BLOODY RAID VIDEO! WIKILEAKS: Al Qaeda to unleash 'nuclear hellstorm' if Osama killed


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Getting bin Laden: How the mission went down
By: Mike Allen
May 2, 2011 10:32 AM EDT

The helicopter carrying Navy SEALs malfunctioned as it approached Osama bin Laden’s compound at about 3:30 p.m. ET Sunday, stalling as it hovered. The pilot set it down gently inside the walls, then couldn’t get it going again.
It was a heart-stopping moment for President Barack Obama, who had been monitoring the raid in the White House Situation Room since 1 p.m., surrounded by members of his war cabinet.

“Obviously, everyone was thinking about Black Hawk Down and Desert One,” a senior administration official recalled.

The SEALs disembarked.

“The assault team went ahead and raided the compound, even though they didn’t know if they would have a ride home,” an official said.
The special forces put bombs on the crippled chopper and blew it up, then lifted off in a reinforcement craft just before 4:15 p.m., capping an astounding 40 minutes that gave the United States a tectonic victory in the 10-year war on terror touched off by 9/11.
The sick chopper turned out to be a tiny wrinkle in an astounding military and intelligence triumph. Bin Laden was shot in the face by the SEALs during a firefight after resisting capture.
He was buried at sea less than 12 hours later. He was 54.

Here’s how the world’s most-hunted man was vanquished, as recounted by senior administration officials:
Contrary to the intelligence community’s long-held belief that bin Laden was in a lawless “no man’s land” on the Pakistani border, bin Laden had been hiding in a three-story house in a one-acre compound in Abbottabad, about 35 miles north of Islamabad, the Pakistani capital. Officials describe it as a relatively affluent community, with lots of residents who are retired military.

“Bin Laden was living in a relatively comfortable place: a compound valued at about $1 million,” a senior U.S. official told POLITICO. “Many of his foot soldiers are located in some of the remotest regions of Pakistan and live in austere conditions. You’ve got to wonder if they’re rethinking their respect for their dead leader. He obviously wasn’t living as one of them.”

Officials described the raid as the culmination of years of highly advanced intelligence work that included the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), which specializes in imagery and maps, and the National Security Agency (NSA), the “codemakers and codebreakers” who can covertly watch and listen to conversations around the world.

On June 2, 2009, just over four months into his presidency, Obama had signed a memo to CIA Director Leon Panetta stating “in order to ensure that we have expanded every effort, I direct you to provide me within 30 days a detailed operation plan for locating and bringing to justice” bin Laden.

In the biggest break in a global pursuit of bin Laden that stretched back to the Clinton administration, the U.S. discovered the compound by following one of the terrorist’s personal couriers, identified by terrorist detainees as one of the few al Qaeda couriers who bin Laden trusted.

“They indicated he might be living with and protecting bin Laden,” a senior administration official told reporters on a midnight conference call. “Detainees gave us his nom de guerre, or his nickname, and identified him as both a protégé of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of September 11th, and a trusted assistant of Abu Faraj al-Libbi, the former number three of al Qaeda who was captured in 2005.”

Officials didn’t learn the courier’s name until 2007. Then it took two years to find him and track him back to this compound, which was discovered in August 2010.

“It was a “Holy cow!” moment,” an official said.

The compound had been relatively secluded when it was built in 2005 — on the outskirts of the town center, at the end of a narrow dirt road.

“In the last six years, some residential homes have been built nearby,” an official said on the call. “The main structure, a three-story building, has few windows facing the outside of the compound. A terrace on the third floor … has a seven-foot privacy wall. … [T]he property is valued at approximately $1 million but has no telephone or Internet service connected to it.”

Everything about the compound signaled that it was being used to hide someone important.

“It has 12- to 18-foot walls topped with barbed wire,” the official said. “Internal wall sections — internal walls sectioned off different portions of the compound to provide extra privacy. Access to the compound is restricted by two security gates, and the residents of the compound burn their trash, unlike their neighbors, who put the trash out for collection.

