Ignorance/Stupidity The New Black/Gay!


Well-Known Member
Yes sir it is!



STUPID PEOPLE SHOULD BE KEPT AS SLAVES!! (they're too stupid to understand freedom anyway!)

well someone sure is a lil smug

Never said I was smart, but I'm definitely not stupid.

Religious people are stupid. If you're an adult and believe in magical mythical beings, there's no other way to put it, observations tell me you're not an intelligent person. I'm not Saying it to be smug or a dick, I'm saying it because it's the truth.
Never said I was smart, but I'm definitely not stupid.

Religious people are stupid. If you're an adult and believe in magical mythical beings, there's no other way to put it, observations tell me you're not an intelligent person. I'm not Saying it to be smug or a dick, I'm saying it because it's the truth.
yea but just cuz someone isnt on your level doesn't make you a better person imperialism and aristocracy were things of the past and you can say that the things still exists but thats only cuz those people dont know any better or are ignorant themselfs
Never said I was smart, but I'm definitely not stupid.

Religious people are stupid. If you're an adult and believe in magical mythical beings, there's no other way to put it, observations tell me you're not an intelligent person. I'm not Saying it to be smug or a dick, I'm saying it because it's the truth.

"saying it to be a dick" isn't what would make someone a dick. Believing that it's the truth is what makes you a dick.
Religious people are stupid. If you're an adult and believe in magical mythical beings, there's no other way to put it, observations tell me you're not an intelligent person. I'm not Saying it to be smug or a dick, I'm saying it because it's the truth.
there it is. i knew you weren't just opposed to the mentally deficient, but the religious that you have decided are mentally deficient. do you ever get tired of attacking people who happen to believe in something beyond what you can identify as real? you claim this self-righteous knowledge of what is true, but repeatedly make the same foolish mistake. you inflict your own limited understanding of the cosmos on everyone else and insist that those who disagree are idiots or worse. your gross stereotyping of believers is getting a bit old and is rather embarrassing to those of us who are atheists with a more tolerant bent.
there it is. i knew you weren't just opposed to the mentally deficient, but the religious that you have decided are mentally deficient. do you ever get tired of attacking people who happen to believe in something beyond what you can identify as real? you claim this self-righteous knowledge of what is true, but repeatedly make the same foolish mistake. you inflict your own limited understanding of the cosmos on everyone else and insist that those who disagree are idiots or worse. your gross stereotyping of believers is getting a bit old and is rather embarrassing to those of us who are atheists with a more tolerant bent.

i think to go for the mentally deficient who are that way by birth would be just wrong.
but there is a very large amount of religious folks that seem to delight in being as mentally deficient as they could be. even if their good lord above blessed them with some brains they still refuse to use them as it normally leads them to question their book. when realities about the world they are part of are shown to them they put their fingers in their ears and sing LALALALALALALA

its in the face of people like this that i lose my tolerance whether its some towelheaded idiot strapping bombs to himself to blow up in a crowded place, dumb arse cunt evangelicals preaching about child witches in africa, some backwards idiot hick preacher burning his rivals handbook, or the ever loving fuckwits at west boro

they arent the tip of a pyramid they are the leading edge of a blunt mound with all the pretty reasonable religous types at the bottom holding everyone up and the middle filled with wanna be fuckwits like at the top

my tolerance is waning
The OP has a moot point. His argument is both subjective and unreasonable. It would be childish to debate a person like this. He is spouts BS propaganda in the name of his cause whenever his beliefs are threatened.

/end thread
there it is. i knew you weren't just opposed to the mentally deficient, but the religious that you have decided are mentally deficient.

The religious ARE mentally deficient. I'm opposed to all forms of ignorance/stupidity. Especially when someone is proud of it.

do you ever get tired of attacking people who happen to believe in something beyond what you can identify as real?

I attack stupid people for spouting and defending stupid things, and I'll most likely never get tired of it.*

you claim this self-righteous knowledge of what is true, but repeatedly make the same foolish mistake. you inflict your own limited understanding of the cosmos on everyone else and insist that those who disagree are idiots or worse.

Not at all. I point out where stupid people use faulty logic that leads them to stupid beliefs unfounded in reality to feel comfortable about death.*

your gross stereotyping of believers is getting a bit old and is rather embarrassing to those of us who are atheists with a more tolerant bent.

I stand by my opinion that playing nice with stupid people doesnt work. They must feel embarrassed to hold these beliefs, ashamed because they cant defend them. Because deep down, each of them knows that if they can find fault in any of them, they couldn't possibly be inspired by god.*
The religious ARE mentally deficient. I'm opposed to all forms of ignorance/stupidity. Especially when someone is proud of it.

