Help Urgent!



My leaves have kinda started to dry.. Yellow-brown spots appear on leaves, i am growing under 12W Fluorescent light, with a small PC processor fan. I am not adding nutrients, just watering the plant when it becomes dry. I don't know what to do, so please somebody help me fast!

Plant 1:


Plant 2:



Well-Known Member
I don't know how you could have a heat problem with a 12w floro, but you do
WHAT?? For someone that has obviously been on the board a while that diagnosis is way off base. I normaly do not reply to soil based questions but that piece of advice is jacked! Oh please do respond with your reasoning as to why you think that is heat related. WTF......... And people wonder why we get advice like pee on your plant.

This has more merit than heat. trololol pine soil is notoriously acidic.
Go buy a PH tester dude sometimes you have to spend the money for the dank thats just life man 5.8 to 6.0 is best some will tell you different and I'm sure that some strains will tell you the same if your gonna keep the same soil make your water a little more alkaline to compensate.


Well-Known Member
that soil dosent even have any perlite, i think you need to do some research after these plants die. and save up some of your parents allowence or something to get some material to grow. lmao


Well-Known Member
You wont get much with a 12 watter bro ,come on. Also the plant has either a P deficiency or a fungal disease from the crap soil you got from forest.Re pot it and put it out in the sun.
How old is it?