For all their suspicions, U.S. officials never knew for sure that bin Laden was inside.

The White House’s original plan had been to bomb the house, but Obama ultimately decided against that.

“The helicopter raid was riskier. It was more daring,” an official told POLITICO. “But he wanted proof. He didn’t want to just leave a pile of rubble.”

Officials knew there were 22 people living there, and Obama wanted to be sure not to kill civilians unnecessarily. So he ordered officials to come up with an air-assault plan.

The SEALs held rehearsals of the raid on April 7 and April 13, with officials monitoring the action from Washington.

As the real thing approached, daily meetings were held of the national security principals, chaired by National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, and their deputies, chaired by John Brennan, the president’s counterterrorism adviser.

Over the past seven weeks, Obama had chaired numerous National Security Council meetings on the topic, including ones on March 14, March 29, April 12, April 19 and April 28.

“In the lead up to this operation, the President convened at least 9 meetings with his national security Principals,” a senior administration official e-mailed reporters. “Principals met formally an additional five times themselves; and their Deputies met 7 times. This was in addition to countless briefings on the subject during the President’s intelligence briefings; and frequent consultations between the [White House National Security Council], CIA, [Defense Department] and Joint Staff. The President was actively involved in reviewing all facets of the operation.”

At an April 19 meeting in the Situation Room, the president approved the air assault as the course of action. He ordered the force to fly to the region to conduct it.

Last Thursday, just after his East Room announcement that Panetta would succeed Robert Gates as Defense Secretary, the president held another meeting in the Situation Room, and went through everyone’s final recommendations.

Obama didn’t announce his decision at the meeting, but kept his counsel overnight.

In the White House Diplomatic Room at 8:20 a.m. on Friday, before flying down to view tornado destruction in Alabama, Obama informed Donilon that he was authorizing the operation. Also attending the meeting were Brennan, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough.

Donilon signed a written authorization to Panetta, who commanded the strike team. Donilon convened a principals’ meeting at 3 p.m. to finish the planning.

The raid was scheduled for Saturday, the day when Obama and most of the West Wing was due at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. But weather pushed it to Sunday.

Top West Wing staff worked most of the day on the operation. Senior national-security officials stayed in the Situation Room beginning at 1 p.m.

The official’s e-mail gave this account of Obama’s day: “2:00pm the President met with the Principals to review final preparations. … 3:32pm the President returned to the Sit Room for an additional briefing. … 3:50pm the President first learns that UBL was tentatively identified. … 7:01pm the President learns that there’s a ‘high probability’ the HVT [high-value target] was [bin Laden]. … 8:30pm the President receives further briefings.”

In the Situation Room, the president was surrounded by Daley, Donilon, McDonough, Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and others.

Panetta was at CIA headquarters, where he had turned his conference room into a command center that gave him constant contact with the tactical leaders of the strike team.

With the team still in the compound, the commander on the ground told a remote commander that they had found bin Laden.

Applause erupted in Washington.

Three other adult males were killed with bin Laden, officials said.

“We believe two were the couriers and the third was bin Laden’s adult son,” an official said on the call. “There were several women and children at the compound. One woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male combatant. Two other women were injured.”

U.S. forces took photographs of the body, and officials used facial-recognition technology to compare them with known pictures of bin Laden.

It was him.

At 11:35 p.m., Obama stepped into the East Room and told the world: “Justice has been done.”

I knew it would end up being a head/face shot, if it ever came down to a situation where if troops ended up in a ground to ground combat mission.. I knew someone would take a face/head shot. I know I would have done the same thing. Only, I would like to have had the chance to snipe his ass out though.. :) I would put one right between the eyes.



Active Member
Here's some of that fine government action i was talking about..


