BLOODY RAID VIDEO! WIKILEAKS: Al Qaeda to unleash 'nuclear hellstorm' if Osama killed


Well-Known Member
Oil in Afghanistan? the only people saying that were conspiracy theorists.... it was never reported that we were going in for oil...

And why do conspiracy believers always tell others to prove shit when they are making it up as they go along themselves?

you really think thats thats all the war was for. actually the reason you said were over theri was hardly ever in the news, it was always about getting oil money, weapons of mass destruction. finding osama was just a reason to be theri. i dont have to prove what i believe in, can you prove it wasnt a conspiracy of any sort or a cover up? i dont think so.


Well-Known Member
Oil in Afghanistan? the only people saying that were conspiracy theorists.... it was never reported that we were going in for oil...

And why do conspiracy believers always tell others to prove shit when they are making it up as they go along themselves?
reported many times just not very well documented. and why do people who dont believe or even consider what a conspiracy believer says always ask for proof proving theri point but yet they never give proof of what they think.

How do you know that this all happened for real? cuz the news and media told you so, cuz our president who is paid and mastered like a puppet announced it to the world to start off is election campaign?
im just saying man, theri is alot of sketchy shit about all that happens with the war and the government

Big P

Well-Known Member
i say we make like we are pulling out of afghan, and let the taliban move back in,

then at the last min we say "Haha never mind bitches!!" "we changed our mind" then come in and slaughter the idiots since they will be out of thier little hidey holes.

This accomplishes 2 things.

1) Kills a lot of these fucks who are hiding in thier hidey holes right now

2) it teaches the enemy that no matter what the president says about withdrawl, we will come back, pretent to leave whatever. We need our enemies to be compleatly uncertain of what actions we may or may not take.

What sept 11th taught potential currect or future enemies is that no matter what kind of bitch president we may have at the time. and how much you can get away with fucking around with the USA. if you piss us off enough, we will vote in a bloodthirsty monster to come erradicate your ass if you try somthin funny.

"We're the wrong nation to plot on!"



Well-Known Member
also i just got news that the mission of team 6 was to kill osama not capture. now why would they do that. you would think that he would be more use full alive.

Big P

Well-Known Member
also i just got news that the mission of team 6 was to kill osama not capture. now why would they do that. you would think that he would be more use full alive.
your obviously not somone who thinks things out, if we caught him alive, there would be hostages taken all over the world demanding his release or they would kill the women & children, its the oldest trick in the book man wake up


Well-Known Member
Please share the source with us? that counters everything I've read....

also i just got news that the mission of team 6 was to kill osama not capture. now why would they do that. you would think that he would be more use full alive.


Well-Known Member
your obviously not somone who thinks things out, if we caught him alive, there would be hostages taken all over the world demanding his release or they would kill the women & children, its the oldest trick in the book man wake up
an now hi supposedly being dead is only gonna cause up rage and attacks on us. its a lose lose situation i guess.

they should have left him alone. we lost all these troops to take 10 years to get to one man. fuck that.

for serapis. click this link

go to the 38 second mark or just watch it. it is how ever foxnews, and every one knows how reliable they are.

Big P

Well-Known Member
it wasnt to get one man we have killed many times over what troops we have lost. and we killed many blood thirsty animals who are now not on the face of this earth anymore to breed and seed thier hate.


Well-Known Member
an now hi supposedly being dead is only gonna cause up rage and attacks on us. its a lose lose situation i guess.

they should have left him alone. we lost all these troops to take 10 years to get to one man. fuck that.
classic 'obama derangement syndrome' here.

whatever it is that obama tries to do or does, it was the wrong thing done the wrong way.

he oversaw a mission that killed bin laden? nope, we should have left bin laden alone.

he wants to give health insurance to 9/11 first responders who sifted through the rubble of the WTC after being told by the EPA it was safe? nope, let those heroes get their own health care.

he gave me the biggest tax break in american history via the american recovery and reinvestment act (aka stimulus)? nope, i don't want to keep more of my hard earned money.

seriously, for sufferers of 'obama derangement syndrome' that are having as severe a reaction as mcpurple is, nothing is enough.

obama could come up with a bill that bans kicking adorable puppies in the face, and people like mcpurple would find some reason to be against it.

grow the fuck up, people.


Well-Known Member
Bin laden ain't dead you fucking panzies. He cut his hair,beard,stache got some blonde streaks and contacts and is at the white house having tea with Obama.


Well-Known Member
classic 'obama derangement syndrome' here.

whatever it is that obama tries to do or does, it was the wrong thing done the wrong way.

he oversaw a mission that killed bin laden? nope, we should have left bin laden alone.

he wants to give health insurance to 9/11 first responders who sifted through the rubble of the WTC after being told by the EPA it was safe? nope, let those heroes get their own health care.

he gave me the biggest tax break in american history via the american recovery and reinvestment act (aka stimulus)? nope, i don't want to keep more of my hard earned money.

seriously, for sufferers of 'obama derangement syndrome' that are having as severe a reaction as mcpurple is, nothing is enough.

obama could come up with a bill that bans kicking adorable puppies in the face, and people like mcpurple would find some reason to be against it.

grow the fuck up, people.
i hate all presidents not just obama. they are use less and dont run shit. and i would no be against a ban to stop animal abuse id be all for it. obama is full of lies and bull shit.

and he wouldnt have to give health care if it never happened witch it should have not of. as for the HUGE tax returns well that should have been done any way with all the prices on every thing going do to obama fucking up the economy much worse then bush. every thing he has done is becaues he is fixing fuck ups that they have in the government