Bodhi's SR71 PK x Appalachia, TGA's Chernobyl AND Outlaw's Double Purple Doja F3!

the Floja is tight! Anyone ever grow the "Moonshine" line from DJ? looks dank and sposta be pretty potent..ive yet to see a bad nug shot or read a bad review (asides from the normal BB line hermies and mutants)

haha FG..most dudes spend thier life trying to find a perfect wife..we look for perfect mothers LOL
the old time is still on my list went away pretty quick when he realesd em. I really want the blue moonshine tho...i seen a guy make bubble hash with it...and the water looked like burple koolaid when he was done..makes alota hash to

i love this pic...used to stare at it for minutes at a time..hours are to long for my attention span LOL

THIS is the pic I stare at when I hear OTM by DJ Short ! lol

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Like you said, it came and went fast.
About 2yrs ago, I read some probs with hermies if you can find the info still.

You should check out Blue Moon Rocks by BOG.
Subcool even said it was kickass.

THIS is the pic I stare at when I hear OTM by DJ Short ! lol

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Like you said, it came and went fast.
About 2yrs ago, I read some probs with hermies if you can find the info still.

You should check out Blue Moon Rocks by BOG.
Subcool even said it was kickass.

thats THE classic epic picture ...the foxtails are sexy as hell ..unfortunatley being an inbred blueberry line its gonna suffer from the shitty traits a lil bit to...ive read the same for the Cocoa Kush and Vanilluna tho to...the test grows i saw had a fare share of just sux payin 150+ to get one keeper if yur lucky. Im a hooj DJ fan but for an IBL line its got its probs.....end results tho can be real good. At the end of the still a fan!

the BMR looks tight..i love bubblegum/blueberry genetics
You and I both with being DJ fans.
But those probs AND those prices I can't fuck with !!
He's taken a major hit losing his prized Blueberry Mom.
I found this really cool organic clothing company recently and thought you guys might enjoy there products and their mission. I have one of the long sleeve shirts and one t-shirt and absolutely love both. They use a blend of organic bamboo and cotton. They also have some interesting hemp products. The material is incredibly soft and washes very well in cold water. I'd recommend the no label t-shirt. I'm not a huge fan of their branding but the product itself is superb.

Flo I got a question for you. It's sitting in my latest entry.

You have any ladies showing yet? :D!!!
I hit up your thread H4V.

I have 2 confirmed females so far.
Both SR71, although I believe both Chernobyl's are female too, but just a little longer to make sure.
Wouldn't be surprised if they were knowing from experience that Subcool usually has outstanding female to male ratios.
I should everything by Sunday..................hopefully.
hey flo i got a question for you....what brand of check valves do you use...i hooked my dwc back up and did a test run with just plain water yesterday...checked it today and had almost no airflow...checked it out and my tubes was full of water..and my pump was full of water.ive taken the pump apart and have it drying out.still works but the rubber pieces on the inside was full of water...water in there=no airflow...ive bought a few different kinds of check valves and so far they have all sucked monkey balls,what kind do you use and would ya happen to have a link?
hey flo i got a question for you....what brand of check valves do you use...i hooked my dwc back up and did a test run with just plain water yesterday...checked it today and had almost no airflow...checked it out and my tubes was full of water..and my pump was full of water.ive taken the pump apart and have it drying out.still works but the rubber pieces on the inside was full of water...water in there=no airflow...ive bought a few different kinds of check valves and so far they have all sucked monkey balls,what kind do you use and would ya happen to have a link?

What's up DJ !?
How've you been bro !

I use the valves from Wal Fart, although I haven 't used them on the last 2 grows.
You're pump must have been sitting too low or on the floor ?

heyy man. just giving ya an update.... on eof my other Floja's is a male! =D it was one with a purple stem.. not sure if thats gonna matter or not. lol but im just happy to know ill have sum floja pollen... and i can pollinate my floja female i have going.. adn i have 1 more floja in the flowering room.... not sure wether shes a male or female yet. my female floja is growing really fast still! and 2 gorilla grape seeds have germed! will be starting them in soil in a day or 2.
That's cool too, since you do have at least one female to pollinate.
Let's hope you're blessed with another female once the other Floja shows her sex.

Glad to hear about your GG's too !
How many are you cracking ?
What's up DJ !?
How've you been bro !

I use the valves from Wal Fart, although I haven 't used them on the last 2 grows.
You're pump must have been sitting too low or on the floor ?

been good man,how bout yourself?lost net for a few days,but back to normal now.
thats odd...i got my first set at wal-hell...the blue ones.they was junk for me,second set i spent a ton for on ebay,was shit too. and nope,my pump was above the dwc,about a 2 feet above.i think i might still have had some water in it from my last grow with it and since there was water in the rubber pushers instead of it pumping air the water made it suck air back into the tubes...still drying out now,ill toss it back together here in a few and hope for the best.if i have to buy another pump im ditching the dwc
What pump are you using ?
The $20 - 4 port PetCo pumps work good for me.
Has the dial on top to turn up/down the air being pushed.

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im using the vibra-flo 2 port control knob...but really isnt powerful enough for one.worked awesome when i first got hoping its fixed...or i just wasted a killer seed..unless i transplant the rockwool into soil,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=709&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=16315729320623942450&sa=X&ei=ICm7TZ3TD-uP0QGR7bXYBQ&ved=0CG4Q8wIwBg#
heyy man. just giving ya an update.... on eof my other Floja's is a male! =D it was one with a purple stem.. not sure if thats gonna matter or not. lol but im just happy to know ill have sum floja pollen... and i can pollinate my floja female i have going.. adn i have 1 more floja in the flowering room.... not sure wether shes a male or female yet. my female floja is growing really fast still! and 2 gorilla grape seeds have germed! will be starting them in soil in a day or 2.
Florilla Grape?
im not quite knowing how to describe dis shit
but its good feelin down deep
when you think enough of a person to offer them sum yo beans to see wat day can d wit it
when the end results are through the roof it makes you feel good
its hard to describe almost like yo kids dong good in school
kinda up deah
arouund dat caliber

1Luv Stay True​