Well-Known Member
WOW!! It's not about conspiracy theorists bruh. What I can't believe is the people who actually "believe" the government that straight up fucking LIED TO NOT ONLY THE UNITED STATES, BUT TO THE WORLD about WMD's in Iraq to invade. Found nothing, killed the Leader (and thousands of people), and we are still there.. You have nothing to stand on to call people conspiracy theorists man. Some people are not scared to think on their own, and do hours of research looking for answers.

This same so called government spent more money investigating Bill Clinton getting some head then they did on the 911 investigation. The largest attack on American soil was put to rest so easy, and hmmm so quietly
i believe 911 was a cover up by our government as well. why do you think it was kept so quite. and why do you think that almost all the facts point to a cover up


Well-Known Member
Your 'facts' are suppositions, not facts.... go ahead and prove, with facts, that the US invaded Afghanistan for any other reason than to get bin Laden...

Go ahead, present your facts... I anxiously await them...

I'm 100% sure we were attacked on 9/11/2001. I'm 100% sure that the Taliban denied harboring him, when we had intel indicating otherwise. I'm 100% sure that we went in with the intent of capturing or killing him.

Good call ... Iraq and afghanistan invasions was never about Bin Laden ... he's just a face to show the public ..... they want Iraq and afghanistan as forward bases to train troops for the coming planned attacks on Iran .
that's facts? LOL... prove it.... but you can't.. like any good theorists, you'll respond and tell me to prove otherwise :roll:
the US do a great job of it by them self ...they don't need help .... yeah thats right ! " conspiracy theorists " is the name given to people who come up with theory about events .

Anything i have said is based on fact ... What are you basing your comments on ?... Media and government manipulation ?.... Or are you 100% sure that what your told is true ?

Big P

Well-Known Member
White House Officials Debate Releasing Photographs of Bin Laden’s Corpse

May 02, 2011 10:55 AM



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The Obama administration has photographs of Osama bin Laden’s dead body and officials are debating what to do with them and whether they should be released to the public, officials tell ABC News.

“There’s no doubt it’s him,” says a US official who has seen the pictures and also reminds us that OBL was 6’4”.

The argument for releasing them: to ensure that the public knows and can appreciate that he's dead. There is of course skepticism throughout the world that the US government claim that it killed bin Laden is true.

The argument against releasing the pictures: they’re gruesome. He has a massive head wound above his left eye where he took bullet, with brains and blood visible.

In July 2003, the US government released photographs of Saddam Hussein’s dead sons Uday and Qusay Hussain but not until after they’d been touched up by a mortician, making them look not quite real.


Well-Known Member
They practice three to the chest or one to the head....

I knew it would end up being a head/face shot, if it ever came down to a situation where if troops ended up in a ground to ground combat mission.. I knew someone would take a face/head shot. I know I would have done the same thing. Only, I would like to have had the chance to snipe his ass out though.. :) I would put one right between the eyes.



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, Obama will have no choice..... just like he did with his long form, he'll have to release it, even if it means inciting revenge attacks, to appease the doubters....

White House Officials Debate Releasing Photographs of Bin Laden’s Corpse

May 02, 2011 10:55 AM



FarkTechnoratiGoogleLiveMy Space

The Obama administration has photographs of Osama bin Laden’s dead body and officials are debating what to do with them and whether they should be released to the public, officials tell ABC News.

“There’s no doubt it’s him,” says a US official who has seen the pictures and also reminds us that OBL was 6’4”.

The argument for releasing them: to ensure that the public knows and can appreciate that he's dead. There is of course skepticism throughout the world that the US government claim that it killed bin Laden is true.

The argument against releasing the pictures: they’re gruesome. He has a massive head wound above his left eye where he took bullet, with brains and blood visible.

In July 2003, the US government released photographs of Saddam Hussein’s dead sons Uday and Qusay Hussain but not until after they’d been touched up by a mortician, making them look not quite real.

