BLOODY RAID VIDEO! WIKILEAKS: Al Qaeda to unleash 'nuclear hellstorm' if Osama killed

Big P

Well-Known Member
Rot in Hell Osama!! :D

Capturing bin Laden 'would unleash hell'

00:37 AEST Tue Apr 26 2011
6 days 9 hours 4 minutes ago

The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks warned that al-Qaeda has hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama bin Laden is captured, leaked files revealed.

The terror group also planned to make a 9/11 style attack on London's Heathrow airport by crashing a hijacked airliner into one of the terminals, the files showed.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told Guantanamo Bay interrogators the terror group would detonate the nuclear device if the al-Qaeda chief was captured or killed, according to the classified files released by the WikiLeaks website.
Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, has been held at Guantanamo since 2006 and is to be tried in a military court at the US naval base on Cuba over the attacks.
His nuclear threat was revealed in Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper, one of several media outlets which have published the classified assessments of detainees at Guantanamo.

The German weekly Der Spiegel, also citing WikiLeaks, said that Sheikh Mohammed had told his interrogators he had set up two cells for the purpose of attacking Heathrow in 2002.
The aim was to seize control of an airliner shortly after take-off from Heathrow, one of the world's busiest airports, turn it around and crash it into one of the four terminals.
Sheikh Mohammed said one cell had been formed with the aim of taking flying lessons in Kenya, while the other had been tasked with recruiting participants.

He said the plot had been discussed several times at the highest level of al-Qaeda. One component had involved the infiltration of ground staff at the airport, according to Der Spiegel.
Another attack given the green light in late 2001 would have targeted "the tallest buildings in California" with hijacked airliners, Der Spiegel reported.
The attackers would have gained access to the airliner cockpits by setting off small bombs hidden in their shoes, it said.

Sheikh Mohammed, captured in 2003 in Pakistan, also claims to have personally beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 with his "blessed right hand" and to have helped in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing that killed six people.
Der Spiegel noted that his "confessions" should have be treated with caution as they could have been extracted through torture. Sheikh Mohammed is known to have undergone the method known as "waterboarding".

Former US president George W. Bush claimed in his memoirs published last year that using the interrogation technique - which simulates drowning - helped prevent planned attacks on Heathrow and London's Canary Wharf business district.
He also told the London Times newspaper in November that it was "damn right" that he had authorised use of the method on Sheikh Mohammed.


Active Member
I read about this about a week ago. Strange. Just as Osama Bin Laden was being talked about by the media heavily again, he gets killed. I for one am a firm believer in our missile defense systems. America is safe from outsiders. It's our leaders who scare me.


Well-Known Member
yeah, everybody needs to take a deep breath and chill out IMO. I mean sure, we killed Obama.. I mean, Osama. While that's all well and good.. and all that, everyone needs to take a minute from the rejoicing of his death.. and think about this really thoroughly.

We just apparently killed Al-Queda's leader. You people don't think that they're going to try and retaliate against the U.S. for doing this to their leader? Think again.. while we have accomplished a great victory that took almost 10 years to complete.. at the same time.. we've probably created more problems for our country. Their are home-grown terrorist groups located inside the U.S. borders.. and for these people to NOT retaliate in some form or fashion.. would be unheard of. Take my words seriously everyone.. this isn't over. I think the worst part of everything.. has just begun... it hasn't ended.. I think its just begun. Which to me.. is a bit scary.

But, if shit does happen to hit the fan over all this.. I'm well equipped to go underground for at least a good 5 years. I've got adequate food and other supplies to last just myself 5 total years underground. So, I'm not really worried about this whole "End of the World 2012" thing.. I have a place to go where I'll be safe and I can live for 5 years which should be long enough for things to settle down enough.. to where I can eventually come back out into the open environment.

But anyhow, yeah.. its wonderful that we finally got his ass.. but don't think for one minute that all the terror and war from all of this chaos.. has ended. It's only just begun I'm afraid. Right now.. our country should be on very high terror alert IMO. I've got that "feeling" that things are only going to get worse from here on out.. until we all unite and find a true way of ending all of this bullshit.

Anyhow, all we can do is take this day by day.. second by second and see what happens.


Big P

Well-Known Member
hell ya I welcome the fucks to pop thier heads out now. its easyer to kill them when they do that. A wise man one said "Bring it on!" :D


Well-Known Member
You mean you don't think they had plans in the works to attack us again anyways? While it may speed up some plans, I'm glad we got him.... Yes we should remain vigilant, but asking people to hold off from rejoicing? Nah, party it up...

yeah, everybody needs to take a deep breath and chill out IMO. I mean sure, we killed Obama.. I mean, Osama. While that's all well and good.. and all that, everyone needs to take a minute from the rejoicing of his death.. and think about this really thoroughly.

We just apparently killed Al-Queda's leader. You people don't think that they're going to try and retaliate against the U.S. for doing this to their leader? Think again.. while we have accomplished a great victory that took almost 10 years to complete.. at the same time.. we've probably created more problems for our country. Their are home-grown terrorist groups located inside the U.S. borders.. and for these people to NOT retaliate in some form or fashion.. would be unheard of. Take my words seriously everyone.. this isn't over. I think the worst part of everything.. has just begun... it hasn't ended.. I think its just begun. Which to me.. is a bit scary.

