After 35 Years of Growing, I Feel the Need to Contirbute


Well-Known Member
...some wisdom and experience with the new generation of growers. I am not a self-proclaimed "expert grower," because there is always fresh and new information. When you think you know it all, the process of MJ evolution ceases. Be open, but also stick to your personal experiences you have learned from previous grows. If you are able to "get in tune with your garden," you will be successful.

Sure, there are placated manuals available that seem to be black and white, and quite fool-proof. They all have good information. Take it all in, but make sure your observations of your grow remain keen. A seasoned grower will be able to tell what is needed for ultimate success just by observing your babies. They might be hungry, thirsty, or be drowning in too much water. Your eyes will guide you soon enough. :)

Ok, enough rambling because I am high as fuck...but here goes:

1. Do it for passion. If you're doing it exclusively for financial gain only, then your life just got more complicated. And vulnerable. Passion equates to success. Besides, it is as fun as fuck. (Ok, slight exaggeration there.:eyesmoke:) It's a great "outlet" if you can set yourself up in environment that could grow good cannabis with ease. And like you've heard, remember that it is called "weed" for a reason. It's a hearty plant unless you water it with battery acid.

2. Don't panic and/or over-correct "problems" that could make your situation worse. "Think long, think wrong." Read up about MJ growing anywhere you can. And thanks to the internet, you don't have to drive to a bookstore. You have no idea how much good info is now effortless, as compared to the 70's-80's. You can then formulate an approach that works best for you. Experience will be your navigator. The first book I ever read cover-to-cover was a thick paperback written by Ed Rosenthal.

3. Technology is on your side. I mostly grew outdoors, and it's uber cool to see 6-7 ft sativas in a tropical climate start to flower in September. But now, if you have some stealthy grow space, indoor growing can be a fun kick-in-the-ass obsession. Besides, I had some MAJOR bug issues (outdoor grow) that wiped out a whole long season of vegging. I have also come home to check on my babies at 11:00 pm to find 6 stumps snipped in their pot. People who rip off weed are sub-scum. :finger: But they do exist even though you think no one else sees your garden. My neighbor had roofers that replaced their shingles. I was then ripped 4 days later. I was concerned about them, but I had nowhere else to relocate these huge Christmas trees. Someone did it for me. Again->>>> :finger:.

4. Germinating; even though some MJ experts say you can't "judge the book by it's cover," the big swollen dark beans, with some tiger striping, was never a miss. The fresher the better. I have used every germ method discussed, but it seems that planting a viable bean in moist soil in a plastic cup produced a better success rate for me. They would usually pop within 24-36 hours in warm humidity. I germed Blackberry in our boat that sat in the driveway (in Hawaii). I placed each seed in a Dixie cup, watered it, and put a zip-loc baggie to create a "germination tent" over it. Don't make the mistake of buying the clear Dixie cups. Even though it looks as cool-as-fuck to see your rootball expand, roots don't like light exposure. That's why they are...ahem...underground. :shock: Leave the light absorption to the leaves.

5. This seems obvious, but it is so easy to hit the bubbler, chase it with a tequila shot and a beer, and tell the world your grow is "looking good." Proudly, you are baked, feeling good, and of course you want to show your "trophies" to someone that will think it's the coolest thing since sliced bread. Sure, you may have told only one person, but that's just as bad as growing weed on your front yard in plain sight.

6. Be cool. :cool: If people who know you support MJ medically, or even recreationally, and sense that you are a dick, then that is why weed has gotten the bad rep. You hear it all the time; "the crackhouse was busted down by police that who found crack cocaine, crystal meth, ecstasy, and an ounce of weed." To me, that's really fucked up.

People who appreciate pot for the most part are peaceful, compassionate, artistic, creative and forgiving. I say let's change to a new template and shitcan the old and ill-deserved reputation of "Reefer Madness."

Some people are like sheep, only stupider. Don't be a sheep. :lol:


Well-Known Member
:) SO bomb!!!!

I wish the wannabe gangsters would get outta weed, and leave it to the freedom loving libertian hippies, which most likely founder our great country!!!! I for 1 feel they would be ashamed at the lack of self awareness and control, not to mention lack of self responsibility now in the USA ( god I feel old for saying that ).


Active Member
I can't imagine what it would have been like to have the type of information available now, at your fingertips... back in the 70's-80's. It's such an advantage, great tool in my belt...I love it.

Either you knew someone back then that could teach you or you learned by trial and error with whatever tidbits of information you could gather.

I love the free flow of knowledge, learning new things all the time and sharing my knowledge with folks (also been playing this game for about 35 years) is very rewarding.

Glad you posted for us Topo, I look forward to hearing more of your wisdom.


Active Member
Great read, there is wisdom in experience and there is a lot in that post. Thanks, from the new generation of growers :D


Active Member
Great job, I especially like the part of watching your plants, I watch my plants and they tell me what they need.

Getting in tune with your plants is the only way, when people say I have a complete package for the year, it makes me wonder.

And I love my plants, I talk to them and hold them, I know it sounds crazy, but this is how I know what they want.


Well-Known Member
first plant i ever grew was in an old cow manure pile , when i say pile i mean like 50 or 60 ton pile were there was a former dairy . it had balls big as marbles but i smoked the shit out of those leaves and pollen sacs i didnt no any better at 13 was fun and been hooked on gardening ever since


Active Member
i gotta agree if u can look at your plants and read what they are saying its most of the battle and experience is the other part!