A lot of students probably shouldn't get their cards while in college due to the fact that, well, colleges are drug free zones and weed is still considered a "drug" --medical or not. Also, a lot of students use FAFSA (FEDERAL aide) so you think that the Federal government is going to loan money to a Medical card holder?How many students do you think, that live on campus at a college, have a medical card? Projections? Estimates? Percentage? Because I think the time you move away from home is the best time to get a medical marijuana card.
Trying telling this to a diabetic. LMFAO. Drug-Free Zone my ass.A lot of students probably shouldn't get their cards while in college due to the fact that, well, colleges are drug free zones and weed is still considered a "drug" --medical or not. Also, a lot of students use FAFSA (FEDERAL aide) so you think that the Federal government is going to loan money to a Medical card holder?
Not to say that there aren't students that get their card while in school, I had a couple buddies in college that had theirs, but it isn't too common and it would probably be best to wait until after graduation.
Obviously college campuses aren't "drug free" haha, but they like to think that they are and the smaller, private schools are going to be a little more harsh when it comes to marijuana than a state school would be. My main concern about getting a card while in school would be my student-aide and worried about it decreasing, at least the Federal loans and scholarships that students receive.Trying telling this to a diabetic. LMFAO. Drug-Free Zone my ass.