Name something that costs less than it did in 1979


Well-Known Member
Can anyone think of something that costs less now than it did in 1979? or Anything that's worth less now than it was 30 years ago? can you think of any thing that costs less than it is worth? what things can you buy that you can't believe you can so easily obtain?
in reagards to the last question, i can't believe how easy it is to obtain personal information about others over the net. anyone with a mastercard and 7 bucks can find out ANYTHING.
Hookers went up as the stress on American has caused an increase in toothless crackwhore blowjobs
Damned... this thread almost seemed as if it were going to be hard to figure something out. Fucking op made it sound impossible aha... good answers. To tired to rep though, sorry...
Pussy In Olonga Po City Philipines. used to get it for 4 bucks quicky including room. sigh the good ole clap days...........STD cost more to cure now.
High end audio equipment......You can also buy a regular tube TV for about 1/4 of what it would have cost you in 1979...Whatever you want to look at you must consider monies actual value in 1979 compared to today....You would be shocked at what you find.