I'm sorry to say folks but yes us big bad policemen can track you down. I really don't care if I blow my cover but the stupidity I see in so many of the posts I read just makes me hang my head to see how sad some of you truly are.
We can take all of your IP's and trace them back to your area and phone/cable company. We then can get a search warrant and get all the utility records for your home. We look up your bank accounts and credit accounts, (we even sneak into your house at night to look in your purses and wallets) to see what you spent and where you spent it.
We hide microphones and small cameras to record your every movement. (Yes, this was done while sneaking into your home and searching thru purses and wallets)
We know who every one of you are and where you live. We know if you are straight, gay or bi. We know if you are
REALLY a girl who posts on this site or a 52 yeal old balding fat man playing with his flacid and callous filled penis
posing as a hot babe.
So, now that we got to know each other, I hope we can become the bestest of friends. Oh, I'm visiting one of you tonight. Can't wait to see ya!!
Officer Joe
ps.... I'm sitting here smokin' a fatty right now. lol