Explosion Over THe Pacific ...


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have all heard about the American spy satellite that broke in space and is falling towards the earth.. They say it is filled with flammable rocket fuel and they don't want that destroying anything, cities, countries, etc.. but I also read they have all this extremely expensive spy equipment on the satellite and they don't want it falling into the wrong hands, so the US government paid the navy 60 millions US dollars to try and shoot it down with a missile tonight.. They ordered no planes or boats around the pacific ocean tonight Feb. 20th at 10:30 EST.. I hope to see some kind of explosion..:blsmoke::hump::joint:
haha, let me know if you see it and it's not a bean popping! haha j/k.

They get to test the missile defence system out... also people say we're doing this because China did it last year (destroy a satellite in space)
China did this before. It is amazing what we can do now with guided missiles

EDIT: i just saw the post above talking about china.
Yes, it is such a lie that our government said " We are no longer using the satellite, and it is in danger of hitting the earth." That is such bs! China and Russia have been spying and getting military information from us, and a few of the spys have been arrested. China is our biggest threat, and they are attempting to accommodate our satellite to their needs. I do not buy the it has a dangerous gas attempt. BS.
p.s. imagine if they told us the truth, that china may attack us someday soon, and that china wants the satellite... Our country would throw a hissy fit.
This china story almost....ALMOST!! makes me want to stop eating chinese food....but its sooooo good!
Great question, we dont have to pay the military to do missions in iraq, just pay the expenses. Why do we need to pay the military to fire a missile at a satelite. Somebodies cashing in on this.

Nobody is cashing in on it. There are many people that need to be organized together to work and those people need to get paid. Not only do you need to pay the military workers who do the dirty work but you need to pay the engineers, physicists, etc. a lot of money. It seems simple, shoot a satellite with a missile and boom it's over, but there are many different steps and many different people at each step who factor into the operation as a whole. Also, there are fuel costs for the ship, supply costs for the missile itself, research costs, etc. I know that even at a college level, putting together a "small" missile and launching it can require almost $30 million in research money from start to finish. And what is another $60 million to shoot down a satellite and get tons of publicity when the US is spending an estimated $275 million a DAY on the war
sure its a lot of people involved with this but come on 60 mill??? maybe they can pay someone 20 mill to wipe my ass after i take a shit.just b/c we "have" the money doesnt mean we need to spend it i mean come on people. maybe if we had someone making a budget that had some idea of how hard money is to come by when you cant just print it out then the $1 wouldnt be going down in worth all across the world. someone correct me if im wrong but maybe if they put that money back in to the economy then the country wouldnt on the edge of [SIZE=-1] recession. or maybe im just young and stupid. thoughts anyone???

sure its a lot of people involved with this but come on 60 mill??? maybe they can pay someone 20 mill to wipe my ass after i take a shit.just b/c we "have" the money doesnt mean we need to spend it i mean come on people. maybe if we had someone making a budget that had some idea of how hard money is to come by when you cant just print it out then the $1 wouldnt be going down in worth all across the world. someone correct me if im wrong but maybe if they put that money back in to the economy then the country wouldnt on the edge of [SIZE=-1] recession. or maybe im just young and stupid. thoughts anyone???


The $60 million (just like a lot of other government prices of things--uhm, weed) is an overestimate of how much it costs. They will factor in every expense they think is linked to this operation. Sometimes you can figure out about how much the missile itself costs by other launches. Say they launch the same missile again but need to launch three and they estimate the cost to be $80 million, then you know the rocket costs almost $10 million by itself (which is about what they cost I believe). And we did need to spend the money if in fact the satellite was damaged. Would you want it to come crashing down on its own somewhere? Also, although $60 million is quite a large sum of money to any of us, it is nothing in the US economy. We have spent anywhere from .5 trillion to 1.2 trillion dollars on the war in Iraq alone. Our budget for this year is almost 3 TRILLION dollars (which doesn't include most of the expenses from Iraq). Three to five billion dollars a year could stop world hunger but why spend billions on world hunger when we can blow things up everyday :hump:
Front page of my local newspaper was a big article about they blew it up last night.. There went 60 million out the window.. Wish they would spend money like that on legalizing/decriminalizing marijuana.:hump:
The $60 million (just like a lot of other government prices of things--uhm, weed) is an overestimate of how much it costs. They will factor in every expense they think is linked to this operation. Sometimes you can figure out about how much the missile itself costs by other launches. Say they launch the same missile again but need to launch three and they estimate the cost to be $80 million, then you know the rocket costs almost $10 million by itself (which is about what they cost I believe). And we did need to spend the money if in fact the satellite was damaged. Would you want it to come crashing down on its own somewhere? Also, although $60 million is quite a large sum of money to any of us, it is nothing in the US economy. We have spent anywhere from .5 trillion to 1.2 trillion dollars on the war in Iraq alone. Our budget for this year is almost 3 TRILLION dollars (which doesn't include most of the expenses from Iraq). Three to five billion dollars a year could stop world hunger but why spend billions on world hunger when we can blow things up everyday :hump:

ok maybe i didnt say it right. WHY should it cost 60 million for our own fuck up?? 60 million would be a start im not saying it would fix things but he would help out.just think about 60 million going back into the school systems and keeping programs like music and art alive or into new programs for kids to keep them out of gangs. when it comes down to it why should it be 10 mill a rocket? b/c they know they can get away with it. sure you can say well you need to pay this guy 1 mill and this guy half a mill but why? b/c he went to school to learn to build rockets? come on and while im at it why in the fuck should we pay someone to play a sport that they "love" so much money??? come the fuck on people why not pay them what middle class people get paid??? and im sry for high jacking the thread man my bad. Im out of weed and really stupid things like that tend to piss me off.

ok maybe i didnt say it right. WHY should it cost 60 million for our own fuck up?? 60 million would be a start im not saying it would fix things but he would help out.just think about 60 million going back into the school systems and keeping programs like music and art alive or into new programs for kids to keep them out of gangs. when it comes down to it why should it be 10 mill a rocket? b/c they know they can get away with it. sure you can say well you need to pay this guy 1 mill and this guy half a mill but why? b/c he went to school to learn to build rockets? come on and while im at it why in the fuck should we pay someone to play a sport that they "love" so much money??? come the fuck on people why not pay them what middle class people get paid??? and im sry for high jacking the thread man my bad. Im out of weed and really stupid things like that tend to piss me off.

I wasn't trying to make it sound like I believe $60 million couldn't be put to better use but I was saying that it probably was less than $60 million to begin with and was a necessary expense. I have a friend who is a "rocket scientist" (ha) who told me that the university received $30 million to research, design, build, and test a rocket. My point was that $10 million per rocket is the actual cost and the situation couldn't be avoided. For example, say you notice there is a huge screw in your tire and it will eventually go flat so you buy a new tire. Of course that money could've been spent on some weed that you wanted or even on your kid's birthday present but it had to be spent on the tire. The government can't not pay people what they are expecting to make. This is a capitalist economy and you need education to get to the top of it and education costs money. The people are getting paid the right amount for how much money and time they spent on getting to that point through school and how difficult the work actually is. Could any middle class worker be a engineer--no, because they don't have the intellectual capabilities or they just don't want to be and that's why they aren't getting paid the same. I'm not saying I believe in social Darwinism and how the government and economy operates but I'm just stating the facts here. What you are saying sounds like a socialist/communist society which (as we've seen in history) just doesn't work out.

But I'm with you on the sports. They get paid ridiculuous amounts for PLAYING a sport. Then again, if you pay the athletes less then the people who own the team and the larger corporations will just make more money.

sorry about the huge post.