Renes Random Rambles!

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Well-Known Member
my bad dude, ive never been on here on a phone so i had no idea...theres been some 2pac, some chamillionaire, some old school hip hop you and i have never heard of haha, and my luke bryan song

ill get you the links :wink:


Well-Known Member
So after smoking some more of my baby harvest. i came to the conclusion that i will never, ever, ever, ever again. Grow mj without the canna nutes im currently using. Thank you and good morning :lol:


Well-Known Member
So after smoking some more of my baby harvest. i came to the conclusion that i will never, ever, ever, ever again. Grow mj without the canna nutes im currently using. Thank you and good morning :lol:
Haha morning ncg dude I can't find canna nutes here would help if I checked the new hydro shops though! :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol, the store by me is the only one on the west coast of the state that has it, so they say. def check them out man.

when i went to get nutes i was gonna get Advance nutrients Sensi Grow, seni bloom a&b. well they were out of the B parts on both so he directed to the canna. he told me alot of people are switching over from AN. i do still want to get there bud candy or bud factor x, but im def not ordering that shit online haha. gotta wait till the next htg run


Moderatrix of Journals
why does it feel like i'm the only one on riu that's married to grotek?

(we've been together longer than i've been with my man..... but he's ok with that)


Well-Known Member
Whooo new seeds today few more hrs this week, possible roommate, and the bags under my eyes are disappearing haha looks like the family was wrong about me yet again :finger:... Its amazing how driven one can become when told what an utter failure they are ;) that is all for now off to smoke!


New Member
Whooo new seeds today few more hrs this week, possible roommate, and the bags under my eyes are disappearing haha looks like the family was wrong about me yet again :finger:... Its amazing how driven one can become when told what an utter failure they are ;) that is all for now off to smoke!
you are a beautiful person inside and out my dear Rene...excuse me but fuck your family and putting you go girl
One lovE:hug:



Well-Known Member
Whooo new seeds today few more hrs this week, possible roommate, and the bags under my eyes are disappearing haha looks like the family was wrong about me yet again :finger:... Its amazing how driven one can become when told what an utter failure they are ;) that is all for now off to smoke!
there you go, get after it!!

"you want amount to shit" me mother fuckers, cause someones gonna need to film this shit :wink:


New Member
i heard that family is supposed to help
unconditional love but then again mine has always been close

you are a beautiful person inside and out my dear Rene...excuse me but fuck your family and putting you go girl
One lovE:hug:

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