Your an idiot. Truly. You just made yourself look like the biggest dumbass ever. I have been posting on NUMEROUS threads about how I BELIEVE in MOST conspiracy theories. I can give you A LIST... A LIST... of conspiracy theories I believe, starting with Area 51... 9-11 to add. I'm the LAST person that believes my government, I always question. BUT, I don't believe they ALWAYS lie......... in this case, I don;t think they are, what's wrong with believing them sometimes? That makes me uneducated? Your a moron.... lmao, this is the first thing in a long time I actually believe from them. I'm the furthest thing from Government made.
I belong to independent party for the most part... that's like the black-sheep to politics.
I've heard it doesn't travel well.... online.... but I can always sense it, so I don't see why you cannot? I explained it was sarcasm, get over it, stop replying to me............. I want this conversation to be over, right... now. Thanks!