When Do I Plant in Michigan... More Questions?


Can i plant in ground?
Or should i put in pot?
What is the Min. amout of sun a plant can have a day to survive.
how long will it take for high grade mids to grow and harvest?
Can i use a aqua globe to water my plants?

thank you for all your help!

Bill Wilson

Active Member
Well I think you will maybe get away now. You can use garbage pails to insulate on a cold night. Michigan weather is cold at both ends of the year so if the deer hunters and bambi dont get your crop jack frost comes sometimes in mid sept.


Well-Known Member
o good place to start would be the library-

it doesn't appear that you have much experience. go gonzo with the tomatoes. one pack has enough seeds to grow an acre. if you grow gonzo tomatoes your buds will follow.


If i leave the plant in my secret spot, and check it once a week. will it be ok? thats why i want to know if i can use a aqua globe. will that work for watering?


New Member
start indoors now or outdoors in about 3 weeks or so, go out dig a 3x3 hole fill with good dirt and something to block weeds, surround it with brush and a fence or chicken wire so animals cant get to it(small enough so rabbits cant get in) and so people wont walk over it(make it hard as hell to get to thorn bushes and tons of brush), lol aquaglobe is useless your gunna have to water it yourself and fertilize as needed - you probably wanna do more then 1 to account for any losses or failures since your new - 20 or so - make sure its a pretty dry area is kinda hard to find around here.


start indoors now or outdoors in about 3 weeks or so, go out dig a 3x3 hole fill with good dirt, surround it with brush and a fence or some wire so animals cant get to it and so people wont walk over it(make it hard as hell to get to), lol aquaglobe is useless your gunna have to water it yourself and fertilize as needed - you probably wanna do more then 1 to account for any losses or failures since your new
okay thanks! Can i Dig a hole to put my bucket that holds the plant in? Because it needs to be stealthy. How much sun does it need a day?


New Member
sure why not - as much sun as possible - outdoor grows arent really stealthy so your spot better be good dude, understand your gunna have like a 10ft tall plant here. Start reading some books the next 3 weeks study your ass off - problem is if your only using a little pot its not gunna get you much bud, you need to dig a big hole or use like a 50gallon pot or your only going to get an ounce or two


sure why not - as much sun as possible - outdoor grows arent really stealthy so your spot better be good dude, understand your gunna have like a 10ft tall plant here. Start reading some books the next 3 weeks study your ass off - problem is if your only using a little pot its not gunna get you much bud, you need to dig a big hole or use like a 50gallon pot or your only going to get an ounce or two
should i drill holes in the barrel so the water can get in or out? What is a good size barrel? For a first timer.
How much would i get with a 50 gallon pot?


Okay thanks!
Is miricle grow a good product to use?
how about these "Jobe's Fertilizer spikes"
I can list the ingrediants if it will help.


What do you mean by location?
Should i plant it in a trench? theres a small 4-5 inch deep trench, probably one foot wide. you can see where all the grash is extra green from the trench. From the rain draining to the small trench. Should i plant there for a helpful water source? or find flat land?


Active Member
dude, screw the bucket or barrel or whatever. I'm not far from you in terms of geographical area. Not far at all. lol Dont waste your time burying a 55 gal drum dude. Do you have any idea what kinda work that is going to be? lmfao come on man get real here. Like mentioned earlier. You're growing outdoors so you're gonna have losses NO MATTER WHAT. period. Some males, some females, some hermes. Just how it is. You're going to need to plant no less than 10. I say more like 20. Weather, animals etc will get to them. even people. You don't have to bury it with huge pile of brush either. Thats just dumb. Go out, dig a sizable hole. 3X3 is sufficient. Put good soil in there. POTTING soil. it will bide you the time you need for your plant to get its root system sustained and out of your hole and into the earth ground. Location next, find a spot where it has a background close by so there aint just a pot plant out in the middle of an open meadow or something. Ya know, make it blend in. If you can find an open spot plant on the east side a few feet out from the trees, brush whatever it is. This way it gives your plant time to either soak up the morning due or evaporate it off the foliage. This will help in growth as well as health of the plant. anymore questions feel free to pm me.


Well-Known Member
location as in; close water, southern exposure(sun all day), cover, not to close to the pine trees, not in the middle of a field.

good places to hide things are in plain site. see that patch of land between the median and the warehouse, were noone has been in 20 years? good spot in the city.

in the country, i like to find huge brambles. they have a similar texture and color fastness of ganj. get on hands and knees and tunnel into the briar with cedar snips. when you get to the center stand up and clear your area. after doing this and realizing you only have 65% of your skin left due to scratches and bug bites, it comes to you that a person would have to be crazy to come in here. plant and leave. i find that in these types of places, i can even leave well camouflaged gear behind for watering and such.

happy growing!


location as in; close water, southern exposure(sun all day), cover, not to close to the pine trees, not in the middle of a field.

good places to hide things are in plain site. see that patch of land between the median and the warehouse, were noone has been in 20 years? good spot in the city.

in the country, i like to find huge brambles. they have a similar texture and color fastness of ganj. get on hands and knees and tunnel into the briar with cedar snips. when you get to the center stand up and clear your area. after doing this and realizing you only have 65% of your skin left due to scratches and bug bites, it comes to you that a person would have to be crazy to come in here. plant and leave. i find that in these types of places, i can even leave well camouflaged gear behind for watering and such.

happy growing!
So i have a new problem.
The field (in my backyard) i was going to plant in, is being fertilized by a big tractor, or their killing the weeds. What should i do know? wait for them to plant? wont that be fall? what should i do?!?!


Well-Known Member
So i have a new problem.
The field (in my backyard) i was going to plant in, is being fertilized by a big tractor, or their killing the weeds. What should i do know? wait for them to plant? wont that be fall? what should i do?!?!
Sounds like you need to find a new spot. If they are working the land now than I doubt that they won't be back some time this summer.