Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
lol fuck her man. your home is your castle, shes lucky your not smoking naked with that 44 on your hip
i love spitting on the ground when people look at me like, why do you have the big wad of shit in your lip?


Well-Known Member
lol fuck her man. your home is your castle, shes lucky your not smoking naked with that 44 on your hip
i love spitting on the ground when people look at me like, why do you have the big wad of shit in your lip?
get some on their shoes hahahahah if i lived in the sticks i woulda had some kinda gun with my on my back patio cuz i would be baiting preditors into my neck of the woods to keep city folk out of my hair ahahahahah nothing like a good sized bear well for that matter any sized bear to get them city folk moving hahahahah.


Well-Known Member
lmfao dude i always tell my wife im gonna put a gun rack in our bathroom because theres been many mornings ill be minding my own business on the porcelin throne and out the window are bambi and her boyfriend.
i love living out here man. the guy down the road owns 100 acres and we can hunt hogs here year round on private property. So if you ever get the urge to gut something im not far man hahaha


New Member
get a pellet gun

My guy is just getting up god some of us like to smoke in the morning hahahahaha So i was smoking a cig out back and this lady is walking by and looks at me like i was killing her and she started wavy her hand in front of her face like that is suppose to give her fresh air.....Heres a fucking hint bitch dont walk by my house dont walk in the city if your worried about fresh air and on that point wtf is she doing in the city if she is worried about fresh air keep in mind she was 30 plus feet away and i was down wind what a snooty dumb bitch. Just keep walking and shut your mouth if i see her again ima ask her bout the stanky old fish smell ahahahahah I hate the fucking city so much and city people i live in a part of my state where million dollar homes are small and the kids around here get brand new cars when they turn 16 even known some to get houses bought for them after graduation im ass broke and so is my family it sucks being around here.

I make a point always to be watchful of my second hand smoke this is my house fuck you bitch. Sry they get to me some times hate the nose in the air shit or the entitled shit your not better then anyone and if you want to get down to it rich are rich for mostly one reason they are ABOUT them selves and not others and hoard their money rich people are cheap as fuck. Aslo she was walking a little bitch dog little foo foo thing a hawk could fly away with.

Oh and when i was smoking out back a fn squirrel ran up plucked my seedling out of the ground ran up in a tree and ate it in front of me that little fucker.


Moderatrix of Journals
funny story, when i was preggers i had the BAD morning sickness. one of the things that drove me up the wall was cigarette smoke. i was a smoker at the time. *yeesh* <-that didn't last long. going on 3 yrs as a non-smoker. you wanna quit? try morning sickness. ;)
it got so bad that my poor man wasn't allowed to smoke on my patio anymore, he had to actually leave the building, go for a 5 min walk after he put it out, wash hands and mouth before coming back in to talk to me or i'd be gagging all over the place. i didn't leave my place for a month.
WHY i stopped leaving my place: i was dragging myself the block and a half to the nearest 7/11 for a slurpee when i got stuck at a red light next to some dude with a cigarette. next thing you know, poor guy has some random chick puking next to him (vomit splooshing onto his shoes, the whole bit)..... keep in mind i'm still not "some random PREGNANT chick" because i wasn't showing yet.... he was really nice about it, but when he asked me, with his cigarette-breath, if he could help me, it made me almost puke again....
pretty sure THAT guy thought twice about smoking next to random chicks at red lights....


New Member
or he just thought u were a weird chick that had a puke on a mans shoes fetish

funny story, when i was preggers i had the BAD morning sickness. one of the things that drove me up the wall was cigarette smoke. i was a smoker at the time. *yeesh* <-that didn't last long. going on 3 yrs as a non-smoker. you wanna quit? try morning sickness. ;)
it got so bad that my poor man wasn't allowed to smoke on my patio anymore, he had to actually leave the building, go for a 5 min walk after he put it out, wash hands and mouth before coming back in to talk to me or i'd be gagging all over the place. i didn't leave my place for a month.
WHY i stopped leaving my place: i was dragging myself the block and a half to the nearest 7/11 for a slurpee when i got stuck at a red light next to some dude with a cigarette. next thing you know, poor guy has some random chick puking next to him (vomit splooshing onto his shoes, the whole bit)..... keep in mind i'm still not "some random PREGNANT chick" because i wasn't showing yet.... he was really nice about it, but when he asked me, with his cigarette-breath, if he could help me, it made me almost puke again....
pretty sure THAT guy thought twice about smoking next to random chicks at red lights....


Well-Known Member
I think she lets her rat shit in my yard too hahahaha now i have something to do confirm shiting in my yard follow her home and return middle of the night with a load of horse shit hahahahahahhahaha like a 5 foot pile. Sorry im just putting together the fact its prolly her that lets their rat shit in my yard so now we watch and wait. And i do shoot the squirrels just this one is silver and hella funny or i would pop him for it might give him a nugget when my shit is done. He beats up on every other squirel so he's chill in my book and takes their bitches even seen him launch other squirrels out of the trees hahahahah dont know what he is like a red fox and a silver grey mixed or some shit i wish i could record his call its a mix between the two as well never fucking heard anything like it he sounds like he is dieing hahahaha.


Active Member
and after u shoot the bitch in ass use it on squirrel
You're being a very bad slave, Fab! Out comes the terrible food, no more gourmet nuggets for you! Advocating violence against women! That is reserved for trolls, dontcha know!


New Member
im not a slave u are mine so get to cooking my dinner and better be good
i got a red ryder bb gun and i will shoot someones eye out

You're being a very bad slave, Fab! Out comes the terrible food, no more gourmet nuggets for you! Advocating violence against women! That is reserved for trolls, dontcha know!


New Member
fucking pot ripping squirrel rips your shit and then laughs at u and u say funny i say one dead squirrel

I think she lets her rat shit in my yard too hahahaha now i have something to do confirm shiting in my yard follow her home and return middle of the night with a load of horse shit hahahahahahhahaha like a 5 foot pile. Sorry im just putting together the fact its prolly her that lets their rat shit in my yard so now we watch and wait. And i do shoot the squirrels just this one is silver and hella funny or i would pop him for it might give him a nugget when my shit is done. He beats up on every other squirel so he's chill in my book and takes their bitches even seen him launch other squirrels out of the trees hahahahah dont know what he is like a red fox and a silver grey mixed or some shit i wish i could record his call its a mix between the two as well never fucking heard anything like it he sounds like he is dieing hahahaha.
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