But, if shit does happen to hit the fan over all this.. I'm well equipped to go underground for at least a good 5 years. I've got adequate food and other supplies to last just myself 5 total years underground. So, I'm not really worried about this whole "End of the World 2012" thing.. I have a place to go where I'll be safe and I can live for 5 years which should be long enough for things to settle down enough.. to where I can eventually come back out into the open environment.

But anyhow, yeah.. its wonderful that we finally got his ass.. but don't think for one minute that all the terror and war from all of this chaos.. has ended. It's only just begun I'm afraid. Right now.. our country should be on very high terror alert IMO. I've got that "feeling" that things are only going to get worse from here on out.. until we all unite and find a true way of ending all of this bullshit.

Anyhow, all we can do is take this day by day.. second by second and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
*ahmen* my friend.

U know, I don't know if 2012 and this current event (killing of Bin Ladin) have anything to do with each other. But it sure is awfully convenient that this just happened to have happened so close to what scientists are calling (the end of times in 2012). I mean, who knows..the two may not have anything to do with each other at all.. whatsoever.. but then again, it sure is quite a coincidence IMO.

I mean, who knows for sure.. maybe this is that start of the "End". Never can be for sure.. that's the part that worries me.



Well-Known Member

instead of being afraid. we should bait them out(they aren't americans) THEN F-ING MIKE TYSON THIER ASS.

Big P

Well-Known Member
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the planning of the raid, said the Abbottabad compound was valued at about $1 million and was built roughly 5 years ago for the purpose of harboring bin Laden. At the time it was built, the building was isolated at the end of a narrow dirt road, but over the years other residences have been built near it, the officials said.

U.S. officials said they didn’t share their intelligence with any other country, and informed Pakistani officials only when the operation was over


Well-Known Member
I was always sure that WW III would be Muslims vs Christian nations..... not so sure now... Maybe Tom Clancy had it right and China will move to take resources from Russia to begin it...

*ahmen* my friend.

U know, I don't know if 2012 and this current event (killing of Bin Ladin) have anything to do with each other. But it sure is awfully convenient that this just happened to have happened so close to what scientists are calling (the end of times in 2012). I mean, who knows..the two may not have anything to do with each other at all.. whatsoever.. but then again, it sure is quite a coincidence IMO.

I mean, who knows for sure.. maybe this is that start of the "End". Never can be for sure.. that's the part that worries me.



Well-Known Member
You mean you don't think they had plans in the works to attack us again anyways? While it may speed up some plans, I'm glad we got him.... Yes we should remain vigilant, but asking people to hold off from rejoicing? Nah, party it up...
Oh, no no no... that's not what I meant. I'm sure they have had plans to attack the U.S. for a long long time.. long before any of this even happened.

Your taking what I said WAY out of context bro. I'm not saying we should all stop rejoicing that we killed him.. hell, I'm getting ready to smoke my house out in celebration of us killing Osama. However, at the same time.. everyone needs to keep in mind that this isn't over.. and we should be on very very high alert here in the U.S.A. against home grown terrorist cells/groups that could easily carry out a local attack. That's all I'm saying.

So, again.. in a nutshell.. I think we should all celebrate that we killed Osama.. but also, at the SAME time.. while celebrating this day, we should also keep in mind that this isn't over.. and we should (as a country) be on very high alert against local terrorist cells/groups carrying out attacks.. in retaliation against us for killing their "leader:"

That's all I was saying bro.. ;)


Big P

Well-Known Member
*ahmen* my friend.

U know, I don't know if 2012 and this current event (killing of Bin Ladin) have anything to do with each other. But it sure is awfully convenient that this just happened to have happened so close to what scientists are calling (the end of times in 2012). I mean, who knows..the two may not have anything to do with each other at all.. whatsoever.. but then again, it sure is quite a coincidence IMO.

I mean, who knows for sure.. maybe this is that start of the "End". Never can be for sure.. that's the part that worries me.

Scientists are not saying the world will end, even the myans dont say the world will end. Thier calander just ends in 2012 because its the end of a natural galatic cycle that has happend many times before in the earths history. If the world ends in 2012 it would just be a coincidence.

everything will be fine.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I get a happy little feeling in my belly when I think of the moment osama saw the us troops and his heart dropped lol

Must have been pricless. I hope they will release plenty of Osama with a hole in the head pics to splash all over the internet and to torment extreamist websites with :D


Well-Known Member
The mastermind of the attacks on September 11, 2001 that killed thousands of innocent men, women, and children has been killed.
President Barack Obama made the announcement late Sunday evening, May 1, in a televised address to the world. He said he had been briefed by the intelligence community last August that bin Laden was in hiding “within a compound deep inside of Pakistan.” Over the intervening months, intelligence agencies worked to confirm the intelligence. Then last week, President Obama determined there was enough intelligence to take action.

“Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan,” the President said from the East Room of the White House. “A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.”

Well before the events of 9/11, bin Laden had openly declared war on the U.S. and was committed to killing innocents. His al-Qaeda group was responsible for the 1998 bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. The attacks killed over 200 people. Bin Laden was indicted for his role in planning the attacks and added to the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list.
Intelligence agencies quickly learned that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by bin Laden’s terrorist organization, and in October 2001, his name was added to the U.S. Department of State’s Most Wanted Terrorists List.

"Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome,” President Obama said. “The American people do not see their work, nor know their names. But tonight, they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice.”