I attack stupid people for spouting and defending stupid things, and I'll most likely never get tired of it.

Not at all. I point out where stupid people use faulty logic that leads them to stupid beliefs unfounded in reality to feel comfortable about death.

I stand by my opinion that playing nice with stupid people doesn't work. They must feel embarrassed to hold these beliefs, ashamed because they cant defend them. Because deep down, each of them knows that if they can find fault in any of them, they couldn't possibly be inspired by god.
my, how superior you are. so filled with that righteous indignation of those who see through to the truth when everyone else is in doubt. it must be nice to know the true nature of reality, but a bit lonely.

i hate to have to break it to you, but those stupid people you continually rail against are the very ones who built the foundations of the sciences you have so much faith in. more often than not, it was men and women of faith who constructed the scientific methodology that still holds true today. they adapted their faith to the world around them, but did not lose it. they could do this because they were not so ignorant as to be blind to the evolution of religious thought, an ignorance you seem to be quite guilty of. they could separate the concrete and the mundane from the spiritual and were often the better for it.

i doubt you will ever understand that abusing men and women of faith is futile and even counter-productive. after all, there is no way to disprove the underpinnings of their belief. despite your fervor, you are incapable of disproving the existence of their gods. you may chip away at some minor articles of faith, but they will remain unashamed because few ever could claim a complete understanding of the minds of their gods and it will all be considered simple misunderstanding of god's will. it is religion's attackers that should probably be ashamed. ashamed of entirely missing the point and of their assault on a larger population that has really done them no harm. what you fail to grasp is that faith does not require complete understanding, only the desire to understand and a gratitude for existence. all this ranting has little purpose but to inflate your own ego, a waste of time and an expression of ignorance.
The religious ARE mentally deficient. I'm opposed to all forms of ignorance/stupidity. Especially when someone is proud of it.

By definition of ignorant, you are implying that religious people are missing some facts. Please, enlighten us all.

Not at all. I point out where stupid people use faulty logic that leads them to stupid beliefs unfounded in reality to feel comfortable about death.*
Once again, you completely fail to grasp even a basic definition of the word religion. Religion and spirituality are not means to understand, defy, or become comfortable with death.The point of religion is to live in accordance with the hgher spiritual principles of humanity and to foster a connection with the divine. You are incapable of undestanding these concepts because you are, in fact, the one suffering from a lack of intelligence in crucial areas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_multiple_intelligences#Existential .

Because deep down, each of them knows that if they can find fault in any of them, they couldn't possibly be inspired by god.*

The exact opposite of this is true. Pointing out flaws in the bible, a book which was written by man and modified thousands of times to fit the current political agenda of the time does absolutely nothing to detract from the spiritual nature of human beings. Our minds and bodies have evolved to detect, contemplate, understand, and work with spirit in its many different forms and no amount of pointing out plot holes in a book of fables is going to change that.

You routinely show yourself to be as or more ignorant than the people you seek to insult and demoralize. Furthermore, your incessant need to assert your superiorority to these people and to prove your beliefs to those who don't give a shit speak very strongly toward just who exactly is fostering doubt in their beliefs.
The exact opposite of this is true. Pointing out flaws in the bible, a book which was written by man and modified thousands of times to fit the current political agenda of the time does absolutely nothing to detract from the spiritual nature of human beings. Our minds and bodies have evolved to detect, contemplate, understand, and work with spirit in its many different forms and no amount of pointing out plot holes in a book of fables is going to change that.

I give it about 2 weeks, and this is the stance that Brotherbuz will be touting as well.

Look, I disagree with the way Padawanbater made his post. I (usually) am the last to get rude (unless I want some fun, reference Brotherbuz). But i also disagree wth your defense of the bible. The bible has been the number one thing Christians/Catholics have referenced when trying to remove all doubt from anyone about their faith. To remove that and say its been replaced by 'spiritual bedrock' would go against everything the very religions we speak of have taught for thousands of years.

Now if you want to say YOU are so enlightened that you no longer need the bible, and understand the 'true meaning' (i would assume that would be to lead a good life) then thats great, and i wish more people would do so. But to try to say that we have 'evolved' (that really made me laugh, evolve lol) to not need the book, is a fallacy. Say it like it is friend. YOU have evolved passed the need for the book, and i greatly commend you for that, whatever your spiritual beliefs may be.

Now if only more people who look at their spirituality YOUR WAY would realize that they haven't 'evolved' (again, just funny that someone defending the bible would use that word) or been 'enlightened' at all. They merely walked out of the cave.