Ya until it happens when u are fully awake chances are its sleep related and nothing else
Theres no such thing as ghosts and stuff, but our minds play tricks on us. I think its best to get another dog and make sure u are getting good sleep, if not u can get pills that help u sleep restfully
If u feel there is a ghost, do the opposite of what your fear tells u, call the ghost a bitch and a coward and make fun of him, he will run away cuz ghosts are all bitch corwards, in my expiriance anyway
My g/f freaks out when i curse god out loud and call him a faggot
so i say do the same to the ghosts, gods still been too cowardly to show his face around me, what a punk! And ghosts have no where near as much clout as god, so i say either way u have nothing to worry about
"Ya u heard me jeesus," "why dont u go help some starving kids or somthing u lazy hypocrate?" "Get off your ass and save sombodys grandma or somthin punk!"