Big P

Well-Known Member
The War continues

Islamic scholars criticize bin Laden's sea burial

AP – Afghan men gathered to watch television coverage announcing the killing of Al-Qaida leader Osama bin …

By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Hamza Hendawi, Associated Press – 30 mins ago
CAIRO – Muslim clerics said Monday that Osama bin Laden's burial at sea was a violation of Islamic tradition that may further provoke militant calls for revenge attacks against American targets.
Although there appears to be some room for debate over the burial — as with many issues within the faith — a wide range of Islamic scholars interpreted it as a humiliating disregard for the standard Muslim practice of placing the body in a grave with the head pointed toward the holy city of Mecca.

Sea burials can be allowed, they said, but only in special cases where the death occurred aboard a ship.
"The Americans want to humiliate Muslims through this burial, and I don't think this is in the interest of the U.S. administration," said Omar Bakri Mohammed, a radical cleric in Lebanon.
A U.S. official said the burial decision was made after concluding that it would have been difficult to find a country willing to accept the remains. There was also speculation about worry that a grave site could have become a rallying point for militants.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive national security matters.
President Barack Obama said the remains had been handled in accordance with Islamic custom, which requires speedy burial, and the Pentagon later said the body was placed into the waters of the northern Arabian Sea after adhering to traditional Islamic procedures — including washing the corpse — aboard the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.
But the Lebanese cleric Mohammed called it a "strategic mistake" that was bound to stoke rage.

In Washington, CIA director Leon Panetta warned that "terrorists almost certainly will attempt to avenge" the killing of the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks.
"Bin Laden is dead," Panetta wrote in a memo to CIA staff. "Al-Qaida is not."

According to Islamic teachings, the highest honor to be bestowed on the dead is giving the deceased a swift burial, preferably before sunset. Those who die while traveling at sea can have their bodies committed to the bottom of the ocean if they are far off the coast, according to Islamic tradition.

"They can say they buried him at sea, but they cannot say they did it according to Islam," Mohammed al-Qubaisi, Dubai's grand mufti, said about bin Laden's burial. "If the family does not want him, it's really simple in Islam: You dig up a grave anywhere, even on a remote island, you say the prayers and that's it."

"Sea burials are permissible for Muslims in extraordinary circumstances," he added. "This is not one of them."
But Mohammed Qudah, a professor of Islamic law at the University of Jordan, said burying the Saudi-born bin Laden at sea was not forbidden if there was nobody to receive the body and provide a Muslim burial.
"The land and the sea belong to God, who is able to protect and raise the dead at the end of times for Judgment Day," he said. "It's neither true nor correct to claim that there was nobody in the Muslim world ready to receive bin Laden's body."

Clerics in Iraq — where an offshoot of al-Qaida is blamed for the death of thousands of people since 2003 — also criticized the U.S. action. One said it only benefited fish.
"If a man dies on a ship that is a long distance from land, then the dead man should be buried at the sea," said Shiite cleric Ibrahim al-Jabari. "But if he dies on land, then he should be buried in the ground, not to be thrown into the sea. Otherwise, this would be only inviting fish to a banquet."

The Islamic tradition of a quick burial was the subject of intense debate in Iraq in 2003 when U.S. forces embalmed the bodies of Saddam Hussein's two sons after they were killed in a firefight. Their bodies were later shown to media.
"What was done by the Americans is forbidden by Islam and might provoke some Muslims," said another Islamic scholar from Iraq, Abdul-Sattar al-Janabi, who preaches at Baghdad's famous Abu Hanifa mosque. "It is not acceptable and it is almost a crime to throw the body of a Muslim man into the sea. The body of bin Laden should have been handed over to his family to look for a country or land to bury him."
Prominent Egyptian Islamic analyst and lawyer Montasser el-Zayat said bin Laden's sea burial was designed to prevent his grave from becoming a shrine. But an option was an unmarked grave. "They don't want to see him become a symbol, but he is already a symbol in people's hearts."


