No Humidity in Flower to Increase Thc Production


Active Member
ive been reading some info an it says that if you have no humidity or really low humidity in flower that it will increase resin production,the resin will cover leaves too keep them moist,
i know you have to have low humidity in bloom so not to induce budrot or powdered mildew or what ever other fungus pathogen that wants to have an outbreak,just wanted to know if the lower humidity does really infact increase resin production thank you any info is much appreciated N.T.D


New Member
ive heard this to i think temps your best freind when trying this temp a room at a lower temp cant hold as much water in the air as room with a high temp could yeah know


Well-Known Member
Hi ya NTD :)

Can you link to the info you have regarding this topic ?

i can't be 100% sure , But since i have been using a dehumidifier i have noticed more frosty buds and sugar leaves ....It's a good idea not to have the dehumidifier running all the time as it can really dry the bud up a LOT .... i found a balance and have it running for 3 hours on and 1 hour off ... i find that this keeps the room dry and the buds just slightly moist to the touch .

Also worth noting .... Your room temps will creep up a bit when you run a dehumidifier ...not much ... but keep it in mind if you have already high-ish temps :)

Hope that helps a bit :)


Active Member
sure vento here it is just wondered as i run a dehumidifier an i too have frosty buds really frosty buds, like now i have no humidity in there,they are 19 days into 12/12 an they are starting to frost up already strain ww, was curious if it was just certain strains (i know widow frosts up quite alot) or infact lowering humidity does really increase resin prod,i tried this on my last op an the royal kush was so sticky it was unreal i had to clean the scissors every time i cut,now trying with this i have done a few widows before so i have an idea of where they get to,i hear you on the temps they have increased by about 4-6 degrees but its not too hot in there i use to be able to keep it stable at 78/79 deg but with dehumidifier they move to 85 the girls are loving it though still healthy dark green an lush


Well-Known Member
sure vento here it is just wondered as i run a dehumidifier an i too have frosty buds really frosty buds, like now i have no humidity in there,they are 19 days into 12/12 an they are starting to frost up already strain ww, was curious if it was just certain strains (i know widow frosts up quite alot) or infact lowering humidity does really increase resin prod,i tried this on my last op an the royal kush was so sticky it was unreal i had to clean the scissors every time i cut,now trying with this i have done a few widows before so i have an idea of where they get to,i hear you on the temps they have increased by about 4-6 degrees but its not too hot in there i use to be able to keep it stable at 78/79 deg but with dehumidifier they move to 85 the girls are loving it though still healthy dark green an lush
I would be tempted to say ... don't use the dehumidifier to early in the flower cycle , Plant's love the moisture and humidity during the stretch and bud phase , It's more towards the end of flower ( maybe week 5-6 ) that the positive stressing will work more .

Look up " Positive Stress " for more info .... But for me ...I think its better to let the natural cycle take place as long as you can before you start adding stress , Sure the dehumidifier will keep the room dry and your buds rot free .... but the whole idea that they produce more frost is due to positive stressing .


Active Member
thanks for the tip vento plus rep my friend i have a couple og ops under my belt but are so far from being knowledgable enough yet i will turn the dehumid off for a bit or maybe set it on a timer like 1 hour on 4 off or somewhere in that region thank you
I currently have my girls in the flowering room and my humidity is 0 and they are only week 1 into the flowering so is this ok for them or do they need some in the air? Any help/advice would be great?