Had our first complaint from a member today. He seriously says the meds are "just too strong"...and wondered if we had something "not so powerful". I took it for a huge compliment, but he was serious. I layed some of the Chgem Dog on him that slipped into a Bubba batch. I haven't tried it, but Helper D says it's "less head change" than the Bubba. Hopefully he'll like it. I've been thinking of growing a couple weaker, but higher yielding plants, anyway. Looks like we'll do that for sure. Blue Dream is the top contender. We're holding off on the Dr Atomic beans until we see what the Laughgani does in the 10 gallon pots. The sample Laughgani was dry enough to smoke yesterday and we sampled. It was everything as promised. Even without the full cure, yet, it smells and tastes wonderful. The quality of the high is the best attribute: totally relaxing, great pain relief, zero anxiety, and touches down on a goose down pillow. The yield on an 18" plant in a 5 gallon pot was 2.5 ozs...and that was harvested early. We have 5 more at about 7 weeks that Helper D is trying some Purple Max and Gravity on. He's using Gravity on one, Purple Max on another, both on one, and nothing on the other 2.
We have several Laughganis in various blooming stages in 10 gallon pots. If the yield is right, and letting them go 70 days does what Commercial J says it does, we won't be bringing in new strains for a while. I think I mentioned before that a dispensary Commercial J works with wants all of our Laughgani overage...no consignment BS. Commercial J turned them onto the Laughgani, but stopped growing it because of all the extra work involved with this strain: 3 massive leaf removal events during the course of its grow and way too much time to trim. Also, our 1000 watt lights do a much better job on this ultra bushy strain than Commercial J's 600's....even though he's got almost 50 of them now! The 600's just don't have the penetration needed to grow either large plants or extremely bushy plants over about 12". Even with the 1000's, we have to be diligent on the leaf thinning or the middle of the plant becomes a mass of twisted spindly crap. This is one chore I do myself. Helper D is way too busy with the daily activities to be spending an hour/plant carefully removing select leaves. I basically trim it so that you can see the individual branches, rather than just a big round bush. This seems to let enough light in to maintain healthy developement deep in the plant. It needs to be done about every 2 weeks in veg. Then on week 3 of bloom, basically all of the fan leaves go. I know I've mentioned this before, but it makes a couple good points: 1. growing pot can be alot more work than just watering. 2. on some strains aggressive leaf removal is not only beneficial, but totally necessary.