Plant Died During Flowering

Strain: Nivana Autoflower Northern lights

1st plant seems to of been over watered and has died a few weeks into flowering.

2nd plant is looking well and healthy.

Both plants started a 12/12 light cycle at the same time but the 2nd plant is looking similar to......
with compact areas. (2nd plant is about 14 inches)

1st plant is 40+ inches with multiple but tiny bud sites and has plenty of orange/red hairs on the sites, which is kind of confusing. This plant was also trial and error, at this point all the leaves are dropping and crispy, also the mistake of trimming the larger fan leaves with the idea of getting more light to the bud sites was made.

This is the 2nd plant:

1st plant with the most problems:



2nd plant was planted about 3 weeks after the 1st plant
auto-flowering strains must be grown with 16h+ of light a day. They don't need to be switched to 12/12.
Idk man, plants don't just die, for no reason at all. Can you think of *anything* that could be different with that plant, as opposed to the others, like something you sprayed it with, poured into the soil, etc? My first impression, is that it wen't a couple days without water, after being totally dry, baking under the lights. I'm sure you thought of that though, so idk. Hmm...
Can you still smoke the buds off the one that died ? I have a similiar situation. Mine died, only 5% green left on the plant. I pulled it out tonight, the roots were round and round in the bottom of the coffee can. I figure I might have over watered. I am wondering if I can still smoke it ?
Can you still smoke the buds off the one that died ? I have a similiar situation. Mine died, only 5% green left on the plant. I pulled it out tonight, the roots were round and round in the bottom of the coffee can. I figure I might have over watered. I am wondering if I can still smoke it ?

i wouldent...i would just try again....if the roots were all through the coffe can than i think the watering was right but on the bottom only raises further question for me bc from what i have experienced with overwatering is that the roots stop growing all together and pretty soon after that the roots start to rot and then the plant will die bit i have had a plant that just stoped growing and didnt do anything for a month and a half and then i stopped watering till i saw a crust on the top of the soil and the plant started growing again...idk if anyone else ran into that problem.
Yeah, it is just hard not to try it. It had gorgeous Hot Pink hairs on it. I would never consider it otherwise, but that is the first I have ever seen such vibrant pink. See my journal or post for pics. I just really want to try it. Still don't know how it died. Was looking awesome, then I think I overwatered it, there was what looked like mold on top of the dirt when I forgot to turn the fan on that night. A few hours later, it was gone and dried once the lights came on. I left it alone for two weeks, but by then all the leaves were falling off and it was almost all brown. Up close, you can still see the white and now amber colors, with tiny green leaves.
im not telling you not to try the nugs im just saying i wouldent....atleast untill you find out what killed the plant and it sounds like it could have been infected with mold also from overwatering.....grow again but try to water every other day and just enough so it dripps out of the bottom of the pot.....thats what ive been doing and it works great.
sometimes when plants die out of nowhere it could be bugs, root aphids or fungus gnats.. i'd check just incase i'd hate to see u lose anymore...