Well-Known Member
that's facts? LOL... prove it.... but you can't.. like any good theorists, you'll respond and tell me to prove otherwise :roll:
Wrong again ... i will respond with ... "FUCK YOU SERAPIS"

Your well known here at RiU for being an argumentative prick ... so your the last person i will waste my time on ...i don't give two fucks what you think or know ...In Fact ...i hope you hoover up all the bullshit like a good little robot and you stay in the dark where you belong deserve all that you get .

Disprove that theory ...i dare you !

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
Right?!?! I would have paid good money to see a close-up picture of Osama's face when he seen the muzzle flashes from the Apache helicopter.. as it fired round after round into Bin Laden's body. That photo would indeed... be priceless. But think about it.. you know, if someone could have actually got a picture of that.. it would actually indeed be almost priceless. Put it on E-bay and see what kind of cash that would bring in.. eh? I guarantee you.. you'd make some big, big bucks.

Lastly.. I want to see pictures of the body. I mean, sure I believe that we got him.. but I just want to be 100% sure that its indeed him.. and not someone that looked like him because some of those people over there look alike in very similar ways. So, for me personally.. until the media/government decides to release PROOF that we actually did indeed kill the right person.... I'm going to remain pessimistic about this.

I hope we did get him though.. I really do. With time, the truth will come.. it always does. ;)

here is a picture of bin ladins face:shock:


Well-Known Member
And there it is, a response I expected from you.... No facts, just an FU and then telling me to prove otherwise... you are no different than any other conspiracy theorist...

You made the claim that all your statements were based on fact, yet you haven't presented a single one... the burden of proof isn't on me, you made the statements...

Because I disagree with you on this matter, you feel the need to attack me verbally? LOL.... come on, mature up a bit bro...

Wrong again ... i will respond with ... "FUCK YOU SERAPIS"

Your well known here at RiU for being an argumentative prick ... so your the last person i will waste my time on ...i don't give two fucks what you think or know ...In Fact ...i hope you hoover up all the bullshit like a good little robot and you stay in the dark where you belong deserve all that you get .

Disprove that theory ...i dare you !


Well-Known Member
Your 'facts' are suppositions, not facts.... go ahead and prove, with facts, that the US invaded Afghanistan for any other reason than to get bin Laden...

Go ahead, present your facts... I anxiously await them...

I'm 100% sure we were attacked on 9/11/2001. I'm 100% sure that the Taliban denied harboring him, when we had intel indicating otherwise. I'm 100% sure that we went in with the intent of capturing or killing him.

that's facts? LOL... prove it.... but you can't.. like any good theorists, you'll respond and tell me to prove otherwise :roll:
you really think thats thats all the war was for. actually the reason you said were over theri was hardly ever in the news, it was always about getting oil money, weapons of mass destruction. finding osama was just a reason to be theri. i dont have to prove what i believe in, can you prove it wasnt a conspiracy of any sort or a cover up? i dont think so.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
you really think thats thats all the war was for. actually the reason you said were over theri was hardly ever in the news, it was always about getting oil money, weapons of mass destruction. finding osama was just a reason to be theri. i dont have to prove what i believe in, can you prove it wasnt a conspiracy of any sort or a cover up? i dont think so.
may need to study up some, hardly , if any, oil in afghanistan, money? nope, very poor. wmd's? nope that was suppossed to be in iraq. now i don't agree with us being in iraq, but afghanistan...........America, hell yea!


Well-Known Member
may need to study up some, hardly , if any, oil in afghanistan, money? nope, very poor. wmd's? nope that was suppossed to be in iraq. now i don't agree with us being in iraq, but afghanistan...........America, hell yea!
iraq,afgan shit its all the same really now.

and we will see. if we were over theri to find this idiot then our troops should be getting pulled out very soon. but i doubt it will happen, what will most likely happen is more troops going over theri. i have much respect for any person in the military but this war is just so stupid and pointless. it has led no where but debt and death. shit i think we should have left him alone and kept all of our fallin troops alive instead kinda like a trade.