The 12-12 From Seed Thread

oh I will be posting pictures as soon as my nirvana master kush breaks ground! And then I'll post pictures of my breeder packed vanilla kush when I receive it. FINALLY getting rollin on this. Your gonna cave into a kush of somesort haha they are just too appealing!


im going for pineapple kush from marijuana nl.........thc bomb fem is more compact than reg, fat main cola, flowers early and quickly, reasonable smoke, easy to grow.
So many friggin strains, i wanna do em all....... Pineapple kush looks good del had a look at that last time i visited gonna get 4 different lots from marijuana nl and that will probably be one of them and then some other strains from picknmix, vanilla kush is a defo white berry, violator kush, tangerine dream, fruity chronic juice, ultra skunk, swiss cheese are all gonna make there way into my basket lol along with a few others should keep me going for a while.
So many friggin strains, i wanna do em all....... Pineapple kush looks good del had a look at that last time i visited gonna get 4 different lots from marijuana nl and that will probably be one of them and then some other strains from picknmix, vanilla kush is a defo white berry, violator kush, tangerine dream, fruity chronic juice, ultra skunk, swiss cheese are all gonna make there way into my basket lol along with a few others should keep me going for a while.

like you say mate so many strains to go are going to like the ultra skunk....probably the easiest thing ive ever grown, dense fat cola, doesnt like being tied down.......
like you say mate so many strains to go are going to like the ultra skunk....probably the easiest thing ive ever grown, dense fat cola, doesnt like being tied down.......

Yeah i remember you saying it was a goodun for a 12/12 grow thats why im going for it, spent a good few hours looking at strains today dont like anything over a 8/9weeker wanna smoke em not look at them for 3 months plus, i will get round to doing more sativas one day i do like the high they give even tho they take an age to finish.
Damn dude going all out huh! Lol I grow for myself thats it. Helps me sleep + wake up in a better mood :joint:

lol, just like to do large orders and get fewer deliverys rather than spread them out this next seed order should do me till the end of the year. Picknmix are outa rocklock.... damm only got a few beans left gonna have to wait on them.
Yea I also noticed they were gone. But that makes sense how you do it, I just dont have a couple hundred bucks to drop at a time. I can spend 60 for five girls that will last me 2 months. Good deal, I hate buying weed.
looks like rocklock is popular.............


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Yea I also noticed they were gone. But that makes sense how you do it, I just dont have a couple hundred bucks to drop at a time. I can spend 60 for five girls that will last me 2 months. Good deal, I hate buying weed.

Trouble is where i am the weed just dont measure up to gear you grow yourself, when im out of gear i hate spending on green too one of the reasons ive wanted to do a perpetual grow for a long time now, harvest every week and never run dry. I aint had a smoke for a while now my last grow went tits up in that they got to big for the cab (its new so im getting to grips with it) so ive been without as i aint gonna waste my cash on shite weed.
Trouble is where i am the weed just dont measure up to gear you grow yourself, when im out of gear i hate spending on green too one of the reasons ive wanted to do a perpetual grow for a long time now, harvest every week and never run dry. I aint had a smoke for a while now my last grow went tits up in that they got to big for the cab (its new so im getting to grips with it) so ive been without as i aint gonna waste my cash on shite weed.

with you there mate, cant remember the last time i bought any......
ha no mate never any roclock in stock when i look , thats another grapefruit i just finished.......

i see lol, i droped picknmix a line today too see when there gonna have some in, could go elsewhere think attitude has em but like hydro shops ill stick too who i know. Grapefruit looks tasty, looking forward to mine gonna be a while tho lol but good things comes to thos that wait.

Wasnt gonna show this grow its one you would not be shouting from the rooftops about and i aint proud of it lol. As you can see these fuckers have gone ape shit and im not sure why since they were all 12/12 from seed. Seriously considering pulling this grow so i can free up this cab and get my perpetual grow going only done 3 grows in it first was sweet, had plants same size shape as the rocklock the second and third (this one) have gone beserk stretched like fuck and it just looks a fucking mess. I dunno it would try the patients of a saint its doing my head in as too why. After this im gonna bin the hydro system there in and use the cab as just a cab with pots and coco when they are like this they block the outake and also humidity goes through the roof its also hard to LST anything as well as tie down points are few and far between. What a mess lol still you live and learn.
Hey jimmy is this the grow i was subed to on your thread i always wanted to see how it turned out, you was growin cheese wasnt you mate? or was that your 1st run in it?
Hey jimmy is this the grow i was subed to on your thread i always wanted to see how it turned out, you was growin cheese wasnt you mate? or was that your 1st run in it?

That was the second grow in this cab pukka and it went the same way this ones gone tits up lol i pulled that cheese grow as they turned into monsters. First grow i did in this went sweet so i thought i do a grow diary the cheese one, then after the flip they just went nuts and kept stretching so i thought bollox and pulled it and id start again im fucked if i now why the first ever grow i did init went sweet and ever since theyve just gone beserk so from now on its pots and coco lol thanks to these fuck ups i aint had a decent smoke in god knows how many weeks thank christ my rocklock aint to far off.
when i used to buy you always got the dry times...aint going to let that happen again........was going to kill a few tonight to make some room but havent the heart.....