefing some of my trim in a couple of hours before I make hash tonight. What ever get you through the night is what Lennon said!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
My new venture is costing just under 2.2k. Know any immagrants.lol
aye i do but the dopes gash man ;)
What about an ac hook up or do you have one already? It's 77F out, I have my ac running just to help lower the ro a bit lol. Did not affect my op as the power went out at about the same time they go to sleep, so dodged a little bullet there.
Just put my trimmings in the freezer....they could have dried for another day but oh well, it's rather dry in the cave right now. Got some Ice drying now and the rest of this batch gets chopped in the next day or two, just a day shy of 8 weeks but I think the LCC I'll let go 8.5
Enjoy your eve, thinking I'll be kiefing some of my trim in a couple of hours before I make hash tonight. What ever get you through the night is what Lennon said!
na man we dont generally have need for aircon here lmao :lol: i had a sniff of the LCC before, its some funk, just hope it fills out. im hoping its justa sativa lean...
enjoy your kief hc!
Looking a bit empty there mate. I'm a bit slack in my Perpetual at the mo cos of my 600 tent takin up my time
i know man, you can see the floor :( im knocking the perpetual on the head for a little while. got a move planned for the end of summer. im getting another 4 autopot setup this month ill be doing one half livers one half psycho. and a few testers in between. i need more space.


Well-Known Member
Howdy chief, sound's like H.C got some "Machine gun Funk" ( enjoy man )
So you in bed allready old man! Shit, i was in the sun all day, Few stella and couple banger's and that's me just woke after a K.F.C around errr? That time. lol.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha aye man, when you look like me beauty sleep counts mate :lol: only to be woke at 5 by the pork chopper going round in circles over the estate for a n hour.

went round me pals last neet n he's sat covered in suit ( he's a tradesman) he's got a cut on top of his heed a fat jaw and a bright red beak. big 1150v powerdrill jammed up going through a wall spun round a clocked him right in the dial. 3 times afore he lost his rag n the thing went in little pieces in the skip. if it weren't for bad luck he had have none. few tins watchin the footy a couple of zoots n i was out for the count.

well happy second psuedo friday of the year people!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well in the Great Dutch tradition of fukking you over on your holidays, Queens day (a national holiday) is on a Saturday...and guess what, you don't get a day off work because it falls at the weekend. It's the same with another holiday this year, so we loose 2 days public holidays!!! I mean come on, hey everyone, it's Saturday and it's a holiday...enjoy. lol.


Well-Known Member
seriously mate, we get shite public holidays, it's only the religious ones. And then even some of them we don't get e.g good friday is not a holiday here.
as with all things the balance is europe in general have a half dozen more bank hols. i've heard queens day is awesome
And Queens day is a right old laugh...but does get a bit same old same old after a decade. There are lots of young jailbait girls walking around jaked out of their minds though, lol.


Well-Known Member
ooh I wouldn't go that far, 115,000 Jews removed from Amsterdam, only 5,000 returned lad! If you are interested I can show you a few things when you are in town, there's a set of railway tracks that they have left sitting outside where the Jewish history museum is now. This was the departure point where they loaded the prisoners into the rail carts, it's a real eery place I feel.

I am not getting this aspect of the Dutch, in some respects they absolutely insist on quality of life, "no work to live shit" going on over here on the whole (although there are the exceptions of course), but the public holidays is a freaking mystery to me. And they have Unions...go figure that one.

I've neve
man that sucks no good friday? what are they holocaust deniers too?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah man it was a said in jest but i don't take that shit lightly i've been to Auschwitz. one of a handful of things that will stay with me forever man. yeah ive done the wreck weekend in Adam but id like to do the culture bit too. ive always wanted to see the tulips out in force ( non smokin type) anne franks place and you have a wealth of works of art for such a small country.

every day is a holiday if you can legally toke up imho


New Member
I feel like our country keeps ADDING holidays. We have Cesar Chavez day now even. He was a migrant mexican farm laborer who organized a union for the fruit pickers. Now it's a holiday and everything is closed. Keep the holidays coming!

PS....grow is looking great Donster!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah there'd be uproar if they announced a holiday for an immigrant in this country. then again the lazy bastards wouldn't complain too much....